European Values Study 2017 > Main measurement 2017
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Main measurement 2017
Project Number
This research aims at exploring response differences between two modes by comparing the face-to-face surveys of the Dutch ‘European Values Study’ of 2017 with a time parallel web survey of the EVS in the LISS panel.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Tim Reeskens (Tilburg University); Loek Halman (Tilburg University); Ruud Luijkx (Tilburg University)
© 2022 Centerdata
Funding Organization
Tilburg University
Tilburg University
Datasets and documentation
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Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
sa17a_m1 | Year and month of the field work period for part 1 | constructed |
sa17a_m2 | Year and month of the field work period for part 2 | constructed |
sa17a001 | The order in which blocks A, B, C and D were taken | constructed |
sa17a002 | Please indicate how important this is in your life: Work | directly measured |
sa17a003 | Please indicate how important this is in your life: Family | directly measured |
sa17a004 | Please indicate how important this is in your life: Friends and acquaintances | directly measured |
sa17a005 | Please indicate how important this is in your life: Leisure time | directly measured |
sa17a006 | Please indicate how important this is in your life: Politics | directly measured |
sa17a007 | Please indicate how important this is in your life: Religion | directly measured |
sa17a008 | Taking all things together, would you say you are: | directly measured |
sa17a009 | All in all, how would you describe your state of health these days? | directly measured |
sa17a010 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Religious or church organisations | directly measured |
sa17a011 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Education, arts, music or cultural activities | directly measured |
sa17a012 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Trade unions | directly measured |
sa17a013 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Political parties or groups | directly measured |
sa17a014 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Conservation, the environment, ecology, animal rights | directly measured |
sa17a015 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Professional associations | directly measured |
sa17a016 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Sports or recreation | directly measured |
sa17a017 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Humanitarian or charitable organization | directly measured |
sa17a018 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Consumer organization | directly measured |
sa17a019 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Self-help group, mutual aid group | directly measured |
sa17a020 | Please indicate whether you belong to... Other groups | directly measured |
sa17a021 | Did you do voluntary work in the last 6 months? | directly measured |
sa17a022 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? People of a different race | directly measured |
sa17a023 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? Heavy drinkers | directly measured |
sa17a024 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? Immigrants/foreign workers | directly measured |
sa17a025 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? Drug addicts | directly measured |
sa17a026 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? Homosexuals | directly measured |
sa17a027 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? Christians | directly measured |
sa17a028 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? Muslim | directly measured |
sa17a029 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? Jews | directly measured |
sa17a030 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? Gypsies | directly measured |
sa17a031 | Could you identify any that you would not like to have as neighbours? No. I wouldn't mind having any of these as neighbours. | directly measured |
sa17a032 | Would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? | directly measured |
sa17a033 | Please indicate how much you trust… Your family | directly measured |
sa17a034 | Please indicate how much you trust… People in your neighborhood | directly measured |
sa17a035 | Please indicate how much you trust… People you know personally | directly measured |
sa17a036 | Please indicate how much you trust… People you meet for the first time | directly measured |
sa17a037 | Please indicate how much you trust… People of another religion | directly measured |
sa17a038 | Please indicate how much you trust… People of another nationality | directly measured |
sa17a039 | Please indicate how much freedom of choice and control you feel you have over the way your life turns out? | directly measured |
sa17a040 | All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days? | directly measured |
sa17a041 | Please indicate which, if any, you think is important in a job? Good pay | directly measured |
sa17a042 | Please indicate which, if any, you think is important in a job? Good hours | directly measured |
sa17a043 | Please indicate which, if any, you think is important in a job? An opportunity to use initiative | directly measured |
sa17a044 | Please indicate which, if any, you think is important in a job? Generous holidays | directly measured |
sa17a045 | Please indicate which, if any, you think is important in a job? A job in which you feel you can achieve something | directly measured |
sa17a046 | Please indicate which, if any, you think is important in a job? A responsible job | directly measured |
sa17a047 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? To fully develop your talents, you need to have a job | directly measured |
sa17a048 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? It is humiliating to receive money without having to work for it | directly measured |
