Spirituality and meaning in life

Single Wave Study

General Information

Spirituality and meaning in life
Project Number
This study is about religion, spirituality and meaning in life.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Pepijn van Houwelingen (Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP)); Joep de Hart (Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP))
© 2024 Centerdata
Funding Organization
Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP)
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encrypteddirectly measured
aaf20a_mYear and month of the field work perioddirectly measured
aaf20a001Were respondents presented a ‘don’t know’ category for the questions aaf20a022, aaf20a023, aaf20a054 and aaf20a055?directly measured
aaf20a002Which questions were presented to the respondents at the end of the questionnaire? directly measured
aaf20a003Do you see yourself as part of a church community or another faith-based community? directly measured
aaf20a004Which church or other faith-based community is that? directly measured
aaf20a005How often in the past six months did you [visit the [church/temple/mosque]? / convene with others to share the faith?] directly measured
aaf20a006All things considered, how happy are you on a scale from 0 to 10?directly measured
aaf20a007All things considered, how meaningful do you find the things you do in your life, on a scale from 0 to 10?directly measured
aaf20a008There is a comprehensible structure to my life directly measured
aaf20a009There is nothing special about my lifedirectly measured
aaf20a010I have goals in life that I try to achieve directly measured
aaf20a011Even in a thousand years from now, it will still matter whether I existed or not directly measured
aaf20a012I have life goals that give meaning to my life (by life goals we mean a higher goal that gives direction to your life)directly measured
aaf20a013I have life goals for which I give up some thingsdirectly measured
aaf20a014I know what my life is aboutdirectly measured
aaf20a015I can meaningfully relate to the things that happen in my lifedirectly measured
aaf20a016I have life goals that are very important to me directly measured
aaf20a017I understand my lifedirectly measured
aaf20a018It makes a difference that I once existed, even when I consider how huge the universe isdirectly measured
aaf20a019The direction in my life motivates medirectly measured
aaf20a020I am certain that my life matters directly measured
aaf20a021When I oversee my life as a whole, then it does make sense directly measured
aaf20a022I feel the need to once in a while contemplate the meaning of my life directly measured
aaf20a023The meaning of your own life is a topic that doesn’t really interest me directly measured
aaf20a024The state must not  financially support church parishes.directly measured
aaf20a025The state must not financially support mosques.directly measured
aaf20a026The state must not financially support church communities.directly measured
aaf20a027The state must not financially support parishes, mosques or church communities.directly measured
aaf20a028The state must guarantee that every place in the country keeps at least one church building where people can convene. directly measured
aaf20a029It would be a good thing if churches ceased to exist directly measured
aaf20a030If no one believes in God anymore, then morality is in dangerdirectly measured
aaf20a031If the churches cease to exist, egoism will have free reindirectly measured
aaf20a032Faith in God prevents society from decaying directly measured
aaf20a033Without churches,...there would be fewer people willing to do voluntary work for othersdirectly measured
aaf20a034Without churches,...there would be fewer people with outdated opinions directly measured
aaf20a035Without churches,...many people would no longer know whether life has any meaning directly measured
aaf20a036Without churches,...people would really start to change society instead of waiting for a better life after deathdirectly measured
aaf20a037Without churches,...the more vulnerable groups in society would be left to look after themselvesdirectly measured
aaf20a038Without churches,...there would be fewer conflicts directly measured
aaf20a039Which statement MOST resembles your opinion about God?directly measured
aaf20a040Do you feel an affinity with the following religious and other worldview traditions? Christianitydirectly measured
aaf20a041Do you feel an affinity with the following religious and other worldview traditions? Islamdirectly measured
aaf20a042Do you feel an affinity with the following religious and other worldview traditions? Hinduismdirectly measured
aaf20a043Do you feel an affinity with the following religious and other worldview traditions? Buddhismdirectly measured
aaf20a044Do you feel an affinity with the following religious and other worldview traditions? Judaismdirectly measured
aaf20a045Do you feel an affinity with the following religious and other worldview traditions? Humanismdirectly measured
aaf20a046Do you feel a further affinity with one or more other religious or worldview traditions, and if so, which one or which ones? directly measured
aaf20a047Do you ever go to a certain place in order to reflect on everything you do?directly measured
aaf20a048Have you ever participated in a course, training, workshop or contemplative weekend, with a focus on spirituality or the deeper meaning of life? directly measured
aaf20a049Do you ever light a candle for something or someone?directly measured
aaf20a050Do you have a ‘sacred’ spot at home, like a home altar or meditation spot? directly measured
aaf20a051Do you practice or have you practiced yoga in recent years?directly measured
aaf20a052Do you practice or have you practiced meditation in recent years?directly measured
aaf20a053Have you ever visited a spiritual or paranormal fair? directly measured
aaf20a054Are you...spiritually inclined?directly measured
aaf20a055Are you...religiously inclined?directly measured
aaf20a056Please briefly describe [your spirituality/your religious faith/your religious faith or your spirituality]?directly measured
aaf20a057Certain numbers or objects bring good fortune (e.g. the number seven, a necklace, a stone, a photograph)directly measured
aaf20a058Some clairvoyants truly can tell the futuredirectly measured
aaf20a059A person’s star sign at birth or someone’s horoscope can influence the course of his/her futuredirectly measured
aaf20a060It is possible to communicate with the dead via a medium directly measured
aaf20a061To what extent do you find it important to: strive to develop your higher or deeper Self?directly measured
aaf20a062To what extent do you find it important to: try to recover your divine origin?directly measured
aaf20a063To what extent do you find it important to: work on expanding your consciousness?directly measured
aaf20a064To what extent do you find it important to: strive to become more intuitive and sensitive?directly measured
aaf20a065To what extent do you find it important to: seek a balance between body and spirit?directly measured
aaf20a066To what extent do you find it important to: discover and develop your hidden talents? directly measured
aaf20a067There is a power or life energy that binds us all together.directly measured
aaf20a068We are all part of a greater consciousness.directly measured
aaf20a069Everything is energy.directly measured
aaf20a070Everything is connected to everything else.directly measured
aaf20a071All answers can be found within yourself.directly measured
aaf20a072You must rely on your inner voice.directly measured
aaf20a073It is important to pursue self-knowledge.directly measured
aaf20a074Self-knowledge is knowledge of God/the divine.directly measured
aaf20a075Personal insight, based on inner experience, is the only thing you should listen to.directly measured
aaf20a076Each one of us has a unique role to play on this earth.directly measured
aaf20a077It is good to experiment with teachings and practices based on different traditions, to see what works best for you.directly measured
aaf20a078There are many sources of wisdom for us to draw on.directly measured
aaf20a079You can combine different teachings and practices to create what suits you best. directly measured
aaf20a080There are many roads to wisdom, but they all spring from the same eternal source.directly measured
aaf20a081I am never entirely sure about the truth that I adhere to.directly measured
aaf20a082Every insight you gain is provisional.directly measured
aaf20a083In my experience, questions play a more important role than answers.directly measured
aaf20a084I feel that it is very important to continue seeking after deeper insights.directly measured
aaf20a085Doubts and uncertainties are often very important to me as well.directly measured
aaf20a086The experience of a personal crisis contributes importantly to gaining deeper insights and ideas.directly measured
aaf20a087I experience an inner power.directly measured
aaf20a088I experience my life as valuable.directly measured
aaf20a089My life has a purpose.directly measured
aaf20a090I feel connected with other people, even if they are very different from me. directly measured
aaf20a091I feel connected with all life around me.directly measured
aaf20a092I feel a strong connection with nature.directly measured
aaf20a093When in nature, I reconnect with deeper layers in myself. directly measured
aaf20a094I have the most intense experiences in nature.directly measured
aaf20a095An experience of the presence of God/the divine/a higher power.directly measured
aaf20a096An experience of connectedness with God/the divine/a higher power. directly measured
aaf20a097An experience of connectedness with a universal power.directly measured
aaf20a098An experience where I seemed to be drawn into a force or power greater than myself.directly measured
aaf20a099A confluence of events in my life that gave me the feeling: this cannot be just coincidence.directly measured
aaf20a100An experience of receiving help in answer to my prayer.directly measured
aaf20a101An experience in which the nature of reality became clear to me.directly measured
aaf20a102An experience in which all things appeared to be part of a greater whole.directly measured
aaf20a103An experience in which everything seemed perfect.directly measured
aaf20a104Have you started thinking differently about the meaning or significance of your life, over the course of your life? directly measured
aaf20a105Could you briefly explain your answer? And if you did start thinking differently about this, can you describe the reason or cause of that? directly measured
aaf20a106Finally, can you explain what you associate with the word ‘spirituality’?directly measured
aaf20a107Do you think that a meaningful life is the same as a happy life ? directly measured
aaf20a108Could you briefly explain your answer? directly measured
aaf20a109Finally, can you describe what gives meaning or significance to your life? directly measured
aaf20a110Do you think life is worth living?directly measured
aaf20a111Could you briefly explain your answer?directly measured
aaf20a112Finally, how do attribute meaning to a severe setback in your life, such as the death of a loved one, a serious illness or grave injustice? directly measured
aaf20a113The researchers would like to talk further with people about faith and meaning in life. Would you be willing to be interviewed about this topic? directly measured
aaf20a114Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
aaf20a115Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
aaf20a116Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
aaf20a117Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
aaf20a118Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
aaf20a119Starting date questionnairedirectly measured
aaf20a120Starting time questionnairedirectly measured
aaf20a121End date questionnairedirectly measured
aaf20a122End time questionnairedirectly measured
aaf20a123Duration in secondsdirectly measured


The metadata for the questions in this study have not yet been published.

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 5,542 (100.0%)
Non-response: 1,298 (23.4%)
Response: 4,245 (76.6%)
Complete: 4,193 (75.7%)
Incomplete: 52 (0.9%)
Collection Events
06-01-2020 to 28-01-2020
Random sample of panel members aged 16 years and older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.