General Information
Project Number
This questionnaire is part of the LISS Core Study, a longitudinal survey delivering a broad range of social core information about the panel members.
The survey focuses on personality and characteristics.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Changes regarding to the previous wave are specified in the Introduction of the codebook.
List of concepts:
Happiness, Life satisfaction, Big Five personality, Survey attitude, Self-esteem, Mood, Need to evaluate, Value orientation, Inclusion of Others in the Self, Social desirability, Affects, Need for Cognition, Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R)
List of concepts:
Happiness, Life satisfaction, Big Five personality, Survey attitude, Self-esteem, Mood, Need to evaluate, Value orientation, Inclusion of Others in the Self, Social desirability, Affects, Need for Cognition, Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R)
Miquelle Marchand (Centerdata)
© 2022 Centerdata
List of Measures
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Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
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Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Luiaards en trouwe deelnemers: Classificatie van respondenten in een panelstudie Jaarboek MarktOnderzoekAssociatie, Hoofdstuk 8, 123-137
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Personality Effects on Participation in the LISS Panel In: The Impact of Personality on Participation Decisions in Surveys 2013, pp 129-160; Saßenroth, D.
The influence of holiday-taking on affect and contentment Annals of Tourism Research, Volume 45, Pages 89-101; Kroesen, M.
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The influence of personality on career success: An empirical study ; de Gruijter, L.B.
The Impact of Non-Coverage in Web Surveys Faculty of Social Sciences, Psychology, Utrecht University
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Informing panel members about study results: effects of traditional and innovative forms of feedback on participation In: M. Callegaro, R. Baker, J. Bethlehem, A. S. Göritz, J. A. Krosnick and P. J. Lavrakas (Eds.). Online Panel Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Wiley. ; Scherpenzeel, Annette and Toepoel, Vera
The development of life satisfaction: does personality matter? University of Twente: GW: Behavioural Sciences; Müller, M.L.
Longitudinal interplay between posttraumatic stress symptoms and coping self-efficacy Social Science & Medicine, 134, 23-29; Bosmans, M.H.G.,
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Surveys, smartphones and self-selection: the role of lifestyle in filling out surveys on a computer or a smartphone Utrecht University; Buitenhuis, L.
Correlations between the individual effects of romantic partners in a subjective well-being equation Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, faculty of economics and business; Jonker, S.
Wie volgt? De persoonlijkheid van volgers als verklaring van geloof in quasi-messianistisch leiderschap Universiteit van Amsterdam, Politieke Theorie en Politiek Gedrag; Frank Jan Eskes
The psychological roots of populist voting: European Journal of Political Research, 2016; 55(2): 302-320 ; Bakker, B.N.,
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Determinanten der Teilnahme von Privatinvestoren am Aktienmarkt Institut für Banken und Finanzierung, Leibniz Universität Hannover; Cambier, Myriam
Online Coping After Negative Life Events: Measurement, Prevalence, and Relation With Internet Activities and Well-Being Social Science Computer Review, 34(5), 511-529. ; Van Ingen, Erik,
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Belief in scientific-technological progress and life satisfaction: the role of personal control. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 227-236. ; Stavrova, O.,
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Education and Smoking Cessation: The Role of Skills Explained Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Roest, A.M.T.
Wages and the Big Five personality traits of natives and immigrants Erasmus School of Economics, Economics of Management and Organisation; Ramlal, T.S.D.
The Impact of Long-Run Macroeconomic Experiences on Personality SAFE Working Paper No. 142; Vellekoop, N.
Happiness, Unemployment and Self-esteem SOM Research Reports, 16016-HRM&OB; Meer, P.H. van der,
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Differential relationships in the association of the Big Five personality traits with positive mental health and psychopathology Journal of Research in Personality, 46(5), 517-524 ; Lamers, S.M.A.,
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Relations between mental health, income and the labor market position in the Netherlands: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Economics; Keizer, S.
The relationship between time preferences and measures of well-being Tilburg School of Economics and Management; Farny, L.
Does self-esteem influence financial behavior? University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business; Heuzeveldt, T.F.A.
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Cross-lagged associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms and coping self-efficacy in long-term recovery: A four-wave comparative study Social Science & Medicine (2017), Volume 193, p. 33-40; Bosmans, M.W.G.,
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Predictors of Mobilizing Online Coping versus Offline Coping Resources after Negative Life Events Computers in Human Behavior, 59, 431-439; Van Ingen, Erik,
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The Influence of Financial Knowledge and Self-perception on the Propensity to save for Retirement University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business; Moreno, A.G.
The structure of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: A cross-cultural meta-analysis Zeitschrift für Psychologie (2018), 226 , 14-29; Gnambs, T.,
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The Big Five Personality Traits and Attitudes Towards Immigrants Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(1), 79-99; Gallego, A.
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Smoking Status and Subjective Well-Being Tobacco Control , 26(2), pp. 195-201; Weinhold, D.
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Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67(1), pp. 99-110 ; Lamers, S.M.A.
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Personality trait development across the transition to retirement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication; Schwaba, T.,
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Individual Differences in Personality Change Across the Adult Lifespan Journal of Personality (2018), 86(3), 450-464; Schwaba, T.,
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Openness to Experience and Culture-Openness Transactions Across the Lifespan. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(1), 118-136; Schwaba, T.,
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Unemployment, Trust in Government, and Satisfaction with Democracy: An Empirical Investigation Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, volume 4; Bauer, P.C.
Modeling Bivariate Change in Individual Differences: Prospective Associations Between Personality and Life Satisfaction Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(6), e12-e29; Hounkpatin, H.O.,
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Ongelijkheid en zelfrespect: het effect van inkomen en arbeidspositie Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken (2018), 34(2), 221-237; Wielers, R.J.J.,
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The Impact of Personality on Participation Decisions in Surveys ; Saßenroth, D.
Big Five Personality Trait of Cybercrime Victims Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 20(7), pp. 407-412.; Van de Weijer, S.G.A.
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Trust in e-commerce Tilburg University; Dorssers, J.
Psychometric network models from time-series and panel data Psychometrika, 85(1), 206-231; Epskamp, S.
Nostalgia proneness and empathy: Generality, underlying mechanism, and implications for prosocial behavior Journal of Personality, 88(3), 485-500; Juhl, J.,
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Why Dutch women are still more religious than Dutch men: Explaining the persistent religious gender gap in the Netherlands using a multifactorial approach Review of Religious Research, 61(2), 81-108; Kregting, J.,
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The religious gender gap within Dutch relationships: Explaining the persistent religious gender gap in the Netherlands using a multifactorial approach Journal of Empirical Theology, 32(1), 1-35; Kregting, J.,
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Transactions between life events and personality traits across the adult lifespan Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116(4), 612-633; Denissen, J. J. A.,
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Struggling to be liked: The prospective of trait self-control on social desirability and the moderating role of agreeableness International Journal of Psychology, 54(2), 232-236; Stavrova, O.,
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The generalizability of personality effects in politics European Journal of Personality, 33(6), 631-641; Vitriol, J. A.,
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Three facets of planning and postponement of parenthood in the Netherlands Demographic Research, 43(23), 659–672; Verweij, R.,
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Prosozialität und empathie als prädiktoren von gesundheitsverhalten während der COVID-19 pandemie University of Bonn; Goldbach, K.
Changes in optimism and pessimism in response to life events: Evidence from three large panel studies Journal of Research in Personality, 88(103985), 1-14; Chopik, W. J.,
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Item-effects in psychological scale: Insights from longitudinal large-scale assessment data on life satisfaction and positive affect University of Bamberg; Erhardt, T. H.,
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Fathering daughters and personality Social Science Research Network, first published online December 28, 2020; van Lent, M.
Self-esteem and satisfaction with social relationships across time Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(1), 173–191; de Moor, E. L.,
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Health, environmental, and animal rights motives for vegetarian eating PLoS ONE, 15(4), 1-20; Hopwood, C. J.,
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Personality and Headaches Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(2), 118-124; Stephan, Y.,
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Personality development during emerging adulthood and its bidirectional relation with mental health Radboud University; de Segovia Vicente, D.
Exploring the relationship between religion, happiness, distress and fear levels after the first Corona outbreak in the Netherlands Economic Sciences Series, first published online 2020; Bosînceanu, A.
Personality as a predictor of unit nonresponse in an Internet panel Sociological Methods & Research, 49(3), 672-698; Cheng, A.,
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Personality and self-rated health across eight cohort studies Social Science & Medicine, 263(113245), 1-10
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Investigating response patterns across surveys: Do respondents show consistency in undesirable answer behaviour over multiple surveys? Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 147–148(1-2), 150–16; Bais, F.,
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Personality and political participation on Twitter: A study of the E-expressive mode Uppsala University; Dahl, A.
Big Five personality as a predictor of health: shortening the questionnaire through the elastic net Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 9(2), 159-164; Doornenbal, B. M.
Personality traits, financial skills and preference parameters as drivers of preferred consumption during retirement Tilburg University; Bun, N. A.
The importance of locus of control on preferred consumption during retirement Tilburg University; Sint Nicolaas, R. J.
Charting self-esteem during marital dissolution Journal of Personality, Journal of Personality, 89(1), 9-22; Bleidorn, W.,
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Reconsidering the link between self-reported personality traits and political preferences American Political Science Review, 115(4), 1482-1498; Bakker, B. N.,
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Hoe vertrouwen in politiek en maatschappij doorwerkt in vertrouwen in pensioeninstituties Tijdschrift voor Politieke Economie Digitaal, 15(2), 53-70; van Dalen, H. P.
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Het effect van subjectief welzijn op inkomen Erasmus University Rotterdam; van den Berg, M.
Predictors of emotional, psychological, and social well-being during COVID-19: The effects of extraversion, adherence to social distancing measures, and gender on well-being in times of corona University of Twente; Labes, N.
Aberrant individuals’ effects on fit indices both of confirmatory factor analysis and polytomous IRT models Current Psychology, first published online March 23, 2021; Şengül Avşar, A.
Nothing going on? Exploring the role of missed events in changes in subjective well‐being and the Big Five personality traits Journal of Personality, 89(1), 113-131 ; Luhmann, M.,
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Naturally, gas free: Using socio-demographic data to optimize civic-engagement in the Dutch heat transition Utrecht University; Massop, M.
Personality traits and job satisfaction among police officers Tilburg University; Keramari, A.
Unraveling resilience: Personality predicts exposure and reaction to stressful life events Personality Science, 2, 1-29; Asselmann, E.,
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Household composition and preferences: A collective approach to household consumption Review of Income and Wealth, 67(3), 591-615; van Leeuwen, B.,
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The populist appeal: Personality and anti-establishment communication The Journal of Politics, 83(2), 589-601; Bakker, B. N.,
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Does using social media jeopardize well-being? The importance of separating within- from between-person effects Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(6), 964-973; Stavrova, O.,
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How does substance use affect personality development? Disentangling between and within-person effects Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(4), 517-527; Kroencke, L.,
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Log on and prosper? Little evidence for codevelopment between psychological adjustment and technology use in older adulthood The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 76(1), 67–77; Schwaba, T.,
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The use and abuse of wording factor with the RSES: A systematic review and derived indices estimation Working paper, first published online October 25, 2021; Ponce, F.,
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Daughters and divorce The Economic Journal, 131(637), 2144–2170; Kabátek, J.,
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Towards hybrid profiling: Combining digital phenotyping with validated survey questions to balance data entry effort with predictive power In 2021 International Symposium on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering (pp. 585–593). ACM. ; Hadian Haghighi, E.,
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There is no temporal relationship between hedonic values and life satisfaction: A longitudinal study spanning 13 years Journal of Research in Personality, 93(2), 1-5; Joshanloo, M.
Het effect van subjectief welzijn op zelfvertrouwen en optimisme in de adolescentie Tilburg University; van Leth, F.
Does pro-sociality or trust better predict staying home behavior during the Covid-19? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 100, 1-31; Umer, H.
Do cross-group differences in life satisfaction reflect measurement bias or true differences in life satisfaction? Evidence from a Dutch national sample International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 1-7; Joshanloo, M.
No evidence that siblings’ gender affects personality across nine countries Psychological Science, 33(9), 1574–1587; Dudek, T.,
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Uncertain inference in random intercept cross-lagged panel models: An example involving need for cognition and anxiety and depression symptoms Personality and Individual Differences, 201, 1-7; Sorjonen, K.,
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Personality and fatigue: Meta-analysis of seven prospective studies Scientific Reports, 12, 1-8; Stephan, Y.,
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The Psychological Inventory of Financial Scarcity (PIFS): A psychometric evaluation Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 101, 1-11; van Dijk, W. W.,
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Individual and generational value change in an adult population, a 12-year longitudinal panel study Scientific Reports, 12, 1-12; Leijen, I.,
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The transition to grandparenthood: No consistent evidence for change in the Big Five personality traits and life satisfaction European Journal of Personality, first published online August 16, 2022; Krämer, M. D.,
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Internet use and cognitive engagement in older adulthood Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(5), 968–977
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Who benefits from which activity? On the relations between personality traits, leisure activities, and well-being Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, first published online August, 2022 ; Kuper, N.,
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The influence of loneliness on perceived connectedness and trust beliefs – longitudinal evidence from the Netherlands Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, first published online December 8, 2022; Langenkamp, A.
De samenhang tussen subjectief welzijn en extraversie in de adolescentie: De modererende rol van zelfvertrouwen Tilburg University; Rampen, M. H. A.
The impact of different methods to correct for response styles on the external validity of self-reports European Journal of Psychological Assessment, first published Online September 29, 2022 ; Scharl, A.,
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Geprikkeld door politieke preferenties University of Groningen; Bliek, J.
Love the earth? Engage in secondhand consumption: The role of values, socioeconomic position, and their interaction in secondhand consumption Utrecht University; van der Wekken, E. J.
The steaks have never been higher: The influencing role of motivations on the relationship between values and reducing meat consumption behaviour Utrecht University; Mooij, C.
Consumption and happiness Erasmus University Rotterdam; Facchini, A.
Changes in alcohol use in the Netherlands before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring the effects of personality, loneliness and gender University of Twente; Völler, M.
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of a more inclusive Mental Health Continuum Short-Form : examination of internal consistency, factor structure, and convergent validity using self-esteem and life satisfaction. University of Twente; Kampert, F.
Social satisfaction, loneliness, and happiness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic University of Twente; Sprekelmeyer, L.
Optimism in crises: Examining the impact of extraversion and neuroticism on optimism in times of Covid-19 University of Twente; Sowinski, J.
The relationship of personality and subjective wellbeing before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic University of Twente; Unval, S.
Self-medication hypothesis: Influence of mood on substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic University of Twente; Voigt, M.
Latent state-trait modeling of Satisfaction with Life Scale: An item-level analysis using Dutch panel data Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(7), 3429–3440; Joshanloo, M.
Participating as equals? Disentangling the complex relationships between resources, incentives and political participation using Dutch panel data Uppsala University; Hvarfner, K.
On the relationship between personality traits and loneliness in the COVID-19 pandemic Utrecht University; van Rhijn, N.
Ideal weight and satisfaction with weight: A study of life course trajectories and intercohort change SocArXiv, first published online July 11, 2022; Leopold, L.
It’s (a) shame: Why poverty leads to support for authoritarianism Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, first published online December 28, 2022; Neerdaels, J.,
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Studying item effects and their correlation patterns with multi-construct multi-state models PsyArXiv, first published online March 18, 2022 ; Erhardt, T. H.,
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Bifactor and bifactor S-1 model estimations with non-reverse-coded data Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 13(3), 244-255; Baris Pekmezci, F.
How do social and economic status impact measurement error? International Journal of Social Research Methodology, first published online October 8, 2022; Cernat, A.,
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Job insecurity and mental health Utrecht University; van der Meer, P. D.
Personality and health: Disentangling their between-person and within-person relationship in three longitudinal studies Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(3), 493–522; Luo, J.,
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Personality and change in physical activity across 3–10 years Psychology & Health, first published online June 29, 2022; Caille, P.,
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Temporal dynamics of interpersonal trust during the transition to parenthood Journal of Research in Personality, 97, 1-8; Stavrova, O.,
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Loneliness and well-being after partner loss: A large cross-sectional study Utrecht University; Grimmelikhuijzen, M. R.
A mega-analysis of personality predictions: Robustness and boundary conditions Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(3), 523–553; Beck, E. D.,
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Latent change score models for the study of development and dynamics in organizational research Organizational Research Methods, 24(4), 772-801; Matusik, J. G.,
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Informal volunteering and socialization effects: Examining modelling and encouragement by parents and partner VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 33(2), 347–361; Ramaekers, M. J. M.,
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Opening the black box: Uncovering the leader trait paradigm through machine learning The Leadership Quarterly, 33(5), 1-12; Doornenbal, B. M.,
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Wording effects in assessment: Missing the trees for the forest Multivariate Behavioral Research, 57(5), 718-734; Ponce, F. P.,
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Zijn er geslachts- en leeftijdsverschillen in het effect van menselijk kapitaal op het subjectief welzijn? Utrecht University; Linthorst, X.
The working hour mismatch and job satisfaction. Gender differences and the role of children University of Groningen; Huizen, W.
Novel clustering methods for complex cluster structures in behavioral sciences Tilburg University; Yuan, S.
Can survey item characteristics relevant to measurement error be coded reliably? A case study on 11 Dutch general population surveys Sociological Methods & Research, 48(2), 263-295; Bais, F.,
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Constructing behaviour profiles for answer behaviour across surveys Utrecht University; Bais, F.
Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent across surveys? An investigation into respondent characteristics Survey Methodology, 48(1), 191-224; Bais, F.,
et al.
Are some people more consistent? Examining the stability and underlying processes of personality profile consistency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 1409-1417; Wright, A. J.
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To vote or not to vote?: The role of personality traits on voting behavior among the immigrant population in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Koç, G.
Working from home during the corona-crisis is associated with higher subjective well-being for women with long (pre-corona) commutes Transportation Research Part A, 156, 14-23; Kroesen, M.
Stability of pro-sociality and trust amid the Covid-19: Evidence based on the panel data from the Netherlands SSRN, first published online January 13, 2022; Umer, H.
Curiosity helps: Growth in need for cognition bidirectionally predicts future reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms across 10 years Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 642-652; Zainal, N. H.,
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Nonlinear effect of social interaction quantity on psychological well-being: Diminishing returns or inverted U? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(6), 1056–1074; Ren, D.,
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The correlation between personality traits and earnings of high-ranking managers University of Amsterdam; Hoost, S.
Stability of pro-sociality and trust amid the Covid-19: panel data from the Netherlands Empirica, 50(1), 255-287; Umer, H.
Verhoging van minimumloon en bijstand als wondermiddel voor welvaart en welbevinden van de lage inkomensgroep? Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, February 15, 2023; Geppert, C.,
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Social network sites, individual social capital and happiness Journal of Happiness Studies, 19, 99-122; Arampatzi, E.,
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No evidence for transactional effects between religiosity and self-esteem in a secular country Social Psychological and Personality Science, first published online May 6, 2023 ; Entringer, T. M.,
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The link between personality, global, and domain-specific satisfaction across the adult lifespan Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, first published online March 20, 2023; Olaru, G.,
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The General Factor of Personality (GFP) is associated with higher salary, having a leadership position, and working in a social job Acta Psychologica, 234, 1-7; van der Linden, D.,
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The role of the general factor of psychopathology and high-risk personality traits in predicting the development of psychopathological symptoms in adolescents and adults University of New York in Prague; Dreyfus, E.
The role of financial stress in mental health changes during COVID-19 Npj Mental Health Ressearch, 1(15), 1-10; Simonse, O.,
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The ephemeral nature of wording effects Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, first published online June 29, 2023; Ponce, F. P.,
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The Survey Attitude Scale Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS), first published online 2022; de Leeuw, E.,
et al.
Informal caregivers and life satisfaction: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands Journal of Happiness Studies, first published online May 8, 2023; Blaise, M.,
et al.
Parental leave and life satisfaction: The Dutch case Working paper No. 2019–26; Dillenseger, L.,
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De relatie tussen de transitie naar het ouderschap en zelfvertrouwen: De rol van relatiekwaliteit Tilburg University; van Wijk, E. J. M.
Keeping up with the Jansens: An analysis of the age-contingent relative income effect on happiness in the Netherlands University of Groningen; Bieleman, M.
Vertrouwen we elkaar nog? University of Groningen; Rietman, L.
Living space size and well-being Erasmus University Rotterdam; Weekenborg, B.
Does personality affect the allocation of resources within households? KU Leuven, Discussion paper DPS23.11; Fernández, G. P.
Happy Traditional Couples, Unhappy Modern Couples? KU Leuven; Wang, Z.
The anatomy of competitiveness IZA Institute of Labor Economics, Discussion Paper No. 16224; Buser, T.,
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Self-esteem and income over time Psychological Science, 34(10), 1163-1172
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et al.
Reminders in Web-Based Data Collection : Increasing Response at the Price of retention? American Journal of Evaluation, 33(2), 240-250; Göritz, Anja S.
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Language proficiency of migrants: The relation with job satisfaction and matching IZA Discussion Paper No. 7366; Bloemen, H.G.
Assessing mediators in the relationship between commute time and subjective well being: a structural equation analysis submitted for the Transportation Research Board congres, January 2014 ; Kroesen, M.
The factor structure of Big Five personality trait measures at the between- and within-person levels European Journal of Personality, first published online November 27, 2023; Grosz, M. P.
Corrigendum: Curiosity does help to protect against anxiety and depression symptoms but not conversely Journal of Affective Disorders, 323, 894-897; Zainal, N. H.,
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COVID-19 pandemic impact on urban-rural differences in behavioral determinants of health Erasmus University Rotterdam; van der Stelt, L.
Welbevinden ten tijde van corona: oktober 2020. Signalement Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, December 4, 2020; Plaisier, I.,
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Welbevinden ten tijde van corona. Eerste bevindingen op basis van een bevolkingsenquête uit juli 2020 Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, September 9, 2020; de Klerk, M.,
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The effects of COVID-19 on self-esteem: Panel data from the Netherlands SSRN, first published online September 1, 2022; Umer, H.
How did leisure engagement best protect subjective well-being, when the pandemic was doing its worst? Leiden University; Termeer, N.
Beyond the mean: Can we improve the predictive power of psychometric scales? Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 6(2), 1-15; Nielsen, Y. A.,
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Exploring the connection: Overweight, dietary knowledge, and urban-rural disparities in The Netherlands Erasmus University Rotterdam; Stofbergen, D.
Studying item-effect variables and their correlation patterns with multi-construct multi-state models PLoS One, 18(8), 1-18; Erhardt, T. H.,
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Personality and risk of incident stroke in 6 prospective studies Stroke, 54(8), 2069–2076; Stephan, Y.,
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Implications of the theory of basic human values for the second demographic transition: Interdependence and individualism in the era of self-fulfillment European journal of Population, 39 (1), 29; Smallenbroek, O.
14 years of life satisfaction: A longitudinal study exploring life satisfaction trajectories in a Dutch probability sample University of Twente; Klemm, M.
Psychological change before and after religious conversion and deconversion Journal of Personality, first published online September 4, 2023; Bleidorn, W.,
et al.
Examining 14-year life satisfaction trajectories and associated predictors in the Dutch population: A latent class analysis University Twente; van Mourik, D. H. J.
Exploring long-term changes in happiness and its predictors: A latent class analysis University of Twente; Braun, L.
Detecting non-content-based response styles in survey data: An application of mixture factor analysis Behavior Research Methods, 1-17; Arias, V. B.,
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