sa17a049 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? People who don’t work turn lazy | directly measured |
sa17a050 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? Work is a duty towards society | directly measured |
sa17a051 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? Work should always come first, even if it means less spare time | directly measured |
sa17a052 | Do you belong to a religious denomination? | directly measured |
sa17a053 | Which religious denomination do you belong to? | directly measured |
sa17a054 | Which religious denomination do you belong to? Other, please specify: | directly measured |
sa17a055 | Did you ever belong to a religious denomination? | directly measured |
sa17a056 | Apart from weddings, funerals and christenings, about how often do you attend religious services these days? | directly measured |
sa17a057 | Apart from weddings, funerals and christenings, about how often did you attend religious services when you were 12 years old? | directly measured |
sa17a058 | Independently of whether you go to church or not, would you say you are ... | directly measured |
sa17a059 | Please indicate whether you believe in… God | directly measured |
sa17a060 | Please indicate whether you believe in… Life after death | directly measured |
sa17a061 | Please indicate whether you believe in… Hell | directly measured |
sa17a062 | Please indicate whether you believe in… Heaven | directly measured |
sa17a063 | Do you believe in re-incarnation, that is, that we had past lives and will be born into this world again? | directly measured |
sa17a064 | Which of these statements comes closest to your beliefs? | directly measured |
sa17a065 | And how important is God in your life? 10 means very important and 1 means not at all important. | directly measured |
sa17a066 | How often do you pray outside of religious services? | directly measured |
sa17a067 | For a successful marriage or partnership, please indicate how important is… Faithfulness | directly measured |
sa17a068 | For a successful marriage or partnership, please indicate how important is… An adequate income | directly measured |
sa17a069 | For a successful marriage or partnership, please indicate how important is… Good housing | directly measured |
sa17a070 | For a successful marriage or partnership, please indicate how important is… Sharing household chores | directly measured |
sa17a071 | For a successful marriage or partnership, please indicate how important is… Children | directly measured |
sa17a072 | For a successful marriage or partnership, please indicate how important is… Having some time for one’s own friends and for personal hobbies/activities | directly measured |
sa17a073 | Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Marriage is an outdated institution? | directly measured |
sa17a074 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? When a mother works for pay, the children suffer | directly measured |
sa17a075 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? A job is alright but what most women really want is a home and children | directly measured |
sa17a076 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? Family life suffers when woman has full-time job | directly measured |
sa17a077 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? A man's job is to earn money; a woman's job is to look after the home and family | directly measured |
sa17a078 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? On the whole, men make better political leaders than women do | directly measured |
sa17a079 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? A university education is more important for a boy than for a girl | directly measured |
sa17a080 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? On the whole, men make better business executives than women do | directly measured |
sa17a081 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? One of my main goals in life has been to make my parents proud | directly measured |
sa17a082 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? When jobs are scarce, employers should give priority to Dutch people over immigrants | directly measured |
sa17a083 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? When jobs are scarce, men have more right to a job than women | directly measured |
sa17a084 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? Homosexual couples are as good parents as other couples | directly measured |
sa17a085 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? It is a duty towards society to have children | directly measured |
sa17a086 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? Adult children have the duty to provide long-term care for their parents | directly measured |
sa17a087 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Good manners | directly measured |
sa17a088 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Independence | directly measured |
sa17a089 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Hard work | directly measured |
sa17a090 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Feeling of responsibility | directly measured |
sa17a091 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Imagination | directly measured |
sa17a092 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Tolerance and respect for other people | directly measured |
sa17a093 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Thrift, saving money and things | directly measured |
sa17a094 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Determination, perseverance | directly measured |
sa17a095 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Religious faith | directly measured |
sa17a096 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Unselfishness | directly measured |
sa17a097 | Which five qualities which children can be encouraged to learn at home would you say are the most desirable for a child to have. Obedience | directly measured |
sa17a098 | How interested would you say you are in politics? | directly measured |
sa17a099 | Please indicate whether you have actually done this. Signing a petition | directly measured |
sa17a100 | Please indicate whether you have actually done this. Joining in boycotts | directly measured |
sa17a101 | Please indicate whether you have actually done this. Attending lawful demonstrations | directly measured |
sa17a102 | Please indicate whether you have actually done this. Joining unofficial strikes | directly measured |
sa17a103 | In political matters, people talk of ‘the left’ and ‘the right’. How would you place your views on this scale? | directly measured |
sa17a104 | Please read the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale: individual vs. state responsibility for providing | directly measured |
sa17a105 | Please read the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale: take any job vs. right to refuse job when unemployed | directly measured |
sa17a106 | Please read the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale: competition is good vs. harmful | directly measured |
sa17a107 | Please read the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale: equalize incomes vs. incentives for individual effort | directly measured |
sa17a108 | Please read the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale: private vs. government ownership business | directly measured |
sa17a109 | Would you please indicate which aim of this country you, yourself, consider the most important? | directly measured |
sa17a110 | And which would be the next most important? | directly measured |
sa17a111 | If you had to choose, which one of the things listed below would you say is most important? First mention | directly measured |
sa17a112 | Second mention | directly measured |
sa17a113 | Of course, we all hope that there will not be another war, but if it were to come to that, would you be willing to fight for your country? | directly measured |
sa17a114 | Please indicate whether you think it would be a good thing, a bad thing, or you do not mind. Less importance placed on work in our lives | directly measured |
sa17a115 | Please indicate whether you think it would be a good thing, a bad thing, or you do not mind. Greater respect for authority | directly measured |
sa17a116 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in… The church | directly measured |
sa17a117 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in… The armed forces | directly measured |
sa17a118 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The education system | directly measured |
sa17a119 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The press | directly measured |
sa17a120 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... Trade unions | directly measured |
sa17a121 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The police | directly measured |
sa17a122 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The parliament | directly measured |
sa17a123 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The civil service | directly measured |
sa17a124 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The social security system | directly measured |
sa17a125 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The European Union | directly measured |
sa17a126 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The United Nations Organization | directly measured |
sa17a127 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The health care system | directly measured |
sa17a128 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The justice system | directly measured |
sa17a129 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... Major companies | directly measured |
sa17a130 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... Environmental organizations | directly measured |
sa17a131 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The political parties | directly measured |
sa17a132 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... The government | directly measured |
sa17a133 | Please indicate how much confidence you have in... Social media | directly measured |
sa17a134 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? Governments tax the rich and subsidize the poor. | directly measured |
sa17a135 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? Religious authorities ultimately interpret the laws. | directly measured |
sa17a136 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? People choose their leaders in free elections. | directly measured |
sa17a137 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? People receive state aid for unemployment. | directly measured |
sa17a138 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? The army takes over when government is incompetent. | directly measured |
sa17a139 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? Civil rights protect people from state oppression. | directly measured |
sa17a140 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? The state makes people’s incomes equal. | directly measured |
sa17a141 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? People obey their rulers. | directly measured |
sa17a142 | How essential do you think this is as a characteristic of democracy? Women have the same rights as men. | directly measured |
sa17a143 | How important is it for you to live in a country that is governed democratically? | directly measured |
sa17a144 | And how democratically is this country being governed today? | directly measured |
sa17a145 | How satisfied are you with how the political system is functioning in your country these days? | directly measured |
sa17a146 | Is this a good or bad way of governing this country? Having a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and elections | directly measured |
sa17a147 | Is this a good or bad way of governing this country? Having experts, not government, make decisions according to what they think is best for the country | directly measured |
sa17a148 | Is this a good or bad way of governing this country? Having the army rule the country | directly measured |
sa17a149 | Is this a good or bad way of governing this country? Having a democratic political system | directly measured |
sa17a150 | Can this be justified? Claiming state benefits which you are not entitled to | directly measured |
sa17a151 | Can this be justified? Cheating on tax if you have the chance | directly measured |
sa17a152 | Can this be justified? Taking the drugs marijuana or hashish | directly measured |
sa17a153 | Can this be justified? Someone accepting a bribe in the course of their duties | directly measured |
sa17a154 | Can this be justified? Homosexuality | directly measured |
sa17a155 | Can this be justified? Abortion | directly measured |
sa17a156 | Can this be justified? Divorce | directly measured |
sa17a157 | Can this be justified? Euthanasia | directly measured |
sa17a158 | Can this be justified? Suicide | directly measured |
sa17a159 | Can this be justified? Having casual sex | directly measured |
sa17a160 | Can this be justified? Avoiding a fare on public transport | directly measured |
sa17a161 | Can this be justified? Prostitution | directly measured |
sa17a162 | Can this be justified? Artificial insemination or in-vitro fertilization | directly measured |
sa17a163 | Can this be justified? Political violence | directly measured |
sa17a164 | Can this be justified? Death penalty | directly measured |
sa17a165 | Please indicate how close you feel to… your town or city | directly measured |
sa17a166 | Please indicate how close you feel to… your province | directly measured |
sa17a167 | Please indicate how close you feel to… the Netherlands | directly measured |
sa17a168 | Please indicate how close you feel to… Europe | directly measured |
sa17a169 | Please indicate how close you feel to… the World | directly measured |
sa17a170 | Do you have the Dutch nationality? Nationality means that you are entitled to the Dutch passport. | directly measured |
sa17a171 | How proud are you to be a Dutch citizen? | directly measured |
sa17a172 | Please indicate how often you vote when elections take place at the… Local level | directly measured |
sa17a173 | Please indicate how often you vote when elections take place at the… National level | directly measured |
sa17a174 | Please indicate how often you vote when elections take place at the… European level | directly measured |
sa17a175 | Which (political) party appeals to you most? | directly measured |
sa17a176 | Which (political) party appeals to you most? Other party | directly measured |
sa17a177 | Is there another party that appeals to you? | directly measured |
sa17a178 | Is there another party that appeals to you? Other party | directly measured |
sa17a179 | How often do you think that this thing occurs in your country's elections? Votes are counted fairly | directly measured |
sa17a180 | How often do you think that this thing occurs in your country's elections? Opposition candidates are prevented from running | directly measured |
sa17a181 | How often do you think that this thing occurs in your country's elections? TV news favors the governing party | directly measured |
sa17a182 | How often do you think that this thing occurs in your country's elections? Voters are bribed | directly measured |
sa17a183 | How often do you think that this thing occurs in your country's elections? Journalists provide fair coverage of elections | directly measured |
sa17a184 | How often do you think that this thing occurs in your country's elections? Election officials are fair | directly measured |
sa17a185 | How often do you think that this thing occurs in your country's elections? Rich people buy elections | directly measured |
sa17a186 | How often do you think that this thing occurs in your country's elections? Voters are threatened with violence at the polls | directly measured |
sa17a187 | Now we would like to know your opinion about immigrants. How would you evaluate the impact of these people on the development of the Netherlands? | directly measured |
sa17a188 | Please look at the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale? Immigrants take away jobs from the Dutch | directly measured |
sa17a189 | Please look at the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale? Immigrants increase crime problems | directly measured |
sa17a190 | Please look at the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale? Immigrants are a strain on welfare system | directly measured |
sa17a191 | Please look at the following statements and indicate where you would place your views on this scale? Better if immigrants maintain/not maintain own customs | directly measured |
sa17a192 | Please indicate how important this is to be truly Dutch: To have been born in the Netherlands | directly measured |
sa17a193 | Please indicate how important this is to be truly Dutch: To respect Dutch political institutions and laws | directly measured |
sa17a194 | Please indicate how important this is to be truly Dutch: To have Dutch ancestry | directly measured |
sa17a195 | Please indicate how important this is to be truly Dutch: To be able to speak Dutch | directly measured |
sa17a196 | Please indicate how important this is to be truly Dutch: To share Dutch culture | directly measured |
sa17a197 | Please indicate how important this is to be European: To be born in Europe | directly measured |
sa17a198 | Please indicate how important this is to be European: To have European ancestry | directly measured |
sa17a199 | Please indicate how important this is to be European: To be a Christian | directly measured |
sa17a200 | Please indicate how important this is to be European: To share European culture | directly measured |
sa17a201 | Which number best describes your position on European Union enlargement? | directly measured |
sa17a202 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? I would give part of my income if I were certain that the money would be used to prevent environmental pollution | directly measured |
sa17a203 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? It is just too difficult for someone like me to do much about the environment | directly measured |
sa17a204 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? There are more important things to do in life than protect the environment | directly measured |
sa17a205 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? There is no point in doing what I can for the environment unless others do the same | directly measured |
sa17a206 | How much do you agree or disagree with this statement? Many of the claims about environmental threats are exaggerated | directly measured |
sa17a207 | Here are two statements people sometimes make when discussing the environment and economic growth. Which of them comes closer to your own point of view? | directly measured |
sa17a208 | Please indicate if you think that the Dutch government should or should not have the right to: Keep people under video surveillance in public areas | directly measured |
sa17a209 | Please indicate if you think that the Dutch government should or should not have the right to: Monitor all e-mails and any other information exchanged on the Internet | directly measured |
sa17a210 | Please indicate if you think that the Dutch government should or should not have the right to: Collect information about anyone without their knowledge | directly measured |
sa17a211 | Please indicate how often you follow politics… on television | directly measured |
sa17a212 | Please indicate how often you follow politics… on the radio | directly measured |
sa17a213 | Please indicate how often you follow politics… in the daily papers | directly measured |
sa17a214 | Please indicate how often you follow politics… on social media | directly measured |
sa17a215 | Please indicate to what extent you feel concerned about the living conditions of: People in your neighbourhood | directly measured |
sa17a216 | Please indicate to what extent you feel concerned about the living conditions of: The people of the region you live in | directly measured |
sa17a217 | Please indicate to what extent you feel concerned about the living conditions of: Your fellow countrymen | directly measured |
sa17a218 | Please indicate to what extent you feel concerned about the living conditions of: Europeans | directly measured |
sa17a219 | Please indicate to what extent you feel concerned about the living conditions of: All humans all over the world | directly measured |
sa17a220 | To what extent do you feel concerned about the living conditions of this group living in your country? Elderly people | directly measured |
sa17a221 | To what extent do you feel concerned about the living conditions of this group living in your country? Unemployed people | directly measured |
sa17a222 | To what extent do you feel concerned about the living conditions of this group living in your country? Immigrants | directly measured |
sa17a223 | To what extent do you feel concerned about the living conditions of this group living in your country? Sick and disabled people | directly measured |
sa17a224 | What should a society provide? Eliminating big inequalities in income between citizens | directly measured |
sa17a225 | What should a society provide? Guaranteeing that basic needs are met for all, in terms of food, housing, clothing, education, health | directly measured |
sa17a226 | What should a society provide? Recognizing people on their merits | directly measured |
sa17a227 | What should a society provide? Protecting against terrorism | directly measured |
sa17a228 | Were you born in the Netherlands? | directly measured |
sa17a229 | Was your father born in the Netherlands? | directly measured |
sa17a230 | Was your mother born in the Netherlands? | directly measured |
sa17a231 | What is your current legal marital status? | directly measured |
sa17a232 | Did you live together with your partner before your marriage or before the registration of your partnership? | directly measured |
sa17a233 | Do you live with a partner? | directly measured |
sa17a234 | Do you have a steady relationship? | directly measured |
sa17a235 | Do you live with your parents or your parents in law? | directly measured |
sa17a236 | How many children do you have? Please indicate how many of them live in your household and how many live elsewhere: Number of children in household: | directly measured |
sa17a237 | How many children do you have? Please indicate how many of them live in your household and how many live elsewhere: Number of children outside household: | directly measured |
sa17a238 | Including yourself, how many people – including children – live here regularly as members of this household? If you live alone, just write 1 | directly measured |
sa17a239 | And what is the age of the youngest person in your household? | directly measured |
sa17a240 | At what age did you complete your full time education, either at school or at an institution of higher education? Please exclude apprenticeships. | directly measured |
sa17a241 | What is the highest educational level that you have attained? | directly measured |
sa17a242 | Are you yourself gainfully employed at the moment or not? Please select from the list below the employment status that applies to you. | directly measured |
sa17a243 | Are you yourself gainfully employed at the moment or not? Please select from the list below the employment status that applies to you. Other, please specify… | directly measured |
sa17a244 | In your LAST job were you employed (either full time or part time) or were you self-employed? | directly measured |
sa17a245 | What is(was) the name or title of your main job? ISCO-08 code | directly measured |
sa17a246 | How many employees do/did you have? | directly measured |
