Greener than others? > Part 1

Single Wave Study

General Information

Part 1
Project Number
This study investigates the idea that people see themselves as ‘greener’ than others and therefore may exhibit less environmentally friendly behaviour.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Vincenz Frey (University of Groningen); Thijs Bouman (University of Groningen); Fleur Goedkoop (University of Groningen)
© 2023 Centerdata
Funding Organization
University of Groningen

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
wa22a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
wa22a001Which branch of the questionnaire did the respondent complete?constructed
wa22a002Average donation based on wa22a033 – wa22a037constructed
wa22a003Which item was shown first in table wa22a011-wa22a018 & wa22a019-wa22a026?constructed
wa22a004Which item was shown second in table wa22a011-wa22a018 & wa22a019-wa22a026?constructed
wa22a005Which item was shown third in table wa22a011-wa22a018 & wa22a019-wa22a026?constructed
wa22a006Which item was shown fourth in table wa22a011-wa22a018 & wa22a019-wa22a026?constructed
wa22a007Which item was shown fifth in table wa22a011-wa22a018 & wa22a019-wa22a026?constructed
wa22a008Which item was shown sixth in table wa22a011-wa22a018 & wa22a019-wa22a026?constructed
wa22a009Which item was shown seventh in table wa22a011-wa22a018 & wa22a019-wa22a026?constructed
wa22a010Which item was shown eighth in table wa22a011-wa22a018 & wa22a019-wa22a026?constructed
wa22a011Please indicate for each description to what extent this person resembles you - It is important for this person to be rich. This person wants to have lots of money and expensive things.directly measured
wa22a012Please indicate for each description to what extent this person resembles you - It is important for this person to be respected by others. This person wants others to do what he/she tells them to do.directly measured
wa22a013Please indicate for each description to what extent this person resembles you - This person finds it important for all people in the world to be treated equally. This person feels that everyone should have equal opportunities in life.directly measured
wa22a014Please indicate for each description to what extent this person resembles you - It is very important for this person to have people around that he/she can help. This person wants to look after their well-being.directly measured
wa22a015Please indicate for each description to what extent this person resembles you - It is important for this person to have fun. This person likes to indulge himself/herself. directly measured
wa22a016Please indicate for each description to what extent this person resembles you - This person seeks out every opportunity for pleasure. It is important for this person to do things that he/she enjoys doing.directly measured
wa22a017Please indicate for each description to what extent this person resembles you - This person feels that people should care well for nature. Acting in environmentally-friendly ways is important for this person.directly measured
wa22a018Please indicate for each description to what extent this person resembles you - This person finds it important to respect nature. This person feels connected with nature.directly measured
wa22a019Please indicate to what extent this person resembles the average Dutch person - It is important for this person to be rich. This person wants to have lots of money and expensive things.directly measured
wa22a020Please indicate to what extent this person resembles the average Dutch person - It is important for this person to be respected by others. This person wants others to do what he/she tells them to do.directly measured
wa22a021Please indicate to what extent this person resembles the average Dutch person - This person finds it important for all people in the world to be treated equally. This person feels that everyone should have equal opportunities in life.directly measured
wa22a022Please indicate to what extent this person resembles the average Dutch person - It is very important for this person to have people around that he/she can help. This person wants to look after their well-being.directly measured
wa22a023Please indicate to what extent this person resembles the average Dutch person - It is important for this person to have fun. This person likes to indulge himself/herself. directly measured
wa22a024Please indicate to what extent this person resembles the average Dutch person - This person seeks out every opportunity for pleasure. It is important for this person to do things that he/she enjoys doing.directly measured
wa22a025Please indicate to what extent this person resembles the average Dutch person - This person feels that people should care well for nature. Acting in environmentally-friendly ways is important for this person.directly measured
wa22a026Please indicate to what extent this person resembles the average Dutch person - This person finds it important to respect nature. This person feels connected with nature.directly measured
wa22a027I identify with other Dutch people.directly measured
wa22a028I feel a connection with other Dutch people.directly measured
wa22a029Being Dutch is an important part of how I see myself.directly measured
wa22a030The amount that I wish to donate, should I win:directly measured
wa22a031To which organization would you want to donate this amount:directly measured
wa22a032What amount do you estimate the others would want to donate, on average? directly measured
wa22a033Of all the panel members that participate in our [fictitious/ ] lottery, what percentage do you think will choose to donate 0 euro?directly measured
wa22a034Of all the panel members that participate in our [fictitious/ ] lottery, what percentage do you think will choose to donate 10 euro?directly measured
wa22a035Of all the panel members that participate in our [fictitious/ ] lottery, what percentage do you think will choose to donate 20 euro?directly measured
wa22a036Of all the panel members that participate in our [fictitious/ ] lottery, what percentage do you think will choose to donate 30 euro?directly measured
wa22a037Of all the panel members that participate in our [fictitious/ ] lottery, what percentage do you think will choose to donate 40 euro?directly measured
wa22a038What is your definitive estimate of the average donation?directly measured
wa22a039What do you think is the average donation among panel members who voted for each of the following parties in March 2021? - Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (VVD)directly measured
wa22a040What do you think is the average donation among panel members who voted for each of the following parties in March 2021? - Democraten 66 (D66)directly measured
wa22a041What do you think is the average donation among panel members who voted for each of the following parties in March 2021? - Christen-Democratisch Appèl (CDA)directly measured
wa22a042What do you think is the average donation among panel members who voted for each of the following parties in March 2021? - Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA)directly measured
wa22a043What do you think is the average donation among panel members who voted for each of the following parties in March 2021? - GroenLinks (GL)directly measured
wa22a044What do you think is the average donation among panel members who voted for each of the following parties in March 2021? - Forum voor Democratie (FvD)directly measured
wa22a045I feel a personal responsibility for reducing/preventing environmental problems.directly measured
wa22a046I am prepared to change my lifestyle to reduce/prevent environmental problems.directly measured
wa22a047I am prepared to adopt more sustainable eating habits (e.g. plant-based instead of animal-based products).directly measured
wa22a048I am prepared to pay more for products that are produced in an environmentally-friendly way.directly measured
wa22a049I often do things in daily life to reduce my energy use.directly measured
wa22a050For the sake of the environment, I am prepared to shift my daily energy use to more sustainable moments in the day.directly measured
wa22a051For the sake of the environment, I am prepared to automate part of my daily energy use.directly measured
wa22a052I am in favor of raising taxes on fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal.directly measured
wa22a053The average Dutch person feels a personal responsibility for reducing/preventing environmental problems.directly measured
wa22a054The average Dutch person is prepared to change their lifestyle to reduce/prevent environmental problems.directly measured
wa22a055The average Dutch person is prepared to adopt more sustainable eating habits (e.g. plant-based instead of animal-based products).directly measured
wa22a056The average Dutch person is prepared to pay more for products that are produced in an environmentally-friendly way.directly measured
wa22a057The average Dutch person often does things in daily life to reduce their energy use.directly measured
wa22a058For the sake of the environment, the average Dutch person is prepared to shift their daily energy use to more sustainable moments in the day.directly measured
wa22a059For the sake of the environment, the average Dutch person is prepared to automate part of their daily energy use.directly measured
wa22a060The average Dutch person is in favor of raising taxes on fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal.directly measured
wa22a061Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
wa22a062Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
wa22a063Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
wa22a064Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
wa22a065Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
wa22a066Starting date of the questionnaireconstructed
wa22a067End date of the questionnaireconstructed
wa22a068Starting time of the questionnaireconstructed
wa22a069End time of the questionnaireconstructed
wa22a070Duration questionnaire in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Greener than others? - Part 1

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch.

Browse Greener than others? - Part 1

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1,200 (100.0%)
Non-response: 299 (24.9%)
Response: 901 (75.1%)
Complete: 892 (74.3%)
Incomplete: 9 (0.8%)
Collection Events
02-05-2022 to 31-05-2022
900 panel members of 18 years and older, who were also selected for the World Value Survey wave 7 and were not selected for wave 2 of this study.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.