Vignette-based study of citizen-friendly data communication
Single Wave Study
General Information
Vignette-based study of citizen-friendly data communication
Project Number
Vignette experiment on how governments should communicate online data
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Annemarie Balvert (Tilburg University, TLS); Lisanne van Weelden (Tilburg University, TLS); Peter Achterberg (Tilburg University, TSB)
© 2021 Centerdata
Funding Organization
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Tilburg University, TLS
Tilburg University, TSB
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Tilburg University, TLS
Tilburg University, TSB
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
qi20a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
qi20a001 | Random variable for the purposes of the text of vignette 1. | constructed |
qi20a002 | Random variable for the purposes of the text of vignette 1. | constructed |
qi20a003 | Random variable for the purposes of the text of vignette 2. | constructed |
qi20a004 | Random variable for the purposes of the text of vignette 2. | constructed |
qi20a005 | Random variable for the purposes of the mode of information (visualization, table or text) in vignette 1. | constructed |
qi20a006 | Random variable for the purposes of the mode of information (visualization, table or text) in vignette 2. | constructed |
qi20a007 | Auxiliary variable to ensure a difference in mode between vignettes. | constructed |
qi20a008 | If I were Tom, I would be interested in this type of data about my own environment. | directly measured |
qi20a009 | If I were Tom, I would want to be able to see data about the entire country as well. | directly measured |
qi20a010 | If I were Tom, I would consider the source that provided the data to be reliable. | directly measured |
qi20a011 | If I were Tom, I would feel that I was being taken seriously. | directly measured |
qi20a012 | These data will allow Tom to find an answer to his question. | directly measured |
qi20a013 | These data will allow Tom to quickly find an answer to his question. | directly measured |
qi20a014 | These data will allow Tom to easily find an answer to his question. | directly measured |
qi20a015 | These data are useful for answering Tom’s question. | directly measured |
qi20a016 | I find the data to be presented in an attractive way | directly measured |
qi20a017 | I find the presented data easy to understand | directly measured |
qi20a018 | I find the presented data to be clear | directly measured |
qi20a019 | I could easily explain the information to another person. | directly measured |
qi20a020 | I am familiar with the way in which the data are presented. | directly measured |
qi20a021 | I find the data credible. | directly measured |
qi20a022 | Had I been in Tom’s place, I would have preferred to receive the data in a different form, preferably as [if (qi20a005 = 1): a table / if (qi20a005 = 2): a visualization / if (qi20a005 = 3): a visualization] | directly measured |
qi20a023 | Had I been in Tom’s place, I would have preferred to receive the data in a different form, preferably [if (qi20a005 = 1): a text-based summary / if (qi20a005 = 2): a text-based summary / if (qi20a005 = 3): a table] | directly measured |
qi20a024 | What was the source of the information you just read? | directly measured |
qi20a025 | What was the information that you just read about? | directly measured |
qi20a026 | What is your conclusion based on the data that was presented? | directly measured |
qi20a027 | If I were Els, I would be interested in this type of data about my own environment. | directly measured |
qi20a028 | If I were Els, I would want to be able to see data about the entire country as well. | directly measured |
qi20a029 | If I were Els, I would consider the source that provided the data to be reliable. | directly measured |
qi20a030 | If I were Els, I would feel that I was being taken seriously. | directly measured |
qi20a031 | These data will allow Els to find an answer to her question. | directly measured |
qi20a032 | These data will allow Els to quickly find an answer to her question. | directly measured |
qi20a033 | These data will allow Els to easily find an answer to her question. | directly measured |
qi20a034 | These data are useful for answering Els’s question. | directly measured |
qi20a035 | I find the data to be presented in an attractive way. | directly measured |
qi20a036 | I find the presented data to be to understand. | directly measured |
qi20a037 | I find the presented data to be clear. | directly measured |
qi20a038 | I could easily explain the data to another person. | directly measured |
qi20a039 | I am familiar with the way in which the data is presented. | directly measured |
qi20a040 | I find the data to be credible. | directly measured |
qi20a041 | Had I been in Els’s place, I would have preferred to receive the data in a different form, preferably as [if (qi20a006 = 1): a table / if (qi20a006 = 2): a visualization / if (qi20a006 = 3): a visualization] | directly measured |
qi20a042 | Had I been in Els’s place, I would have preferred to receive the data in a different form, preferably [if (qi20a006 = 1): a text-based summary / if (qi20a006 = 2): a text-based summary / if (qi20a006 = 3): a table] | directly measured |
qi20a043 | What was the source of the information you just read? | directly measured |
qi20a044 | What was the information that you just read about? | directly measured |
qi20a045 | What is your conclusion based on the data that was presented? | directly measured |
qi20a046 | The environment is in far worse shape than many people realize. | directly measured |
qi20a047 | If the industry continues to emit harmful substances in such quantities, the consequences will be dire. | directly measured |
qi20a048 | People are increasingly inflicting irreversible damage on nature. | directly measured |
qi20a049 | To say that the environment is in dire straits is highly exaggerated. | directly measured |
qi20a050 | Willing to participate in environmental activities: Recycling | directly measured |
qi20a051 | Willing to participate in environmental activities: Driving less to spare the environment | directly measured |
qi20a052 | Willing to participate in environmental activities: Donating money to an environmental organization | directly measured |
qi20a053 | Willing to participate in environmental activities: Signing a petition relating to an environmental problem | directly measured |
qi20a054 | Willing to participate in environmental activities: Paying more taxes to protect the environment | directly measured |
qi20a055 | Willing to participate in environmental activities: Accepting a lower standard of living to protect the environment | directly measured |
qi20a056 | Science and technology only serve to make our lives easier | directly measured |
qi20a057 | Technological developments will enable us to cope with future problems | directly measured |
qi20a058 | Risks posed by new technology should be viewed as temporary problems that will be solved with time | directly measured |
qi20a059 | Please choose the description that best fits the word. 1. Well-off | directly measured |
qi20a060 | Please choose the description that best fits the word. 2. Pristine | directly measured |
qi20a061 | Please choose the description that best fits the word. 3. Diligence | directly measured |
qi20a062 | Please choose the description that best fits the word. 4. Scarcely | directly measured |
qi20a063 | Please choose the description that best fits the word. 5. Sparse | directly measured |
qi20a064 | What is the logical next number in this series? 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, ? | directly measured |
qi20a065 | What is the logical next number in this series? 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ? | directly measured |
qi20a066 | What is the logical next number in this series? 21, 20, 18, 15, 11, ? | directly measured |
qi20a067 | What is the logical next number in this series? 1109, 1116, 1123, ? | directly measured |
qi20a068 | What is the logical next number in this series? 128, 64, 32, ? | directly measured |
qi20a069 | Do you have a background in or experience with visualization or design? | directly measured |
qi20a070 | Yes, background in visualization or design, namely:... | directly measured |
qi20a071 | Frequency of viewing: Diagrams | directly measured |
qi20a072 | Frequency of viewing: Tables | directly measured |
qi20a073 | Frequency of viewing: Graphs | directly measured |
qi20a074 | Frequency of viewing: Data maps | directly measured |
qi20a075 | Frequency of viewing: Infographics | directly measured |
qi20a076 | Frequency of viewing: Dashboards | directly measured |
qi20a077 | How many times a week do you create data visualizations, on average? | directly measured |
qi20a078 | Do you enjoy viewing and/or creating data visualizations? | directly measured |
qi20a079 | How would you rate your own ability with regard to the viewing and understanding of data visualizations? | directly measured |
qi20a080 | How would you rate your own ability with regard to the creation of data visualizations? | directly measured |
qi20a081 | I can quickly identify what is important in data visualizations. | directly measured |
qi20a082 | I can draw conclusions from data visualizations. | directly measured |
qi20a083 | When I look at a data visualization, I think about who created it. | directly measured |
qi20a084 | I prefer to see data as a visualization than in a table or text-based summary. | directly measured |
qi20a085 | I prefer to see data in a table than as a visualization or text-based summary. | directly measured |
qi20a086 | I prefer to see data as a text-based summary than as a visualization or table. | directly measured |
qi20a087 | Have you become better at understanding data visualizations during the Corona crisis? | directly measured |
qi20a088 | Have you become more interested in data visualizations since the Corona crisis? | directly measured |
qi20a089 | Have the visualizations that were disseminated during the Corona crisis affected your judgment of the reliability of visualizations in general? | directly measured |
qi20a090 | I check my email every day | directly measured |
qi20a091 | I can recognize spam | directly measured |
qi20a092 | I find it easier to receive emails from the government than letters | directly measured |
qi20a093 | I would like to be able to make a phone call instead of having to search for things online | directly measured |
qi20a094 | In terms of digital ability, I am... | directly measured |
qi20a095 | Do you work in the public sector, the semi-public sector, or the private sector? | directly measured |
qi20a096 | Have you ever filed a request under the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Dutch: Wob)? | directly measured |
qi20a098 | Have you ever visited the open data portal of a government organization? | directly measured |
qi20a100 | Have you ever been to a courthouse? | directly measured |
qi20a101 | Have you ever applied for a permit from the government? | directly measured |
qi20a102 | Applied for a permit from the government, if so, was this permit denied? | directly measured |
qi20a103 | Have you ever visited the website of the RIVM (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment; Dutch: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu)? | directly measured |
qi20a104 | Responsibility of the government: Providing work for unemployed immigrants | directly measured |
qi20a105 | Responsibility of the government: Providing work for everyone who needs it | directly measured |
qi20a106 | Responsibility of the government: Making sure that everyone receives medical treatment when they are sick | directly measured |
qi20a107 | Responsibility of the government: Making sure that elderly people have a decent standard of living | directly measured |
qi20a108 | Responsibility of the government: Making sure that unemployed people have a decent standard of living | directly measured |
qi20a109 | Responsibility of the government: Reducing differences in income between the rich and the poor | directly measured |
qi20a110 | Responsibility of the government: Providing a place to live for families who can’t afford it | directly measured |
qi20a111 | Responsibility of the government: Providing childcare for everyone who needs it | directly measured |
qi20a112 | Responsibility of the government: Publishing information on a website about how the government works | directly measured |
qi20a113 | Responsibility of the government: Sharing information with people about government projects in their area | directly measured |
qi20a114 | Responsibility of the government: Sharing information with citizens in an easy and accessible way | directly measured |
qi20a115 | Responsibility of the government: Sharing information with companies in such a way that it can be read by an automated computer program | directly measured |
qi20a116 | I know where to go if I have any questions about my municipality | directly measured |
qi20a117 | I like to know what is going on in my municipality | directly measured |
qi20a118 | Letters from government organizations can require a lot of energy | directly measured |
qi20a119 | I have unopened letters from the government | directly measured |
qi20a120 | I believe that if I don’t take care of things straight away, it will cause problems later on | directly measured |
qi20a121 | I have enabled email notifications for Berichtenbox (Message Box) | directly measured |
qi20a122 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Having a good job | directly measured |
qi20a123 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Being unemployed | directly measured |
qi20a124 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Being unfit for work | directly measured |
qi20a125 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Being unable to work due to sickness | directly measured |
qi20a126 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Growing old | directly measured |
qi20a127 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Being a welfare mother | directly measured |
qi20a128 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Having children | directly measured |
qi20a129 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Being a widow or widower | directly measured |
qi20a130 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Living together with a partner | directly measured |
qi20a131 | Having control over ending up in the situation: Being divorced | directly measured |
qi20a132 | How often does it happen that people who are entitled to welfare or a subsidy do not receive it or do not apply for it? | directly measured |
qi20a133 | Personal situation How happy are you right now? | directly measured |
qi20a134 | My work and my home situation sometimes get in each other’s way | directly measured |
qi20a135 | Due to my home situation, I can’t perform properly at work | directly measured |
qi20a136 | I am satisfied with the way I combine work and domestic chores | directly measured |
qi20a137 | The pressure of work and domestic chores is so high that I don’t have enough time for myself | directly measured |
qi20a138 | My career prevents me from investing more in my family | directly measured |
qi20a139 | My social network is suffering as a result of the various obligations I have to fulfil | directly measured |
qi20a140 | I regularly feel like I don’t have control over my life anymore | directly measured |