sa17a247 | Do/did you have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees? | directly measured |
sa17a248 | How many other employees do/did you supervise? | directly measured |
sa17a249 | Do/did you work for? | directly measured |
sa17a250 | Was your partner/spouse born in the Netherlands? | directly measured |
sa17a251 | What is the highest educational level that your spouse or partner has attained? | directly measured |
sa17a252 | Is your spouse/partner gainfully employed at the moment or not? Please select from the list below the employment status that applies to your spouse/partner. | directly measured |
sa17a253 | Is your spouse/partner gainfully employed at the moment or not? Please select from the list below the employment status that applies to your spouse/partner. Other, please specify… | directly measured |
sa17a254 | In his/her LAST job was he/she employed (either full time or part time) or was he/she self-employed? | directly measured |
sa17a255 | What is(was) the name or title of your partner’s main job? ISCO-08 code | directly measured |
sa17a256 | How many employees does/did he or she have? | directly measured |
sa17a257 | Does/did he or she have any responsibility for supervising the work of other employees? | directly measured |
sa17a258 | How many other employees does/did he or she supervise? | directly measured |
sa17a259 | During the last five years, have you experienced a continuous period of unemployment longer than 3 months? | directly measured |
sa17a260 | During the last five years, have you been dependent on social security at any time? This does not include entitlements to unemployment or disability benefits or to pensions. | directly measured |
sa17a261 | We would like to know in what group your household is, counting all wages, salaries, pensions and other incomes that come in. | directly measured |
sa17a262 | What is the highest educational level that your father has attained? | directly measured |
sa17a263 | What is the highest educational level that your mother has attained? | directly measured |
sa17a264 | When you were 14, was your father employed, self-employed or not? | directly measured |
sa17a265 | When you were 14, was your mother employed, self-employed or not? | directly measured |
sa17a266 | When you were 14, which of the following groups did your parent who was the main earner belong to? | directly measured |
sa17a267 | Does this statement correctly describe your parents when you were 14? My mother liked to read books | directly measured |
sa17a268 | Does this statement correctly describe your parents when you were 14? I discussed politics at home with my mother | directly measured |
sa17a269 | Does this statement correctly describe your parents when you were 14? My mother liked to follow the news | directly measured |
sa17a270 | Does this statement correctly describe your parents when you were 14? My parent(s) had problems making ends meet | directly measured |
sa17a271 | Does this statement correctly describe your parents when you were 14? My father liked to read books | directly measured |
sa17a272 | Does this statement correctly describe your parents when you were 14? I discussed politics at home with my father | directly measured |
sa17a273 | Does this statement correctly describe your parents when you were 14? My father liked to follow the news | directly measured |
sa17a274 | Does this statement correctly describe your parents when you were 14? My parent(s) had problems replacing broken things | directly measured |
sa17a275 | How interested were you answering this survey? | directly measured |
sa17a276 | Starting date questionnaire of part 1 | constructed |
sa17a277 | Starting time questionnaire of part 1 | constructed |
sa17a278 | End date questionnaire of part 1 | constructed |
sa17a279 | End time questionnaire of part 1 | constructed |
sa17a280 | Duration in seconds of part 1 | derived |
sa17a281 | Starting date questionnaire of part 2 | constructed |
sa17a282 | Starting time questionnaire of part 2 | constructed |
sa17a283 | End date questionnaire of part 2 | constructed |
sa17a284 | End time questionnaire of part 2 | constructed |
sa17a285 | Duration in seconds of part 2 | derived |
Questionnaire: European Values Study 2017
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse European Values Study 2017Response Information
Response Overview
Response of part 1:Selected number: group 1: 420 (100%) group 2: 419 (100%) group 3: 420 (100%)
Non-response: group 1: 88 (21.0%) group 2: 77 (18.4%) group 3: 75 (17.9%)
Response complete: group 1: 332 (79.0%) group 2: 342 (81.6%) group 3: 345 (82.1%)
Selected number: group 4: 418 (100%) group 5: 420 (100%) group 6: 418 (100%)
Non-response: group 4: 86 (20.6%) group 5: 80 (19.0%) group 6: 75 (17.9%)
Response complete: group 4: 332 (79.4%) group 5: 340 (81.0%) group 6: 343 (82.1%)
Response of part 2:
Selected number: group 1: 331 (100%) group 2: 336 (100%) group 3: 343 (100%)
Non-response: group 1:45 (13.6%) group 2: 49 (14.6%) group 3: 63 (18.4%)
Response complete: group 1:286 (86.4%) group 2: 287 (85.4%) group 3: 280 (81.6%)
Selected number: group 4: 328 (100%) group 5: 338 (100%) group 6: 338 (100%)
Non-response: group 4: 47 (14.3%) group 5: 53 (15.7%) group 6: 47 (13.9%)
Response complete: group 4: 281 (85.7%) group 5: 285 (84.3%) group 6: 291 (86.1%)
Collection Events
11-09-2017 to 26-09-2017
Random selection from the panel based on a net desired response of 2,000 respondents divided into 6 groups. Each group answered 2 out of 4 blocks of the EVS and the background questions.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
02-10-2017 to 31-10-2017
Non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
01-01-2018 to 30-01-2018
Selection from the panel based on the respondents who answered part 1 of the EVS questionnaire. Each group now answered the remaining 2 blocks of the EVS.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents