Effects of the outbreak of COVID-19 > Part 4

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

Part 4
Project Number
The objective of this research is to obtain a good picture of the societal effects of the outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and how the outbreak is handled in the Netherlands. The study contains questions that are also fielded in similar panels in Germany and in the United States so that a comparison is possible.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker (Bonn University)
© 2021 Centerdata
Funding Organization
Bonn University
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)

Datasets and documentation

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Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
qq20a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
qq20a001Mobile layoutconstructed
qq20a002Preload variable: Number of household memberspreloaded
qq20a003Preload variable: Age of the household memberpreloaded
qq20a004Preload variable: Before the beginning of March (or before the coronavirus affected your work), which of the following best describes your situation?preloaded
qq20a005Preload variable: Do you have children who (partially) live at home and are in primary school?preloaded
qq20a006Preload variable: Number of children in primary schoolpreloaded
qq20a007Preload variable: Position of the respondent within the householdpreloaded
qq20a008Sum variable: calculated variable total number of school-going children primary school: qq20a169 + qq20a170derived
qq20a009Preload variable: Respondent participated in wave 2 and completed the question about incomepreloaded
qq20a010Preload variable: Respondent never had a jobpreloaded
qq20a011How likely do you think that the following events will happen in the next three months? you will be infecteddirectly measured
qq20a012How likely do you think that the following events will happen in the next three months? someone in your direct environment (family, friends, colleagues) will be infecteddirectly measured
qq20a013How likely do you think that the following events will happen in the next three months? you will have to go to hospital if you get infecteddirectly measured
qq20a014How likely do you think that the following events will happen in the next three months? you get infected and you will infect someone elsedirectly measured
qq20a015In the past month... I felt very anxiousdirectly measured
qq20a016In the past month... I felt so down that nothing could cheer me updirectly measured
qq20a017In the past month... I felt calm and peacefuldirectly measured
qq20a018In the past month... I felt depressed and gloomydirectly measured
qq20a019In the past month... I felt happydirectly measured
qq20a020I have a sense of emptiness around medirectly measured
qq20a021there are enough people I can fall back on in the event of misfortunedirectly measured
qq20a022I know a lot of people that I can fully rely ondirectly measured
qq20a023there are enough people to whom I feel closely connecteddirectly measured
qq20a024I miss having people around medirectly measured
qq20a025I often feel deserteddirectly measured
qq20a026With how many different people did you have such a contact over the past seven days? in person:directly measured
qq20a027With how many different people did you have such a contact over the past seven days? remote (by phone, online etc.):directly measured
qq20a028Daycare and school care will be open entirely (as of June 8)directly measured
qq20a029Primary schools will be open entirely (as of June 8)directly measured
qq20a030Cafes and restaurants are open again with a maximum of 30 guestsdirectly measured
qq20a031When using public transportation you should wear a face maskdirectly measured
qq20a032Outside sports is allowed keeping a distance of 1.5 metersdirectly measured
qq20a033Working at your workplace is allowed if keeping a distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained and if other safety and hygiene precautions are taken (e.g. plexiglass partitions)directly measured
qq20a034Compared to the situation before the outbreak of the coronavirus: Do you go to a cafe or restaurant given the current relaxation of measures?directly measured
qq20a035Compared to the situation before the outbreak of the coronavirus: Do you undertake social and cultural leisure activities (e.g. going to the cinema, theatre or museum) given the current relaxation of measures?directly measured
qq20a036Compared to the situation before the outbreak of the coronavirus: Do you use public transportation, given the current relaxation of measures?directly measured
qq20a037Compared to the situation before the outbreak of the coronavirus: Would you, if the corona measures would not make it impossible, go the the gym or do indoor sports?directly measured
qq20a038When, do you think, will the restrictions that are in place now, no longer be in effect, and will… all schools be open again in a normal way (i.e. not going to school every other day or half-day as was the case for primary schools before)directly measured
qq20a039When, do you think, will the restrictions that are in place now, no longer be in effect, and will… cafes and restaurants be open again without any restrictionsdirectly measured
qq20a040When, do you think, will the restrictions that are in place now, no longer be in effect, and will… we not have to wear face masks anymore in public transportation directly measured
qq20a041When, do you think, will the restrictions that are in place now, no longer be in effect, and will… we practice all sports (inside and outside)directly measured
qq20a042When, do you think, will the restrictions that are in place now, no longer be in effect, and will… there be no safety measures in the workplace that hamper economic activitiesdirectly measured
qq20a043Which of the following options best describes your situation? If there are more options, choose the main activity or job.directly measured
qq20a044How many hours per week did you work at the workplace and from home in the past seven days? At your workplacedirectly measured
qq20a045How many hours per week did you work at the workplace and from home in the past seven days? From homedirectly measured
qq20a046If you compare your situation to that before the coronavirus, what situation applies to you now?directly measured
qq20a047If you compare your situation to that before the coronavirus, what situation applies to you now? Otherwise, namely... directly measured
qq20a048If you compare your situation to that before the coronavirus, what situation applies to you now?directly measured
qq20a049If you compare your situation to that before the coronavirus, what situation applies to you now? Otherwise, namely... directly measured
qq20a050Did your employment situation change due to the coronavirus outbreak?directly measured
qq20a051In which month and in which year did your last job end? monthdirectly measured
qq20a052In which month and in which year did your last job end? yeardirectly measured
qq20a053Suppose you are looking for a same type of job as you had before. How likely do you think you will find such a job in the next two months:directly measured
qq20a054Suppose you are looking for a same type of job as you had before. How likely do you think you will find such a job in the next six months:directly measured
qq20a055Suppose you are looking for a job (any job). How likely do you think you will find a job in the next two months:directly measured
qq20a056Suppose you are looking for a job (any job). How likely do you think you will find a job in the next six months:directly measured
qq20a057How easy, do you think, is it to find the same type of job as you had before, compared to finding a job in other branches of industry?directly measured
qq20a058In your opinion, did the outbreak of the coronavirus have any consequences for finding a same type of job as you had before?directly measured
qq20a059If, in the next two months, you were to find a same type of job and with a similar number of hours as you had before, do you think you will earn the same, less, or more wage than in the job you had before? directly measured
qq20a060Suppose you became unemployed tomorrow and were looking for a same type of job as you have now. How likely is it that you would find employment in a same type of job in the next two months:directly measured
qq20a061Suppose you became unemployed tomorrow and were looking for a same type of job as you have now. How likely is it that you would find employment in a same type of job in the next six months:directly measured
qq20a062Suppose you become unemployed tomorrow and are looking for a job (any job). How likely is it that you would find employment in the next two months:directly measured
qq20a063Suppose you become unemployed tomorrow and are looking for a job (any job). How likely is it that you would find employment in the next six months:directly measured
qq20a064How easy, do you think, is it to find the same type of job as you have now, compared to finding a job in other branches of industry?directly measured
qq20a065In your opinion, does the outbreak of the coronavirus have any consequences for finding a same type of job as you have now?directly measured
qq20a066If, in the next two months, you find a same type of job and with a similar number of hours as you have now, do you think you will earn the same, or less, or more wage than in the job you have now? directly measured
qq20a067Are you currently looking for a (or another) job?directly measured
qq20a068Are you looking for a same type of job as you had before or another type of job?directly measured
qq20a069For what reason are you not looking for another job? Multiple answers possible.: I will (probably) not lose my job in the near futuredirectly measured
qq20a070For what reason are you not looking for another job? Multiple answers possible.: I am satisfied with my current job and I do not want to make a job changedirectly measured
qq20a071For what reason are you not looking for another job? Multiple answers possible.: I do not think I can find another job because of the impact of the coronavirus on the economydirectly measured
qq20a072For what reason are you not looking for another job? Multiple answers possible.: I do not think I can find another job because of other reasonsdirectly measured
qq20a073For what reason are you not looking for another job? Multiple answers possible.: Another reason, namely...directly measured
qq20a074For what reason are you not looking for another job? Multiple answers possible.: Another reason, namely...directly measured
qq20a075For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: I am studyingdirectly measured
qq20a076For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: I run the household/take care of the familydirectly measured
qq20a077For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: I am (partly) occupationally disableddirectly measured
qq20a078For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: I am living off private meansdirectly measured
qq20a079For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: I have taken (early) retirementdirectly measured
qq20a080For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: I do not think I can find a (another) job because of the impact of the coronavirus on the economydirectly measured
qq20a081For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: I do not think I can find a (another) job because of other reasonsdirectly measured
qq20a082For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: It is not safe for me to work because of the coronavirusdirectly measured
qq20a083For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: Another reason, namely... directly measured
qq20a084For what reason(s) are you not looking for a job? Multiple answers possible.: Another reason, namely... directly measured
qq20a085For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I will (probably) lose my job due to the coronavirusdirectly measured
qq20a086For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I will (probably) lose my job due to other reasons than the coronavirusdirectly measured
qq20a087For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I see my current job as temporarydirectly measured
qq20a088For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I want to earn moredirectly measured
qq20a089For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I want a job with better working conditionsdirectly measured
qq20a090For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I want a sideline job to earn some extra moneydirectly measured
qq20a091For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I want to work fewer hoursdirectly measured
qq20a092For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I want to work more hoursdirectly measured
qq20a093For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I do not like my jobdirectly measured
qq20a094For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: I want a job that offers more securitydirectly measured
qq20a095For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: Because of the changed circumstances at homedirectly measured
qq20a096For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: Other, namely...directly measured
qq20a097For what reason(s) are you looking for a(n other) job? Multiple answers possible.: Other, namely...directly measured
qq20a098In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: responded to job vacanciesdirectly measured
qq20a099In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: placed personal advertisementsdirectly measured
qq20a100In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: personally inquired at employersdirectly measured
qq20a101In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: through friends and relationsdirectly measured
qq20a102In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: through the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV)directly measured
qq20a103In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: through temporary employment agenciesdirectly measured
qq20a104In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: placed / updated curriculum vitae on the internetdirectly measured
qq20a105In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: active accompaniment by (job)coachdirectly measured
qq20a106In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: tracked job vacancy advertisementsdirectly measured
qq20a107In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: in another waydirectly measured
qq20a108In what ways have you been looking for work in the past two months? Multiple answers possible.: I have not searched in the past two monthsdirectly measured
qq20a109How often have you applied in the past two months (either personally, in writing, by phone, through email or the internet)? directly measured
qq20a110What is the main reason that you did not apply for any jobs in the past two months?directly measured
qq20a111Think of the job you are now looking for. How many hours per week would you like to work? hoursdirectly measured
qq20a112What is the minimum gross salary per month you would like to earn for such a job and with your preferred number of hours, for you to accept the job? eurosdirectly measured
qq20a113Are the following aspects now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? flexible working hoursdirectly measured
qq20a114Are the following aspects now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? wagedirectly measured
qq20a115Are the following aspects now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? coming into frequent contact with othersdirectly measured
qq20a116Are the following aspects now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? not coming into frequent contact with othersdirectly measured
qq20a117Are the following aspects now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? possibility to work from homedirectly measured
qq20a118Are the following aspects now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? job securitydirectly measured
qq20a119Are the following aspects now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? travel time to and from workdirectly measured
qq20a120Are the following aspects now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? avoid using public transportation to get to workdirectly measured
qq20a121Are the following aspects of looking for a job now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? flexible working hoursdirectly measured
qq20a122Are the following aspects of looking for a job now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? wagedirectly measured
qq20a123Are the following aspects of looking for a job now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? coming into frequent contact with othersdirectly measured
qq20a124Are the following aspects of looking for a job now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? not coming into frequent contact with othersdirectly measured
qq20a125Are the following aspects of looking for a job now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? possibility to work from homedirectly measured
qq20a126Are the following aspects of looking for a job now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? job securitydirectly measured
qq20a127Are the following aspects of looking for a job now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? travel time to and from workdirectly measured
qq20a128Are the following aspects of looking for a job now less important or more important in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the coronavirus? avoid using public transportation to get to workdirectly measured
qq20a129Usually, people get their holiday pay in May. Which situation applies to you? directly measured
qq20a130Usually, people get their holiday pay in May. Which situation applies to you? Otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a131What is the net amount of holiday pay [you received?/you should have received]? eurosdirectly measured
qq20a132What is the net amount of holiday pay you should have received? eurosdirectly measured
qq20a133What is the net amount of holiday pay you received? eurosdirectly measured
qq20a134Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: holiday, pleasure trips, social and cultural leisure activities such as visit to museum, theatre or cinemadirectly measured
qq20a135Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: covering basic needs and outstanding payments, which I would otherwise not have been able to pay directly measured
qq20a136Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: covering expenses I would normally also have, but are not basic needs and which I would otherwise not be able to afforddirectly measured
qq20a137Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: the purchase of durable goods, such as a car, technical devices or (garden)furnituredirectly measured
qq20a138Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: maintenance of house and / or garden (e.g. painting or plastering, planting, garden pond)directly measured
qq20a139Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: saving (leave on my checking account or savings account, buy shares etc.)directly measured
qq20a140Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: financially supporting family and / or friendsdirectly measured
qq20a141Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: something elsedirectly measured
qq20a142Before the outbreak of the coronavirus I would spend my holiday pay on: Still to be distributeddirectly measured
qq20a143Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: holiday, pleasure trips, social and cultural leisure activities such as visit to museum, theatre or cinemadirectly measured
qq20a144Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: covering basic needs and outstanding payments, which I would otherwise not have been able to pay directly measured
qq20a145Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: covering expenses I would normally also have, but are not basic needs and which I would otherwise not be able to afforddirectly measured
qq20a146Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: the purchase of durable goods, such as a car, technical devices or (garden)furnituredirectly measured
qq20a147Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: maintenance of house and / or garden (e.g. painting or plastering, planting, garden pond)directly measured
qq20a148Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: saving (leave on my checking account or savings account, buy shares etc.)directly measured
qq20a149Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: financially supporting family and / or friendsdirectly measured
qq20a150Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: something elsedirectly measured
qq20a151Due to the coronavirus outbreak, I [am going to/would] spend the holday pay on: Still to be distributeddirectly measured
qq20a152What was in the past [two/five] months [your gross montly income/the total gross monthly income of your household]? income in Januarydirectly measured
qq20a153What was in the past [two/five] months [your gross montly income/the total gross monthly income of your household]? income in Februarydirectly measured
qq20a154What was in the past [two/five] months [your gross montly income/the total gross monthly income of your household]? income in Marchdirectly measured
qq20a155What was in the past [two/five] months [your gross montly income/the total gross monthly income of your household]? income in Aprildirectly measured
qq20a156What was in the past [two/five] months [your gross montly income/the total gross monthly income of your household]? income in Maydirectly measured
qq20a157Please indicate your expectations of [your total gross yearly income/the total gross yearly income of your household], before the outbreak of the coronavirus. For this year (so also for January to May)directly measured
qq20a158Please indicate your expectations of [your total gross yearly income/the total income of your household], before the outbreak of the coronavirus. For the year 2021directly measured
qq20a159Please indicate your expectations of [your total gross yearly income/the total income of your household], before the outbreak of the coronavirus. For the year 2022directly measured
qq20a160Please indicate your expectations of [your total gross yearly income/the total income of your household], under the current circumstances. For this year (so also for January to May)directly measured
qq20a161Please indicate your expectations of [your total gross yearly income/the total income of your household], under the current circumstances. For the year 2021directly measured
qq20a162Please indicate your expectations of [your total gross yearly income/the total income of your household], under the current circumstances. For the year 2022directly measured
qq20a163Please indicate what you now expect [your gross yearly income/the total gross yearly income of your household] to be, under the current circumstances. For this year (so also for January to May)directly measured
qq20a164Please indicate what you now expect [your gross yearly income/the total gross yearly income of your household] to be, under the current circumstances. For the year 2021directly measured
qq20a165Please indicate what you now expect [your gross yearly income/the total gross yearly income of your household] to be, under the current circumstances. For the year 2022directly measured
qq20a166Do you have children who (partially) live at home and are in primary school or are not yet in primary school?: Yes, I have a child or children in primary schooldirectly measured
qq20a167Do you have children who (partially) live at home and are in primary school or are not yet in primary school?: Yes, I have a child or children who are not yet in primary schooldirectly measured
qq20a168Do you have children who (partially) live at home and are in primary school or are not yet in primary school?: Nodirectly measured
qq20a169How many of your children are in primary school?directly measured
qq20a170How many of your children are not yet in primary school?directly measured
qq20a171[Child/First child] in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a172Second child in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a173Third child in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a174Fourth child in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a175Fifth child in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a176[Child/First child] in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a177Second child in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a178Third child in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a179Fourth child in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a180Fifth child in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a181[Child/First child] not yet in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a182Second child not yet in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a183Third child not yet in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a184Fourth child not yet in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a185Fifth child not yet in primary school: Genderdirectly measured
qq20a186[Child/First child] not yet in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a187Second child not yet in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a188Third child not yet in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a189Fourth child not yet in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a190Fifth child not yet in primary school: Year of birthdirectly measured
qq20a191On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a192On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a193On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a194On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a195On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a196On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a197On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a198On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a199On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a200On which days did [bo_kind1] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a201Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a202Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a203Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a204Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a205Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a206Why did [bo_kind1] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind1] was illdirectly measured
qq20a207Why did [bo_kind1] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind1] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a208Why did [bo_kind1] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind1] goes to school, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a209Why did [bo_kind1] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind1] already had a chronic condition and is excused from going to schooldirectly measured
qq20a210Why did [bo_kind1] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a211Why did [bo_kind1] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a212Why did [bo_kind1] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a213Did [bo_kind1] go to out-of-school care in the past week?directly measured
qq20a214Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind1] was illdirectly measured
qq20a215Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind1] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a216Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind1] goes to out-of-school care, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a217Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: someone in our household has flu-like symptoms / has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a218Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: the out-of-school care is not open yetdirectly measured
qq20a219Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: there is no place available at the out-of-school caredirectly measured
qq20a220Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: we are not using the out-of-school care for [bo_kind1]directly measured
qq20a221Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a222Why did [bo_kind1] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a223On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a224On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a225On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a226On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a227On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a228On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a229On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a230On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a231On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a232On which days did [bo_kind2] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a233Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a234Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a235Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a236Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a237Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a238Why did [bo_kind2] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind2] was illdirectly measured
qq20a239Why did [bo_kind2] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind2] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a240Why did [bo_kind2] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind2] goes to school, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a241Why did [bo_kind2] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind2] already had a chronic condition and is excused from going to schooldirectly measured
qq20a242Why did [bo_kind2] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at home usdirectly measured
qq20a243Why did [bo_kind2] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a244Why did [bo_kind2] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a245Did [bo_kind2] go to out-of-school care in the past week?directly measured
qq20a246Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind2] was illdirectly measured
qq20a247Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind2] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a248Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind2] goes to out-of-school care, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a249Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: someone in our household has flu-like symptoms / has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a250Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: the out-of-school care is not open yetdirectly measured
qq20a251Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: there is no place available at the out-of-school caredirectly measured
qq20a252Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: we are not using the out-of-school care for [bo_kind2]directly measured
qq20a253Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a254Why did [bo_kind2] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a255On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a256On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a257On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a258On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a259On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a260On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a261On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a262On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a263On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a264On which days did [bo_kind3] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a265Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a266Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a267Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a268Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a269Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a270Why did [bo_kind3] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind3] was illdirectly measured
qq20a271Why did [bo_kind3] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind3] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a272Why did [bo_kind3] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind3] goes to school, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a273Why did [bo_kind3] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind3] already had a chronic condition and is excused from going to schooldirectly measured
qq20a274Why did [bo_kind3] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at home usdirectly measured
qq20a275Why did [bo_kind3] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a276Why did [bo_kind3] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a277Did [bo_kind3] go to out-of-school care in the past week?directly measured
qq20a278Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind3] was illdirectly measured
qq20a279Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind3] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a280Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind3] goes to out-of-school care, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a281Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: someone in our household has flu-like symptoms / has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a282Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: the out-of-school care is not open yetdirectly measured
qq20a283Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: there is no place available at the out-of-school caredirectly measured
qq20a284Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: we are not using the out-of-school care for [bo_kind3]directly measured
qq20a285Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a286Why did [bo_kind3] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a287On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a288On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a289On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a290On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a291On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a292On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a293On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a294On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a295On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a296On which days did [bo_kind4] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a297Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a298Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a299Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a300Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a301Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a302Why did [bo_kind4] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind4] was illdirectly measured
qq20a303Why did [bo_kind4] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind4] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a304Why did [bo_kind4] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind4] goes to school, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a305Why did [bo_kind4] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind4] already had a chronic condition and is excused from going to schooldirectly measured
qq20a306Why did [bo_kind4] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at home usdirectly measured
qq20a307Why did [bo_kind4] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a308Why did [bo_kind4] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a309Did [bo_kind4] go to out-of-school care in the past week?directly measured
qq20a310Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind4] was illdirectly measured
qq20a311Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind4] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a312Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind4] goes to out-of-school care, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a313Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: someone in our household has flu-like symptoms / has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a314Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: the out-of-school care is not open yetdirectly measured
qq20a315Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: there is no place available at the out-of-school caredirectly measured
qq20a316Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: we are not using the out-of-school care for [bo_kind4]directly measured
qq20a317Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a318Why did [bo_kind4] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a319On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a320On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a321On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a322On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a323On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a324On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a325On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a326On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a327On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a328On which days did [bo_kind5] go to primary school and/or out-of-school care in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a329Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a330Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a331Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a332Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a333Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a334Why did [bo_kind5] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind5] was illdirectly measured
qq20a335Why did [bo_kind5] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind5] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a336Why did [bo_kind5] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind5] goes to school, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a337Why did [bo_kind5] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind5] already had a chronic condition and is excused from going to schooldirectly measured
qq20a338Why did [bo_kind5] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at home usdirectly measured
qq20a339Why did [bo_kind5] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a340Why did [bo_kind5] not go to primary school last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a341Did [bo_kind5] go to out-of-school care in the past week?directly measured
qq20a342Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: [bo_kind5] was illdirectly measured
qq20a343Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [bo_kind5] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a344Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [bo_kind5] goes to out-of-school care, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a345Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: someone in our household has flu-like symptoms / has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a346Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: the out-of-school care is not open yetdirectly measured
qq20a347Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: there is no place available at the out-of-school caredirectly measured
qq20a348Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: we are not using the out-of-school care for [bo_kind5]directly measured
qq20a349Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a350Why did [bo_kind5] not go to out-of-school care last week? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a351Did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder before the outbreak of the coronavirus?directly measured
qq20a352On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a353On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a354On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a355On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a356On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a357On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a358On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a359On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a360On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a361On which days did [vo_kind1] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a362Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a363Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a364Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a365Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a366Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a367Why did [vo_kind1] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: [vo_kind1] was illdirectly measured
qq20a368Why did [vo_kind1] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [vo_kind1] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a369Why did [vo_kind1] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [vo_kind1] goes to daycare or is with a childminder, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a370Why did [vo_kind1] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a371Why did [vo_kind1] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: childcare is not open yet, we can’t visit the childminder yetdirectly measured
qq20a372Why did [vo_kind1] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: there is no spot available at the daycare or with the childminderdirectly measured
qq20a373Why did [vo_kind1] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a374Why did [vo_kind1] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a375Did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder before the outbreak of the coronavirus?directly measured
qq20a376On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a377On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a378On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a379On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a380On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a381On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a382On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a383On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a384On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a385On which days did [vo_kind2] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a386Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a387Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a388Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a389Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a390Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a391Why did [vo_kind2] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: [vo_kind2] was illdirectly measured
qq20a392Why did [vo_kind2] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [vo_kind2] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a393Why did [vo_kind2] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [vo_kind2] goes to daycare or is with a childminder, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a394Why did [vo_kind2] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a395Why did [vo_kind2] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: childcare is not open yet, we can’t visit the childminder yetdirectly measured
qq20a396Why did [vo_kind2] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: there is no spot available at the daycare or with the childminderdirectly measured
qq20a397Why did [vo_kind2] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a398Why did [vo_kind2] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a399Did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder before the outbreak of the coronavirus?directly measured
