Elderly and loneliness > Wave 2
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Wave 2
Project Number
Wave two of the survey about experiences of social isolation in times of COVID-19 in people aged 65+.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Stephanie Steinmetz (University of Amsterdam)
© 2021 CentERdata
Funding Organization
University of Amsterdam
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
qu20b_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
qu20b001 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? Loss of your job, business and financial problems of your own | directly measured |
qu20b002 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? Loss of work, business and financial problems of your partner, family member, friend, or close acquaintance | directly measured |
qu20b003 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? Discontinuation of normal leisure activities, such as club activities | directly measured |
qu20b004 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? Can no longer visit cafes, restaurants, and many shops | directly measured |
qu20b005 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? I have been sick | directly measured |
qu20b110 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? The fear of being infected personally with coronavirus. | directly measured |
qu20b111 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? The fear of dying alone if I become sick. | directly measured |
qu20b006 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? The death or serious illness of your partner or a housemate | directly measured |
qu20b007 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? The death or serious illness of a family member, friend, or close acquaintance | directly measured |
qu20b008 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? No, less or other contact with grandchildren and children | directly measured |
qu20b009 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? No, less or other contact with other family, friends, and acquaintances | directly measured |
qu20b112 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? I have less or no physical contact (arm around a shoulder, a hug, other physical contact). | directly measured |
qu20b012 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? Other, specifically [text] | directly measured |
qu20b013 | Through this [Corona]crisis, are there situations and events that affect you personally? Other | directly measured |
qu20b014 | Which of the following pieces of advice have you followed in the past week? Do not go to crowded places | directly measured |
qu20b015 | Which of the following pieces of advice have you followed in the past week? Avoid public spaces | directly measured |
qu20b016 | Which of the following pieces of advice have you followed in the past week? Keeping a distance from others (1.5 meters) | directly measured |
qu20b017 | Which of the following pieces of advice have you followed in the past week? Adjusting regulations for school or work | directly measured |
qu20b018 | Which of the following pieces of advice have you followed in the past week? Going into quarantine because you have symptoms | directly measured |
qu20b019 | Which of the following pieces of advice have you followed in the past week? Going into quarantine even if you have no symptoms | directly measured |
qu20b020 | Which of the following pieces of advice have you followed in the past week? None of the above | directly measured |
qu20b113 | People should strictly obey the coronavirus rules (for instance keeping 1.5 meters distance to people not belonging to one’s own household) | directly measured |
qu20b114 | Everyone should make their own choices with regard to the coronavirus rules, independently of the health risk posed to others | directly measured |
qu20b115 | If beds on intensive care units are scarce, young corona patients should be prioritized over older patients. | directly measured |
qu20b116 | Reviving the economy quickly is more important than protecting vulnerable elderly people | directly measured |
qu20b021 | How worried have you been about the Corona crisis during the last seven days? | directly measured |
qu20b022 | If you compare yourself to other people, how much chance do you have of getting sick from the Corona virus? | directly measured |
qu20b023 | Have you or has anyone in your environment tested positive for the Corona virus (meaning, that you or another person had the virus)? | directly measured |
qu20b024 | There is always someone in my environment whom I can turn to with my everyday issues. | directly measured |
qu20b025 | I miss a truly close friend. | directly measured |
qu20b026 | I have a sense of emptiness around me. | directly measured |
qu20b027 | There are enough people I can count on in case of a misfortune. | directly measured |
qu20b028 | I miss conviviality around me. | directly measured |
qu20b029 | I find my circle of acquaintances to be too limited. | directly measured |
qu20b030 | I know a lot of people that I can fully rely on. | directly measured |
qu20b031 | There are enough people to whom I feel closely connected. | directly measured |
qu20b032 | I miss having people around me. | directly measured |
qu20b033 | I often feel deserted. | directly measured |
qu20b034 | I can always call on friends when I feel the need. | directly measured |
qu20b035 | If we were to divide up all people in terms of not lonely, moderately lonely, very lonely, extremely lonely – to what category do you feel you belong? | directly measured |
qu20b036 | I am happy with how I have lived my life. | directly measured |
qu20b037 | My life has a certain purpose. | directly measured |
qu20b038 | I feel helpless. | directly measured |
qu20b039 | I feel powerless in face of the world. | directly measured |
qu20b040 | It feels as if I’m dead. | directly measured |
qu20b041 | This world offers lots of opportunities. | directly measured |
qu20b042 | Life doesn’t have much meaning. | directly measured |
qu20b043 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Children living away from home | directly measured |
qu20b044 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Grandchildren living away from home | directly measured |
qu20b045 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Daughters and sons-in-law | directly measured |
qu20b046 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Other family | directly measured |
qu20b047 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Friends and acquaintances | directly measured |
qu20b053 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Neighbors | directly measured |
qu20b054 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Shop assistants | directly measured |
qu20b055 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Home care, community nurse, caregiver | directly measured |
qu20b056 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Cleaner | directly measured |
qu20b057 | How often have you been in contact with these people in recent weeks? Chaplain or another spiritual counsellor | directly measured |
qu20b063 | Have you received help or support with the following activities in the past two weeks? Maintaining social contacts (e.g. via computer or tablet/iPad) | directly measured |
qu20b064 | Have you received help or support with the following activities in the past two weeks? Daily activities | directly measured |
qu20b065 | Have you received help or support with the following activities in the past two weeks? Financial situation (debts, administration, making payments) | directly measured |
qu20b066 | Have you received help or support with the following activities in the past two weeks? Mental health (e.g. meaning, coping with anxiety, gloominess) | directly measured |
qu20b067 | Have you received help or support with the following activities in the past two weeks? Physical health and dealing with medication | directly measured |
qu20b068 | Have you received help or support with the following activities in the past two weeks? Personal care (e.g. washing, dressing, support stockings) | directly measured |
qu20b069 | Have you received help or support with the following activities in the past two weeks? Housekeeping (e.g. cooking, shopping, cleaning) | directly measured |
qu20b070 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Contact with others through technology | directly measured |
qu20b071 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Contact at 1.5 meters distance | directly measured |
qu20b117 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Talking to someone about the emotional issues affecting me or the other person | directly measured |
qu20b072 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Joint activities with housemates | directly measured |
qu20b073 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Relativizing | directly measured |
qu20b118 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Accepting that contact with others is different now, because of the coronavirus situation | directly measured |
qu20b074 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Participation in playful neighborhood actions | directly measured |
qu20b075 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Searching information on how to stay healthy or what I can do if I am no longer healthy | directly measured |
qu20b077 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Finding distractions in and around the house | directly measured |
qu20b078 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Outdoor distraction | directly measured |
qu20b080 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Participation in actions for others | directly measured |
qu20b119 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Group meetings via technology | directly measured |
qu20b082 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Seeking spirituality | directly measured |
qu20b083 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Consuming alcohol or drugs, smoking | directly measured |
qu20b084 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Volunteering or helping acquaintances | directly measured |
qu20b085 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? None of the above | directly measured |
qu20b087 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Other | directly measured |
qu20b086 | What are you doing, or have you done, to break through your social isolation or loneliness in the Corona era or to deal with the situation? Other, specifically [text] | directly measured |
qu20b089 | How would you describe your health, generally speaking? | directly measured |
qu20b091 | During the past month ... I was very nervous. | directly measured |
qu20b092 | During the past month ... I felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer me up. | directly measured |
qu20b093 | During the past month ... I felt calm and peaceful. | directly measured |
qu20b094 | During the past month ... I felt downhearted and blue. | directly measured |
qu20b095 | During the past month ... I felt happy. | directly measured |
qu20b096 | Has the way in which the Corona crisis is being tackled in the Netherlands changed your confidence in the following four institutions? The healthcare sector | directly measured |
qu20b097 | Has the way in which the Corona crisis is being tackled in the Netherlands changed your confidence in the following four institutions? Science | directly measured |
qu20b098 | Has the way in which the Corona crisis is being tackled in the Netherlands changed your confidence in the following four institutions? The government | directly measured |
qu20b099 | Has the way in which the Corona crisis is being tackled in the Netherlands changed your confidence in the following four institutions? Dutch society | directly measured |
qu20b100 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
qu20b101 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
qu20b102 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
qu20b103 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
qu20b104 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
qu20b105 | Starting date of the questionnaire | constructed |
qu20b106 | Starting time of the questionnaire | constructed |
qu20b107 | End date of the questionnaire | constructed |
qu20b108 | End time of the questionnaire | constructed |
qu20b109 | Duration questionnaire in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Elderly and loneliness - Wave 2
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse Elderly and loneliness - Wave 2Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1,862 (100.0%)Non-response: 143 (7.7%)
Response: 1,719 (92.3%)
Complete: 1,716 (92.2%)
Incomplete: 3 (0.2%)
Collection Events
01-06-2020 to 30-06-2020
Panel members aged 65+
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents