Democratic innovations
Single Wave Study
General Information
Democratic innovations
Project Number
This questionnaire is about politics in the Netherlands and in particular, opinions on democracy, the House of Representatives, citizens’ assemblies, referendums, and different societal issues.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Take Sipma (Tilburg University); Niels Spierings (Radboud University); Kristof Jacobs (Radboud University); Josje den Ridder (Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP))
© 2024 Centerdata
Funding Organization
Datasets and documentation
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Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English CSV file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the household member encrypted | preloaded |
xg23a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
xg23a001 | Preloaded variable - Gross household income | preloaded |
xg23a002 | Preloaded variable - Gender | preloaded |
xg23a003 | Preloaded variable - Does panel member have a long-term illness, condition or handicap (based on core questionnaire Health, wave 15)? | preloaded |
xg23a004 | Preloaded variable - Ethnic groups according to definitions used by Statistics Netherlands | preloaded |
xg23a005 | Preloaded variable - Age of household member | preloaded |
xg23a006 | Preloaded variable - Highest level of education irrespective of diploma | preloaded |
xg23a007 | Preloaded variable - What is the panel member’s religion (based on core questionnaire Religion, wave 15)? | preloaded |
xg23a008 | Preloaded variable - Urban character of place of residence | preloaded |
xg23a009 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown first in xg23a040 - xg23a048? | constructed |
xg23a010 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown second in xg23a040 - xg23a048? | constructed |
xg23a011 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown third in xg23a040 - xg23a048? | constructed |
xg23a012 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown fourth in xg23a040 - xg23a048? | constructed |
xg23a013 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown first in xg23a047 - xg23a055? | constructed |
xg23a014 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown second in xg23a047 - xg23a055? | constructed |
xg23a015 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown first in xg23a056 - xg23a062? | constructed |
xg23a016 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown second in xg23a056 - xg23a062? | constructed |
xg23a017 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown first in xg23a063 - xg23a068? | constructed |
xg23a018 | Permutation variable: which groups were shown second in xg23a063 - xg23a068? | constructed |
xg23a019 | Random variable - which policy were panel members shown? | constructed |
xg23a020 | Random variable - which text were panel members shown? | constructed |
xg23a021 | Random variable - which text were panel members shown? | constructed |
xg23a022 | Generally speaking, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way democracy works in the Netherlands? | directly measured |
xg23a023 | In your opinion, do politicians adequately represent the interests of people like you? | directly measured |
xg23a024 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the actions the government has taken in recent years in the area of poverty policy | directly measured |
xg23a025 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the actions the government has taken in recent years in the area of housing policy | directly measured |
xg23a026 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the actions the government has taken in recent years in the area of immigration policy | directly measured |
xg23a027 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the actions the government has taken in recent years in the area of climate policy | directly measured |
xg23a028 | Citizens should have more influence on the government’s policies | directly measured |
xg23a029 | Citizens do not have enough knowledge to take political decisions | directly measured |
xg23a030 | If citizens were to get more say in government policy, it would mostly be the people who talk the loudest who get more influence | directly measured |
xg23a031 | I would like to have more say in the political decisions that are taken in the Netherlands | directly measured |
xg23a032 | I would rather be represented by a citizen than by a specialized politician | directly measured |
xg23a033 | The politicians in the Dutch parliament need to follow the will of the people | directly measured |
xg23a034 | The political differences between the elite and the people are larger than the differences among the people | directly measured |
xg23a035 | In general, elected politicians are best placed to make decisions | directly measured |
xg23a036 | Elected politicians know best how to run a country | directly measured |
xg23a037 | As long as elected politician are doing their job, I am happy to let them get on with it | directly measured |
xg23a038 | Political parties are important to represent voters’ interests | directly measured |
xg23a039 | This country would run better if political decisions were left up to nonelected, independent experts | directly measured |
xg23a040 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People with a dark skin color | directly measured |
xg23a041 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People with a white skin color | directly measured |
xg23a042 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Youths | directly measured |
xg23a043 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Middle-aged people | directly measured |
xg23a044 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Senior citizens | directly measured |
xg23a045 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Women | directly measured |
xg23a046 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Men | directly measured |
xg23a047 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People with low or intermediate education | directly measured |
xg23a048 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People with high education | directly measured |
