Election Campaigns 2010 > National Elections for the House of Representatives 2010

Single Wave Study

General Information

National Elections for the House of Representatives 2010
Project Number
In June 2010, the LISS panel was presented the National Elections for the House of Representatives 2010 questionnaire. This questionnaire concerns the general elections for the House of Representatives 2010 and the political campaigns that accompanied the elections.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Van Aelst, P.
© 2011 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

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Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
em10a_mMonth in which the questionnaire was completedconstructed
em10a001Group distributionconstructed
em10a002We will begin with a question about the campaign conducted in the run-up to the House of Representatives elections of 9 June.In your opinion, did the campaign show:directly measured
em10a003I have learnt more about the candidates running in this electiondirectly measured
em10a004I have learnt quite a bit more about the viewpoints of the political partiesdirectly measured
em10a005This campaign did not do politics any gooddirectly measured
em10a006The media have done a good job reporting on the electionsdirectly measured
em10a007I thought the campaign was very interestingdirectly measured
em10a008I was more concerned with politics during this campaign than before the campaigndirectly measured
em10a009The parties conducted their campaigns in an informative mannerdirectly measured
em10a010The media spent too little attention on these electionsdirectly measured
em10a011I have learnt quite a bit more about the viewpoints of the political party for which I voteddirectly measured
em10a012Did you follow the election campaign very intensively, intensively, not so intensively or not at all?directly measured
em10a013If the newspaper carried news about the election campaign, did you read that item:directly measured
em10a014In the week preceding the election, debates were held on television between the top candidates of the main political parties. How often did you watch these debates? I have…directly measured
em10a015Can you indicate your degree of interest in politics?directly measured
em10a016How important to your personal life are the matters that are discussed and decided on in the Municipal Council?directly measured
em10a017How important to your personal life are the matters that are discussed and decided on in the Provinciale Staten (States-Provincial)?directly measured
em10a018How important to your personal life are the matters that are discussed and decided on in the Tweede Kamer (House of Representatives)?directly measured
em10a019How important to your personal life are the matters that are discussed and decided on in the European Parliament?directly measured
em10a020Did you vote in the national elections for the House of Representatives on June 9?directly measured
em10a021Did you authorize someone to vote for you by proxy; or did you vote yourself?directly measured
em10a022Which party did you vote for on June 9?directly measured
em10a023Which other party did you vote for on 9 juni?directly measured
em10a024When did you decide to vote for this party?directly measured
em10a025Did you vote for the first candidate on the party list or for another candidate?directly measured
em10a026When did you decide not to vote?directly measured
em10a027Suppose that you had in fact voted, which party would you have voted for?directly measured
em10a028When we look at the achievements of the government in The Hague in the past three years, how has the government according to you done her job?directly measured
em10a029Where would you place yourself on a line from 1 to 7, where 1 means nuclear power plants should be build quickly an 7 means that they shouldn’t be build?directly measured
em10a030Where would you place yourself on a line from 1 to 7, where 1 means that the European unification should go even further and 7 that the unification has already gone too far?directly measured
em10a031Where would you place yourself on a line from 1 to 7, where 1 means that the Netherlands should never provide soldiers and 7 means that the Netherlands should always provide soldiers when asked for?directly measured
em10a032Where would you place yourself on a line from 1 to 7, where 1 means that immigrants can retain their own culture and 7 means that they should adapt entirely?directly measured
em10a033CDA (Christian Democrat party)directly measured
em10a034PvdA (Labor Party)directly measured
em10a035VVD (Liberals)directly measured
em10a036D66 (social-liberals)directly measured
em10a037GroenLinks (green party)directly measured
em10a038PVV (Freedom Party)directly measured
em10a039SP (Socialist Party)directly measured
em10a040ChristenUnie (Christian Union party)directly measured
em10a041CDA (Christian Democrat party)directly measured
em10a042PvdA (Labor Party)directly measured
em10a043VVD (Liberals)directly measured
em10a044D66 (social-liberals)directly measured
em10a045GroenLinks (green party)directly measured
em10a046PVV (Freedom Party)directly measured
em10a047SP (Socialist Party)directly measured
em10a048ChristenUnie (Christian Union party)directly measured
em10a049CDA (Christian Democrat party)directly measured
em10a050PvdA (Labor Party)directly measured
em10a051VVD (Liberals)directly measured
em10a052D66 (social-liberals)directly measured
em10a053GroenLinks (green party)directly measured
em10a054PVV (Freedom Party)directly measured
em10a055SP (Socialist Party)directly measured
em10a056ChristenUnie (Christian Union party)directly measured
em10a057Do you personally feel that voting in elections is primarily a civic duty or a choice?directly measured
em10a058To what extent do you see voting in elections as a civic duty?directly measured
em10a059Is there a particular political party that you feel more affiliated with than all the others?directly measured
em10a060How affiliated do you feel with this party?directly measured
em10a061When you think of your own political beliefs, where would you place yourself on a line from 0 to 10?directly measured
em10a062How satisfied are you, generally speaking, about the functioning of democracy in the Netherlands?directly measured
em10a063How about the way democracy functions in the European Union, how satisfied are you about that?directly measured
em10a064MP’s do not care about opinions of people like me.directly measured
em10a065Political parties are only interested in my vote and not in my opinion.directly measured
em10a066People like me have absolutely no influence on governmental policy.directly measured
em10a067I am well qualified to play an active role in politics.directly measured
em10a068I have a good understanding of the most important political problems in our country.directly measured
em10a069Sometimes politics seems so complicated that people like me cannot really understand what is going on.directly measured
em10a070Although they know better, politicians promise more than they can deliver.directly measured
em10a071Ministers and junior-ministers are primarily concerned about their personal interests.directly measured
em10a072One is more likely to become a member of parliament because of one’s political friends than because of one’s abilities.directly measured
em10a073Do you think the membership of the Netherlands of the EU is in general: a good thing; a bad thing; or neither, bad, nor good?directly measured
em10a074The mayor should be elected by the inhabitants of the municipality.directly measured
em10a075On some of the important decisions in our country voters should be able to vote by means of a referendum.directly measured
em10a076The Prime Minister should be directly elected by the voters.directly measured
em10a077Regional differences are not enough accounted for at the composition of the Second Chamber.directly measured
em10a078The Netherlands should become a republic without a royal family.directly measured
em10a079Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
em10a080Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
em10a081Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
em10a082Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
em10a083Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
em10a084Starting date questionnaireconstructed
em10a085Starting time questionnaireconstructed
em10a086End date questionnaireconstructed
em10a087End time questionnaireconstructed
em10a088Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: National Elections for the House of Representatives 2010

This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch

Browse National Elections for the House of Representatives 2010

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 7685 (100.0%)
Nonresponse: 2630 (34.2%)
Response: 5055 (65.8%)
Complete: 5000 (65.1%)
Incomplete: 55 (0.7%)
Collection Events
10-06-2010 to 30-06-2010
members of the LISS panel of 18 years of age and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was sent twice to non-respondents