qq20a400On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a401On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a402On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a403On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a404On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a405On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a406On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a407On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a408On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a409On which days did [vo_kind3] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a410Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a411Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a412Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a413Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a414Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a415Why did [vo_kind3] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: [vo_kind3] was illdirectly measured
qq20a416Why did [vo_kind3] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [vo_kind3] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a417Why did [vo_kind3] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [vo_kind3] goes to daycare or is with a childminder, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a418Why did [vo_kind3] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a419Why did [vo_kind3] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: childcare is not open yet, we can’t visit the childminder yetdirectly measured
qq20a420Why did [vo_kind3] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: there is no spot available at the daycare or with the childminderdirectly measured
qq20a421Why did [vo_kind3] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a422Why did [vo_kind3] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a423Did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder before the outbreak of the coronavirus?directly measured
qq20a424On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a425On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a426On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a427On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a428On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a429On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a430On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a431On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a432On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a433On which days did [vo_kind4] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a434Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a435Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a436Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a437Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a438Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a439Why did [vo_kind4] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: [vo_kind4] was illdirectly measured
qq20a440Why did [vo_kind4] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [vo_kind4] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a441Why did [vo_kind4] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [vo_kind4] goes to daycare or is with a childminder, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a442Why did [vo_kind4] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a443Why did [vo_kind4] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: childcare is not open yet, we can’t visit the childminder yetdirectly measured
qq20a444Why did [vo_kind4] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: there is no spot available at the daycare or with the childminderdirectly measured
qq20a445Why did [vo_kind4] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a446Why did [vo_kind4] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a447Did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder before the outbreak of the coronavirus?directly measured
qq20a448On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: From...directly measured
qq20a449On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: From...directly measured
qq20a450On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: From...directly measured
qq20a451On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: From...directly measured
qq20a452On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: From...directly measured
qq20a453On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Monday: To...directly measured
qq20a454On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Tuesday: To...directly measured
qq20a455On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Wednesday: To...directly measured
qq20a456On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Thursday: To...directly measured
qq20a457On which days did [vo_kind5] go to daycare or a childminder in the past week? And from when to when? Friday: To...directly measured
qq20a458Monday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a459Tuesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a460Wednesday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a461Thursday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a462Friday: did not go this daydirectly measured
qq20a463Why did [vo_kind5] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: [vo_kind5] was illdirectly measured
qq20a464Why did [vo_kind5] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid [vo_kind5] will be infected with the coronavirus and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a465Why did [vo_kind5] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: I am afraid that because [vo_kind5] goes to daycare or is with a childminder, someone else in the household will be infected and gets illdirectly measured
qq20a466Why did [vo_kind5] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: Someone in our household has flu-like symptoms/has had the coronavirus, so everyone in the household should stay at homedirectly measured
qq20a467Why did [vo_kind5] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: childcare is not open yet, we can’t visit the childminder yetdirectly measured
qq20a468Why did [vo_kind5] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: there is no spot available at the daycare or with the childminderdirectly measured
qq20a469Why did [vo_kind5] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a470Why did [vo_kind5] not go childcare or to the childminder? Multiple answers possible.: otherwise, namely...directly measured
qq20a471Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
qq20a472Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
qq20a473Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
qq20a474Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
qq20a475Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
qq20a476Starting date questionnaireconstructed
qq20a477Starting time questionnaireconstructed
qq20a478End date questionnaireconstructed
qq20a479End time questionnaireconstructed
qq20a480Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Effects of the outbreak of COVID-19 (Part 4)

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse Effects of the outbreak of COVID-19 (Part 4)

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 7,022 (100.0%)
Non-response: 1,188 (16.9%)
Response: 5,834 (83.1%)
Complete: 5,595 (79.7%)
Incomplete: 239 (3.4%)
Collection Events
01-06-2020 to 30-06-2020
All LISS panel members aged 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents