Health > Wave 1
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Wave 1
This survey focuses on health, health perception and health related to job situation.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Vis, C.
© 2011 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
ek10a_m | year and month of fieldwork | constructed |
ek10a001 | preloaded variable: gender | preloaded |
ek10a002 | preloaded variable: age | preloaded |
ek10a003 | preloaded variable: payed job or not | preloaded |
ek10a004 | How would you describe your health, generally speaking? | directly measured |
ek10a005 | Can you indicate whether your health is poorer or better, compared to last year? | directly measured |
ek10a006 | felt very anxious | directly measured |
ek10a007 | felt so down that nothing could cheer me up | directly measured |
ek10a008 | felt calm and peaceful | directly measured |
ek10a009 | felt depressed and gloomy | directly measured |
ek10a010 | I felt happy | directly measured |
ek10a011 | How tall are you? | directly measured |
ek10a012 | How much do you weigh, without clothes and shoes? | directly measured |
ek10a013 | Do you suffer from any kind of long-standing disease, affliction or handicap, or do you suffer from the consequences of an accident? | directly measured |
ek10a014 | Can you briefly describe what you suffer from? | directly measured |
ek10a015 | To what extent did your physical health or emotional problems hinder your daily activities over the past month? | directly measured |
ek10a016 | To what extent did your physical health or emotional problems hinder your social activities over the past month? | directly measured |
ek10a017 | To what extent did your physical health or emotional problems hinder your work over the past month, for instance in your job, the housekeeping, or in school? | directly measured |
ek10a018 | walking 100 meters | directly measured |
ek10a019 | sitting for around two hours | directly measured |
ek10a020 | getting up from a chair in which you sat for some time | directly measured |
ek10a021 | walking several stairs without resting in between | directly measured |
ek10a022 | walking up a staircase without resting | directly measured |
ek10a023 | crouching, kneeling, crawling on all fours | directly measured |
ek10a024 | reaching above shoulder height or stretching your arms above shoulder height | directly measured |
ek10a025 | moving large objects such as a diningroom chair | directly measured |
ek10a026 | lifting or carrying a weight of 5 kilos, such as a heavy bag of groceries | directly measured |
ek10a027 | picking up a small coin lying on the table | directly measured |
ek10a028 | dressing and undressing, including shoes and socks | directly measured |
ek10a029 | walking across the room | directly measured |
ek10a030 | bathing or showering | directly measured |
ek10a031 | eating, such as cutting your food into small bits | directly measured |
ek10a032 | getting in and out of bed | directly measured |
ek10a033 | using the toilet, including sitting down and standing up | directly measured |
ek10a034 | reading a map to find your way in an unfamiliar area | directly measured |
ek10a035 | preparing a hot meal | directly measured |
ek10a036 | shopping | directly measured |
ek10a037 | telephoning | directly measured |
ek10a038 | taking medicines | directly measured |
ek10a039 | performing housekeeping work or maintaining the garden | directly measured |
ek10a040 | taking care of financial affairs, such as paying bills and keeping track of expenditure | directly measured |
ek10a041 | hoisting or lifting | directly measured |
ek10a042 | pushing or pulling | directly measured |
ek10a043 | carrying | directly measured |
ek10a044 | working while standing upright | directly measured |
ek10a045 | bending over | directly measured |
ek10a046 | kneeling, crouching or crawling on all fours | directly measured |
ek10a047 | working under drafty circumstances | directly measured |
ek10a048 | working under humid/wet circumstances | directly measured |
ek10a049 | working in stuffy/dusty spaces | directly measured |
ek10a050 | exposure to gasses or fumes | directly measured |
ek10a051 | working while it is cold | directly measured |
ek10a052 | working while it is hot | directly measured |
ek10a053 | working with strong temperature changes | directly measured |
ek10a054 | working in a noisy environment | directly measured |
ek10a055 | walking | directly measured |
ek10a056 | sitting | directly measured |
ek10a057 | working with hands and fingers | directly measured |
ek10a058 | working beyond your capabilities | directly measured |
ek10a059 | working in the open air | directly measured |
ek10a060 | participating in meetings or talks | directly measured |
ek10a061 | reading | directly measured |
ek10a062 | writing | directly measured |
ek10a063 | arithmetic | directly measured |
ek10a064 | working under time pressure | directly measured |
ek10a065 | back-, knee-, hip-pain or pain in any other joint | directly measured |
ek10a066 | heart complaints or angina, pain in the chest due to exertion | directly measured |
ek10a067 | short of breath, problems with breathing | directly measured |
ek10a068 | coughing, a stuffy nose and/or flu-related complaints | directly measured |
ek10a069 | stomach or intestinal problems | directly measured |
ek10a070 | headache | directly measured |
ek10a071 | fatigue | directly measured |
ek10a072 | sleeping problems | directly measured |
ek10a073 | other recurrent complaints | directly measured |
ek10a074 | no recurrent complaints | directly measured |
ek10a075 | angina, pain in the chest | directly measured |
ek10a076 | a heart attack including infarction or coronary thrombosis or another heart problem including heart failure | directly measured |
ek10a077 | high blood pressure or hypertension | directly measured |
ek10a078 | high cholesterol content in blood | directly measured |
ek10a079 | a stroke or brain infarction or a disease affecting the blood vessels | directly measured |
ek10a080 | diabetes or a too high blood sugar level | directly measured |
ek10a081 | chronic lung disease such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema | directly measured |
ek10a082 | asthma | directly measured |
ek10a083 | arthritis, including osteoarthritis, or rheumatism, bone decalcification | directly measured |
ek10a084 | cancer or malignant tumor, including leukemia or lymphoma | directly measured |
ek10a085 | a gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer | directly measured |
ek10a086 | Parkinson's disease | directly measured |
ek10a087 | cataract | directly measured |
ek10a088 | a broken hip or thigh bone | directly measured |
ek10a089 | another fracture | directly measured |
ek10a090 | Alzheimer, dementia, organic brain syndrome, senility | directly measured |
ek10a091 | benign tumor (skin tumor, polyps, angioma) | directly measured |
ek10a092 | other afflictions not yet mentioned | directly measured |
ek10a093 | no diseases / problems | directly measured |
ek10a094 | How many days during the last month were you unable to go to work, perform housekeeping work or attend school, due to disease? | directly measured |
ek10a095 | At this moment, do you go to work as normal, or do you not or only partly go to work on account of your health? | directly measured |
ek10a096 | For how long have you not been working?: number of months | directly measured |
ek10a097 | For how long have you not been working?: number of weeks | directly measured |
ek10a098 | For how long have you not been working?: number of days | directly measured |
ek10a099 | Can you indicate what kind of health problems or what kind of affliction you are suffering from? | directly measured |
ek10a100 | To what extent does your health trouble you in performing your work? | directly measured |
ek10a101 | Is there (other) paid work you could do that would cause you less or no trouble? | directly measured |
ek10a102 | For how long have you been suffering from your health problems?: number of years | directly measured |
ek10a103 | For how long have you been suffering from your health problems?: number of months | directly measured |
ek10a104 | For how long have you been suffering from your health problems?: number of weeks | directly measured |
ek10a105 | For how long have you been suffering from your health problems?: number of days | directly measured |
ek10a106 | Were your health problems caused by the type of work activities of your current job? | directly measured |
ek10a107 | Does your employer take your health problems into account? | directly measured |
ek10a108 | In what way does your employer help you? - adaptation of my function | directly measured |
ek10a109 | In what way does your employer help you? - help in performing activities | directly measured |
ek10a110 | In what way does your employer help you? - adjusted working hours | directly measured |
ek10a111 | In what way does your employer help you? - more breaks | directly measured |
ek10a112 | In what way does your employer help you? - (help with) retraining | directly measured |
ek10a113 | In what way does your employer help you? - acquisition of special equipment | directly measured |
ek10a114 | In what way does your employer help you? - special means of transportation | directly measured |
ek10a115 | In what way does your employer help you? - other | directly measured |
ek10a116 | In what way does your employer help you? | directly measured |
ek10a117 | Do you expect that your health problems will be temporary? | directly measured |
ek10a118 | Have you ever smoked? | preloaded |
ek10a119 | Do you smoke now? | preloaded |
ek10a120 | cigarettes (including rolling tobacco) | directly measured |
ek10a121 | pipe | directly measured |
ek10a122 | cigars or cigarillos | directly measured |
ek10a123 | How many cigarettes (including rolling tobacco) [did/do] you smoke on average per day? | directly measured |
ek10a124 | How many pipes [did/do] you smoke on average per day? | directly measured |
ek10a125 | How many cigars or cigarillos [did/do] you smoke on average per day? | directly measured |
ek10a126 | How often did you have a drink containing alcohol over the last 12 months? | directly measured |
ek10a127 | Did you have a drink containing alcohol during the last seven days (excluding today)? | directly measured |
ek10a128 | On how many of the past seven days did you have a drink containing alcohol? | directly measured |
ek10a129 | beer of regular strength with less than 6% alcohol | directly measured |
ek10a130 | strong beer with 6% alcohol or more | directly measured |
ek10a131 | strong spirits or liquors | directly measured |
ek10a132 | sherry or martini | directly measured |
ek10a133 | wine (including champagne) | directly measured |
ek10a134 | premixes, alcohol pops, blasters and shooters | directly measured |
ek10a135 | other types of drinks containing alcohol | directly measured |
ek10a136 | other type of alcoholic drink | directly measured |
ek10a137 | other type of alcoholic drink | directly measured |
ek10a138 | number of glasses (count large glasses as 2) | directly measured |
ek10a139 | number of half liter glasses (pints) | directly measured |
ek10a140 | number of half liter cans or bottles | directly measured |
ek10a141 | number of small cans or bottles | directly measured |
ek10a142 | number of glasses (count large glasses as 2) | directly measured |
ek10a143 | number of half liter glasses (pints) | directly measured |
ek10a144 | number of half liter cans or bottles | directly measured |
ek10a145 | number of small cans or bottles | directly measured |
ek10a146 | strong spirits or liquor, such as gin, whisky, rum, brandy, vodka or cocktails | directly measured |
ek10a147 | sherry or martini (including port, vermouth, Cinzano, Dubonnet) | directly measured |
ek10a148 | wine (including champagne) | directly measured |
ek10a149 | Can you indicate below how many small cans or bottles of premixes, alcohol pops, blasters and shooters? | directly measured |
ek10a150 | Can you indicate below how many glasses [ek10a136] you drank that day (count large glasses as 2)? | directly measured |
ek10a151 | Can you indicate below how many glasses [ek10a137] you drank that day (count large glasses as 2)? | directly measured |
ek10a152 | sedatives (such as valium) | directly measured |
ek10a153 | soft drugs such as hashish, marijuana | directly measured |
ek10a154 | XTC | directly measured |
ek10a155 | hallucinogens such as LSD, magic mushrooms | directly measured |
ek10a156 | hard drugs (stimulants, cocaine, heroine) | directly measured |
ek10a157 | sedatives (such as valium) | directly measured |
ek10a158 | soft drugs such as hashish, marijuana | directly measured |
ek10a159 | XTC | directly measured |
ek10a160 | hallucinogens such as LSD, magic mushrooms | directly measured |
ek10a161 | hard drugs (stimulants, cocaine, heroine) | directly measured |
ek10a162 | high blood cholesterol | directly measured |
ek10a163 | high blood pressure | directly measured |
ek10a164 | heart or brain infarction | directly measured |
ek10a165 | other heart diseases | directly measured |
ek10a166 | asthma | directly measured |
ek10a167 | diabetes | directly measured |
ek10a168 | joint pain or joint infection | directly measured |
ek10a169 | other pains (such as headache, backache, etc.) | directly measured |
ek10a170 | sleeping problems | directly measured |
ek10a171 | anxiety or depression | directly measured |
ek10a172 | osteoporosis (hormonal) | directly measured |
ek10a173 | osteoporosis (non-hormonal) | directly measured |
ek10a174 | heartburn | directly measured |
ek10a175 | chronic bronchitis | directly measured |
ek10a176 | other complaints or diseased not yet mentioned | directly measured |
ek10a177 | I do not take any medicine | directly measured |
ek10a178 | If you look back on the last 7 days, on how many of those days did you perform strenuous physical activity? | directly measured |
ek10a179 | number of hours per day | directly measured |
ek10a180 | number of minutes per day | directly measured |
ek10a181 | If you think of the past 7 days, on how many of those days did you perform moderately intensive physical activity? | directly measured |
ek10a182 | number of hours per day | directly measured |
ek10a183 | number of minutes per day | directly measured |
ek10a184 | If you look back on the last 7 days, on how many of those days did you spend at least 10 minutes walking? | directly measured |
ek10a185 | number of hours per day | directly measured |
ek10a186 | number of minutes per day | directly measured |
ek10a187 | number of hours per day | directly measured |
ek10a188 | number of minutes per day | directly measured |
ek10a189 | Do you eat raw or cooked vegetables? | directly measured |
ek10a190 | Do you eat fruit? | directly measured |
ek10a191 | Do you eat wholewheat products (rice, grains, dough products, bread)? | directly measured |
ek10a192 | Do you eat fish or other seafood? | directly measured |
ek10a193 | Do you eat meat or meat products? | directly measured |
ek10a194 | What is your target weight? | directly measured |
ek10a195 | Do you follow a diet to achieve (maintain) this target weight? | directly measured |
ek10a196 | Did you have a flu vaccination during the past 12 months? | directly measured |
ek10a197 | family physician | directly measured |
ek10a198 | psychiatrist/psychologist/psychotherapist | directly measured |
ek10a199 | medical specialist at a hospital | directly measured |
ek10a200 | physiotherapist | directly measured |
ek10a201 | dentist | directly measured |
ek10a202 | homecare | directly measured |
ek10a203 | homeopath | directly measured |
ek10a204 | acupuncturist | directly measured |
ek10a205 | alternative medical practitioner | directly measured |
ek10a206 | magnetist | directly measured |
ek10a207 | paranormal healer | directly measured |
ek10a208 | other alternative healer | directly measured |
ek10a209 | internist | directly measured |
ek10a210 | gynaecologist | directly measured |
ek10a211 | heart specialist (cardiologist) | directly measured |
ek10a212 | neurologist | directly measured |
ek10a213 | ophthalmologist | directly measured |
ek10a214 | throat, nose and ear specialist | directly measured |
ek10a215 | surgeon | directly measured |
ek10a216 | orthopedic surgeon | directly measured |
ek10a217 | psychiatrist | directly measured |
ek10a218 | other specialist | directly measured |
ek10a219 | other specialist | directly measured |
ek10a220 | Did you spend any time in hospital or a clinic over the past 12 months? | directly measured |
ek10a221 | How long did you spend in hospital the last time? | directly measured |
ek10a222 | Did you undergo an operation during this hospitalization? | directly measured |
ek10a223 | Do you usually wear (reading) glasses or contact lenses? | directly measured |
ek10a224 | Is your eyesight [with (reading)glasses] ... | directly measured |
ek10a225 | Do you usually wear a hearing aid? | directly measured |
ek10a226 | Is your hearing [with hearing aid..] ... | directly measured |
ek10a227 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
ek10a228 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
ek10a229 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
ek10a230 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
ek10a231 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
ek10a232 | Starting date of the questionnaire | constructed |
ek10a233 | Starting time of the questionnaire | constructed |
ek10a234 | End date of the questionnaire | constructed |
ek10a235 | End time of the questionnaire | constructed |
ek10a236 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Health, Wave 1
This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch.
Browse Health, Wave 1Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2308 (100.0%)Nonresponse: 561 (24.3%)
Response: 1747 ( 75.7%)
Complete: 1736 ( 75.2%)
Incomplete: 11 (0.5%)
Collection Events
01-11-2010 to 30-11-2010
panel members of 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was sent twice to non-respondents