xg23a049 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People with a migration background | directly measured |
xg23a050 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Native Dutch people | directly measured |
xg23a051 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People who live in the Randstad conurbation | directly measured |
xg23a052 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People who live outside the Randstad conurbation | directly measured |
xg23a053 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People who live in the city | directly measured |
xg23a054 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People who live in the countryside | directly measured |
xg23a055 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People from your region | directly measured |
xg23a056 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People with a lower income | directly measured |
xg23a057 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People with a middle income | directly measured |
xg23a058 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? People with a higher income | directly measured |
xg23a059 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Christians | directly measured |
xg23a060 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Jews | directly measured |
xg23a061 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Muslims | directly measured |
xg23a062 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Non-religious people | directly measured |
xg23a063 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Heterosexual people | directly measured |
xg23a064 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Gay men, gay women and bisexual people | directly measured |
xg23a065 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Transgender and non-binary people | directly measured |
xg23a066 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Healthy people | directly measured |
xg23a067 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Physically disabled people | directly measured |
xg23a068 | Do you feel that the House of Representatives adequately represents the interests of the following groups? Mentally disabled people | directly measured |
xg23a069 | Citizens’ assemblies are a good way to ask citizens for advice on important issues | directly measured |
xg23a070 | If I were selected for a citizens’ assembly, I would participate | directly measured |
xg23a071 | I think I would be capable of playing an active role in the discussions at a citizens’ assembly | directly measured |
xg23a072 | If 150 randomly selected Dutch people jointly advise on an issue after several discussions, it will be good advice | directly measured |
xg23a073 | After a group of people has advised on an issue through a citizens’ assembly, that advice should be voted on by the rest of the population | directly measured |
xg23a074 | For each of the following issues, please indicate whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to organize a citizens’ assembly for it. poverty policy | directly measured |
xg23a075 | For each of the following issues, please indicate whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to organize a citizens’ assembly for it. housing policy | directly measured |
xg23a076 | For each of the following issues, please indicate whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to organize a citizens’ assembly for it. immigration policy | directly measured |
xg23a077 | For each of the following issues, please indicate whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to organize a citizens’ assembly for it. climate policy | directly measured |
xg23a078 | For each of the following themes, please indicate whether you would take part in a citizens’ assembly if you were invited. Poverty policy | directly measured |
xg23a079 | For each of the following themes, please indicate whether you would take part in a citizens’ assembly if you were invited. Housing policy | directly measured |
xg23a080 | For each of the following themes, please indicate whether you would take part in a citizens’ assembly if you were invited. Immigration policy | directly measured |
xg23a081 | For each of the following themes, please indicate whether you would take part in a citizens’ assembly if you were invited. Climate policy | directly measured |
xg23a082 | Do you consider it a good or a bad idea for this citizens’ assembly to be held? | directly measured |
xg23a083 | Imagine that you were selected to take part in this citizens’ assembly. Would you participate? | directly measured |
xg23a084 | Referendums are a good way to ask citizens for advice on important issues. | directly measured |
xg23a085 | Referendums are a good way to take political decisions about important issues. | directly measured |
xg23a086 | When referendums are organized, I vote in them. | directly measured |
xg23a087 | Referendums are a good way for citizens to stop laws that they disagree with. | directly measured |
xg23a088 | For each of the following issues, please indicate whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to organize a referendum for it. Poverty policy | directly measured |
xg23a089 | For each of the following issues, please indicate whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to organize a referendum for it. Housing policy | directly measured |
xg23a090 | For each of the following issues, please indicate whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to organize a referendum for it. Immigration policy | directly measured |
xg23a091 | For each of the following issues, please indicate whether you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea to organize a referendum for it. Climate policy | directly measured |
xg23a092 | Do you consider it a good idea for this referendum to be held? | directly measured |
xg23a093 | Suppose that you were allowed to vote in this referendum. Would you vote? | directly measured |
xg23a094 | Where would you put yourself on a line from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that the measures against poverty go too far and 5 meaning that they do not go far enough? | directly measured |
xg23a095 | Where would you put yourself on a line from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that the government should focus more on social housing and 5 meaning that the government should focus more on owner-occupied homes? | directly measured |
xg23a096 | Where would you put yourself on a line from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that the measures against climate change go too far and 5 meaning that they do not go far enough? | directly measured |
xg23a097 | Where would you put yourself on a line from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that more asylum seekers should be allowed and 5 meaning that asylum seekers should be sent back? | directly measured |
xg23a098 | Most people in the Netherlands feel the same as me about poverty policy | directly measured |
xg23a099 | Most people in the Netherlands feel the same as me about housing policy | directly measured |
xg23a100 | Most people in the Netherlands feel the same as me about immigration policy | directly measured |
xg23a101 | Most people in the Netherlands feel the same as me about climate policy | directly measured |
xg23a102 | How do you feel about people who think very differently from you about poverty policy | directly measured |
xg23a103 | How do you feel about people who think very differently from you about housing policy | directly measured |
xg23a104 | How do you feel about people who think very differently from you about immigration policy | directly measured |
xg23a105 | How do you feel about people who think very differently from you about climate policy | directly measured |
xg23a106 | In your opinion, what is the most important problem in the Netherlands right now? | directly measured |
xg23a107 | In your opinion, what is the most important problem in the Netherlands right now? Other, namely: | directly measured |
xg23a108 | In your opinion, what is the second most important problem in the Netherlands right now? | directly measured |
xg23a109 | In your opinion, what is the second biggest problem in the Netherlands right now? Other, namely: | directly measured |
xg23a110 | How important do you consider the following to be for democracy in general? That national elections are free and fair. | directly measured |
xg23a111 | How important do you consider the following to be for democracy in general? That everyone is free to express their political views, even if they are extreme. | directly measured |
xg23a112 | How important do you consider the following to be for democracy in general? That the rights of minority groups are protected. | directly measured |
xg23a113 | How important do you consider the following to be for democracy in general? That governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad job. | directly measured |
xg23a114 | How important do you consider the following to be for democracy in general? That courts are able to reverse decisions taken by democratically elected people if those decisions violate general human rights. | directly measured |
xg23a115 | How important do you consider the following to be for democracy in general? That the media provide citizens with reliable information to judge the government. | directly measured |
xg23a116 | How would you describe your sexual orientation? | directly measured |
xg23a117 | How would you describe your sexual orientation? Other, namely: | directly measured |
xg23a118 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with other Dutch people? | directly measured |
xg23a119 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with people with a migration background? | directly measured |
xg23a120 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with [men / women / people with the same gender identity as you]? | directly measured |
xg23a121 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with [heterosexuals / gay men or gay women / bisexual persons / pansexual or omnisexual persons / asexual persons / people with the same sexual orientation as you]? | directly measured |
xg23a122 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with [people with high education / people with low or intermediate education / people with the same level of education as you]? | directly measured |
xg23a123 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with [people with low incomes / people with a middle income / people with high incomes / people with the same income as you]? | directly measured |
xg23a124 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with people of your generation? | directly measured |
xg23a125 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with people from your region? | directly measured |
xg23a126 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with people [from the city / from the countryside]? | directly measured |
xg23a127 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with [Christians / Muslims / Hindus / Buddhists / Jewish people / people of the same religion as you / non-religious people]? | directly measured |
xg23a128 | Generally speaking, how strongly connected do you feel with [people with a long-term illness, condition or handicap / healthy people / people with the same state of health as you]? | directly measured |
xg23a129 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
xg23a130 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
xg23a131 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
xg23a132 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
xg23a133 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
xg23a134 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
xg23a135 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
xg23a136 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
xg23a137 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
xg23a138 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Democratic innovations
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch.
Browse Democratic innovationsResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,552 (100.0%)Non-response: 1,418 (21.6%)
Response: 5,134 (78.4%)
Complete: 5,067 (77.3%)
Incomplete: 67 (1.0%)
Collection Events
03-04-2023 to 25-04-2023
All panel members were invited.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.
01-05-2023 to 30-05-2023
Non-respondents of the first measurement.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.