qi20a141 | Are you currently receiving: An unemployment benefit | directly measured |
qi20a142 | Are you currently receiving: An invalidity benefit | directly measured |
qi20a143 | Are you currently receiving: Continued payment of wages during sickness leave | directly measured |
qi20a144 | Are you currently receiving: Welfare benefit | directly measured |
qi20a145 | Are you currently receiving: An early pension (e.g. early retirement benefit (Dutch: VUT) or pre-pension) | directly measured |
qi20a146 | Are you currently receiving: Student grant/loan (Dutch: studiefienanciering) | directly measured |
qi20a147 | Are you currently receiving: Subsidized home care | directly measured |
qi20a148 | Are you currently receiving: Childcare subsidy | directly measured |
qi20a149 | Are you currently receiving: None of the above | directly measured |
qi20a150 | Normal people like me have little influence on the things that happen around us | directly measured |
qi20a151 | In the end, you don’t get to do what you really want to | directly measured |
qi20a152 | I regularly feel forced to do things that I don’t really want to do at all | directly measured |
qi20a153 | The economic forecasts of banks are complete fabrications | directly measured |
qi20a154 | Scientific knowledge is ultimately based on opinions | directly measured |
qi20a155 | Politicians rarely speak the truth | directly measured |
qi20a156 | The sentences pronounced by judges are ultimately nothing more than their own interpretations | directly measured |
qi20a157 | Diagnoses by medical specialists are often contestable | directly measured |
qi20a158 | When I watch the news, I have my doubts about the truthfulness of the information | directly measured |
qi20a159 | Policy documents drafted by civil servants only reflect their own opinions | directly measured |
qi20a160 | These days, you really can’t tell who you can trust anymore | directly measured |
qi20a161 | Improving your life is primarily a matter of luck | directly measured |
qi20a162 | It’s irresponsible to have children in this day and age | directly measured |
qi20a163 | What you personally think and feel no longer counts nowadays | directly measured |
qi20a164 | Due to a lack of skill among public prosecutors, too many court cases are failing | directly measured |
qi20a165 | People who invoke their right to privacy have something to hide | directly measured |
qi20a166 | Lawyers who defend people suspected of very serious crimes have no principles | directly measured |
qi20a167 | It makes sense for people to take the law into their own hands when the legal system fails | directly measured |
qi20a168 | Without lawyers, there can be no fair process of law | directly measured |
qi20a169 | Bureaucrats always find a way to hide numbers | directly measured |
qi20a170 | The National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) only publishes information if it is to their advantage | directly measured |
qi20a171 | Institutions, trust in: Politics | directly measured |
qi20a172 | Institutions, trust in: The bank sector | directly measured |
qi20a173 | Institutions, trust in: Science | directly measured |
qi20a174 | Institutions, trust in: The legal system | directly measured |
qi20a175 | Institutions, trust in: The medical world | directly measured |
qi20a176 | Institutions, trust in: The media | directly measured |
qi20a177 | Institutions, trust in: The government | directly measured |
qi20a178 | Institutional experts, trust in: Politicians | directly measured |
qi20a179 | Institutional experts, trust in: Bankers | directly measured |
qi20a180 | Institutional experts, trust in: Scientists | directly measured |
qi20a181 | Institutional experts, trust in: Judges | directly measured |
qi20a182 | Institutional experts, trust in: Lawyers | directly measured |
qi20a183 | Institutional experts, trust in: Medical specialists | directly measured |
qi20a184 | Institutional experts, trust in: Journalists | directly measured |
qi20a185 | Institutional experts, trust in: Civil servants | directly measured |
qi20a186 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
qi20a187 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
qi20a188 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
qi20a189 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
qi20a190 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
qi20a191 | Starting date of the questionnaire | constructed |
qi20a192 | Starting time of the questionnaire | constructed |
qi20a193 | End date of the questionnaire | constructed |
qi20a194 | End time of the questionnaire | constructed |
qi20a195 | Duration questionnaire in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Vignette-based study of citizen-friendly data communication
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse Vignette-based study of citizen-friendly data communicationResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2,939 (100.0%)Non-response: 807 (27.5%)
Response: 2,132 (72.5%)
Complete: 2,076 (70.6%)
Incomplete: 56 (1.9%)
Collection Events
06-07-2020 to 28-07-2020
Random selection of 2,939 panel members
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents