Tilburg Consumer Outlook Monitor > 2010 December
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
2010 December
Project Number
This is the sixth TILCOM measurement, conducted in December 2010.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Yabar, Jaione, Pieters, Rik, Leenheer, Jorna
© 2010 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the respondent encrypted | preloaded |
bd10f_m | Year and month of field work period | constructed |
bd10f202 | first positive trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f203 | second positive trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f204 | third positive trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f205 | fourth positive trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f206 | fifth positive trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f207 | sixth positive trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f208 | first negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f209 | second negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f210 | third negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f211 | fourth negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f212 | fifth negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f213 | sixth negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f214 | seventh negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f215 | eighth negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f216 | ninth negative trait displayed | constructed |
bd10f217 | first block emotions displayed | constructed |
bd10f218 | second block emotions displayed | constructed |
bd10f303 | Position of questions on General Old Age Pension Act (AOW) | constructed |
bd10f304 | Position of question on allocation of amount | constructed |
bd10f226 | position of questions on economic situation worldwide | constructed |
bd10f305 | text question bd10f312 - bd10f314 | constructed |
bd10f306 | year of birth panel member | preloaded |
bd10f307 | age panel member | preloaded |
bd10f308 | year in which panel member turns 65 | preloaded |
bd10f227 | How do you see the development of the general economic situation worldwide? Do you think that, worldwide over the past 12 months, things have got better or worse, or stayed the same? | directly measured |
bd10f228 | And how do you see the coming 12 months? Will the general economic situation worldwide get better or worse, or stay the same? | directly measured |
bd10f065 | Do you think that, in the Netherlands over the past 12 months, things have got better or worse, or stayed the same? | directly measured |
bd10f066 | And how do you see the coming twelve months? | directly measured |
bd10f067 | Has the financial situation of your household got better or worse over the past 12 months? | directly measured |
bd10f068 | How do you think the financial situation of your household will develop over the coming 12 months? | directly measured |
bd10f158 | Do you think that the present time is favorable or unfavorable for people to make large purchases? | directly measured |
bd10f069 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: optimistic | directly measured |
bd10f070 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: happy | directly measured |
bd10f071 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: secure | directly measured |
bd10f072 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: proud | directly measured |
bd10f073 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: interested | directly measured |
bd10f074 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: relaxed | directly measured |
bd10f075 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: insecure | directly measured |
bd10f076 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: sad | directly measured |
bd10f077 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: pessimistic | directly measured |
bd10f078 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: ashamed | directly measured |
bd10f079 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: worried | directly measured |
bd10f080 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: anxious | directly measured |
bd10f081 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: guilty | directly measured |
bd10f082 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: angry | directly measured |
bd10f083 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, right away I feel: envious | directly measured |
bd10f084 | When I picture to myself how the financial situation of my household will be over the coming 12 months, all in all I feel... | directly measured |
bd10f085 | In the past 12 months (calculated back from today), did you or someone in your household buy a house or have a house built? | directly measured |
bd10f086 | In the past 12 months (calculated back from today), did you or someone in your household buy a new car (not second-hand or used)? | directly measured |
bd10f087 | In the past 12 months (calculated back from today), did you or someone in your household buy new big appliances, such as a washing machine or television? | directly measured |
bd10f088 | In the past 12 months (calculated back from today), did you or someone in your household buy new big interior objects, such as furniture? | directly measured |
bd10f229 | In the past 12 months (calculated back from today), did you or someone in your household take a long holiday (more than eight consecutive days)? | directly measured |
bd10f230 | In the past 12 months (calculated back from today), did you or someone in your household take a short holiday (two to seven days consecutively)? | directly measured |
bd10f094 | How much chance is there that you or someone in your household will, in the coming 12 months buy a house or have a house built? | directly measured |
bd10f095 | How much chance is there that you or someone in your household will, in the coming 12 months buy a new car (not second-hand or used)? | directly measured |
bd10f096 | How much chance is there that you or someone in your household will, in the coming 12 months buy new big appliances, such as a washing machine or television? | directly measured |
bd10f097 | How much chance is there that you or someone in your household will, in the coming 12 months buy new big interior objects, such as furniture? | directly measured |
bd10f231 | How much chance is there that you or someone in your household will, in the coming 12 months take a long holiday (more than eight consecutive days)? | directly measured |
bd10f232 | How much chance is there that you or someone in your household will, in the coming 12 months take a short holiday (two to seven days consecutively)? | directly measured |
bd10f233 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I transferred money to a savings account. | directly measured |
bd10f234 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I postponed or waited with large purchases (such as furniture, washing machines, televisions, cars). | directly measured |
bd10f235 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I brought forward large purchases that need to be made anyhow (such as furniture, washing machines, televisions, cars). | directly measured |
bd10f107 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I spent money on clothing and clothing accessories. | directly measured |
bd10f108 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I spent money on eating out in restaurants. | directly measured |
bd10f109 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I spent money on leisure (such as visiting the cinema and performance acts) and on sports (including membership fees and materials). | directly measured |
bd10f236 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I spent money on daily groceries (such as supermarket, butcher, bakery). | directly measured |
bd10f110 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I did my daily grocery shopping at shops that focus especially on the price of their products, rather than on quality. | directly measured |
bd10f237 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I when doing daily grocery shopping, took note of special offers and discounts. | directly measured |
bd10f238 | Compared to what I did before, in the last six months I when doing daily grocery shopping, bought house brands rather than the well-known brands. | directly measured |
bd10f239 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to transfer money to a savings account. | directly measured |
bd10f240 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to postpone or wait with large purchases (such as furniture, washing machines, televisions, cars. | directly measured |
bd10f241 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to bring forward large purchases that need to be made anyhow (such as furniture, washing machines, televisions, cars). | directly measured |
bd10f117 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to spend money on clothing and clothing accessories. | directly measured |
bd10f118 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to spend money on eating out in restaurants. | directly measured |
bd10f119 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to spend money on leisure (such as visiting the cinema and performance acts) and on sports (including membership fees and materials). | directly measured |
bd10f242 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months I intend to spend money on daily groceries (such as supermarket, butcher, bakery). | directly measured |
bd10f120 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to do my daily grocery shopping at shops that focus especially on the price of their products, rather than on quality. | directly measured |
bd10f243 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to when doing daily grocery shopping, to take note of special offers and discounts. | directly measured |
bd10f244 | Compared to what I do at present, in the coming six months, I intend to when doing daily grocery shopping, to buy house brands rather than the well-known brands. | directly measured |
bd10f123 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you about your social contacts? | directly measured |
bd10f124 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you about the total amount of income available to your household? | directly measured |
bd10f125 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you about your health? | directly measured |
bd10f126 | Everything considered, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you about your life as a whole, at present? | directly measured |
bd10f127 | Over the past four weeks, for how much of the time were you a very nervous person? | directly measured |
bd10f128 | Over the past four weeks, for how much of the time did you feel very energetic? | directly measured |
bd10f129 | Over the past four weeks, for how much of the time did you feel gloomy and dejected? | directly measured |
bd10f130 | Over the past four weeks, for how much of the time did you feel exhausted? | directly measured |
bd10f131 | Do you currently have a partner? | directly measured |
bd10f132 | In the overview below, please indicate what your partner’s main activity is at present. | directly measured |
bd10f133 | In the overview below, please indicate what your main activity is at present. | directly measured |
bd10f134 | What chance do you think there is that you might lose your job over the coming twelve months? | directly measured |
bd10f135 | What chance do you think there is that your partner might lose his or her job over the coming twelve months? | directly measured |
bd10f136 | Over the past twelve months, have you received financial assistance from someone in your social environment, such as a family member, friend or acquaintance, to the amount of at least one week’s income of your household? | directly measured |
bd10f137 | Over the past twelve months, have you provided financial assistance to someone in your social environment, such as a family member, friend or acquaintance, to the amount of at least one week’s income of your household? | directly measured |
bd10f309 | What is the net amount that a single person with a full AOW currently receives per month (including tax credit)? | directly measured |
bd10f310 | How much would the net monthly amount of a full AOW for a single person have to be in the year that you turn 65, in order to maintain the current purchasing power of the AOW for a single person? | directly measured |
bd10f311 | How much do you think the AOW amount will be in that year? | directly measured |
bd10f312 | leave on the current account so you can access it directly: | directly measured |
bd10f313 | spend on useful and/or pleasurable things: | directly measured |
bd10f314 | transfer to a separate long-term savings account to use at a later date: | directly measured |
bd10f315 | I can easily distinguish major from minor issues in a conversation or discussion | directly measured |
bd10f316 | I try to see the bigger connection between various minor issues | directly measured |
bd10f317 | I am good at abstract thinking | directly measured |
bd10f318 | I quite naturally see the ‘red thread’ running through a certain story or argument | directly measured |
bd10f319 | I quickly recognize a regularity in things that seem disorderly | directly measured |
bd10f320 | I am good at looking at everyday things from a distance | directly measured |
bd10f321 | I first examine questions specifically, before focusing on the general aspects | directly measured |
bd10f322 | I first consider the parts of something before looking at the whole | directly measured |
bd10f323 | In a conversation or discussion, I can easily distinguish the details from the whole | directly measured |
bd10f324 | I am good at unraveling a certain subject into its finer details | directly measured |
bd10f325 | Assuming overall conditions to be the same, which of the following tax systems would you prefer? | directly measured |
bd10f326 | Where do you think you will find yourself at the end of your life, in terms of the following scale: with those people that mainly pay to the government or with those people that mainly ‘get back’ from the government | directly measured |
bd10f327 | Generally speaking, people get what they deserve in life... | directly measured |
bd10f328 | I have no problems at all with other people seeing the expensive things I buy or the expensive clothes I wear. | directly measured |
bd10f329 | I am against buying expensive luxury items, because not everyone can afford such things. | directly measured |
bd10f148 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
bd10f149 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
bd10f150 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
bd10f151 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
bd10f152 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
bd10f153 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
bd10f154 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
bd10f155 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
bd10f156 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
bd10f157 | duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Questionnaire TILCOM1210
This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch.
Browse Questionnaire TILCOM1210Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 3,747 (100%)Non-response: 1,014 (27.1%)
Actual response: 2,733 (72.9%)
Complete: 2,667 (71.2%)
Incomplete: 66 (1.8%)
Collection Events
06-12-2010 to 29-12-2010
random sample of 3,747 panel members
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was sent twice to non-respondents