Financial distress
Single Wave Study
General Information
Financial distress
Project Number
This questionnaire is about how people deal with money.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Kim Peijnenburg (HEC Paris)
© 2021 CentERdata
Funding Organization
HEC Paris
HEC Paris
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
qj18a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
qj18a001 | Preloaded variable: Looks after the financial matters | preloaded |
qj18a002 | Preloaded variable: The household head lives together with a partner (wedded or unwedded) | preloaded |
qj18a003 | Preloaded variable: Position within the household | preloaded |
qj18a004 | How closely do you monitor your financial situation? | directly measured |
qj18a005 | I am impulsive and inclined to buy things even if I don’t have the money. | directly measured |
qj18a006 | I set financial goals for the coming months with respect to what I can do with my money. | directly measured |
qj18a007 | I prefer to buy things on credit than to wait until I have saved enough. | directly measured |
qj18a008 | I find it easy to stick to my expenditure plans. | directly measured |
qj18a009 | I can quickly modify my expenditure plans, if necessary. For instance if there is a change to my income, to my vital expenditures, or to the economy. | directly measured |
qj18a010 | I find it dull and frustrating to spend time on my financial administration. | directly measured |
qj18a011 | I find it dull and frustrating to spend time on making a financial plan. | directly measured |
qj18a012 | I regularly check to see whether there’s any surplus money on my current account, which I will then transfer to my savings account. | directly measured |
qj18a013 | Whenever possible, I arrange an automatic debit to pay my bills. | directly measured |
qj18a014 | Do you make an automatic transfer to your savings account every month (regular transfer)? | directly measured |
qj18a015 | If my household’s total income were to increase by 20% starting today, then I would use this extra income in the following way: to pay off debts | directly measured |
qj18a016 | If my household’s total income were to increase by 20% starting today, then I would use this extra income in the following way: to add to my savings | directly measured |
qj18a017 | If my household’s total income were to increase by 20% starting today, then I would use this extra income in the following way: to spend more on a car, clothing, electronics, holiday, or other leisure time activities | directly measured |
qj18a018 | If my household’s total income were to increase by 20% starting today, then I would use this extra income in the following way: to spend more on my home (buy or rent a nicer house or apartment), or to improve my house | directly measured |
qj18a019 | If my household’s total income were to decrease by 20% starting today, then I would: not reduce expenditure, but would borrow money | directly measured |
qj18a020 | If my household’s total income were to decrease by 20% starting today, then I would: save less or not save at all | directly measured |
qj18a021 | If my household’s total income were to decrease by 20% starting today, then I would: spend less on my car, clothing, electronics, holiday, or other leisure time activities | directly measured |
qj18a022 | If my household’s total income were to decrease by 20% starting today, then I would: spend less on my home (buy or rent a cheaper house or apartment), or spend less on a new bathroom, kitchen, or furniture | directly measured |
qj18a023 | With what precision do you usually know the amount of money available on your current account? | directly measured |
qj18a024 | Which loan facilities have you made use of in the past 12 months? family | directly measured |
qj18a025 | Which loan facilities have you made use of in the past 12 months? overdraft | directly measured |
qj18a026 | Which loan facilities have you made use of in the past 12 months? credit cards | directly measured |
qj18a027 | Which loan facilities have you made use of in the past 12 months? personal loan | directly measured |
qj18a028 | Which loan facilities have you made use of in the past 12 months? study loan through Informatie Beheer Groep | directly measured |
qj18a029 | Which loan facilities have you made use of in the past 12 months? other | directly measured |
qj18a030 | Which loan facilities have you made use of in the past 12 months? none | directly measured |
qj18a031 | Do you have a negative credit score at the national credit bureau (Bureau Krediet Registratie)? | directly measured |
qj18a032 | Have you ever taken part in a debt rescheduling or debt mediation program? | directly measured |
qj18a033 | Are you currently taking part in a debt rescheduling or debt mediation program? | directly measured |
qj18a034 | Have any of your belongings ever been seized, such as your car, your house, or household effects? | directly measured |
qj18a035 | Have any of your belongings been seized in the last 12 months, such as your car, your house, or household effects? | directly measured |
qj18a036 | The neighborhood where you lived as a child (younger than 18 years old): I lived in a wealthy neighborhood. | directly measured |
qj18a037 | The neighborhood where you lived as a child (younger than 18 years old): I lived in a safe neighborhood. | directly measured |
qj18a038 | Did you receive any financial support from (one of) your parents in the past 12 months? | directly measured |
qj18a039 | Did you ever receive financial support from (one of) your parents because you were in financial trouble or to prevent you from landing in financial trouble? | directly measured |
qj18a040 | Were you in arrears with paying one or more bills on 31 December 2017?: no | directly measured |
qj18a041 | Were you in arrears with paying one or more bills on 31 December 2017?: yes, arrears in paying the rent of mortgage | directly measured |
qj18a042 | Were you in arrears with paying one or more bills on 31 December 2017?: yes, arrears in paying for utilities | directly measured |
qj18a043 | Were you in arrears with paying one or more bills on 31 December 2017?: yes, arrears in paying other bills | directly measured |
qj18a044 | Generally speaking, are you the kind of person who is willing to take risks or who prefers to avoid risks? | directly measured |
qj18a045 | What was the total balance of your bank accounts (current accounts), saving accounts, deposit accounts, savings bonds, and all other forms of savings on 31 December 2017? | directly measured |
qj18a046 | To what category did the total balance (total value) belong on 31 December 2017 (positive or negative)? | directly measured |
qj18a047 | Did you have any investments (growth funds, share funds, bonds, mortgage bonds, shares, options, falcons, warrants, etc.) on 31 December 2017? | directly measured |
qj18a048 | What was the total value of your investments (growth funds, share funds, bonds, mortgage bonds, shares, options, falcons, warrants, etc.) on 31 December 2017? | directly measured |
qj18a049 | To what category did the total value belong? | directly measured |
qj18a050 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
qj18a051 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
qj18a052 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
qj18a053 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
qj18a054 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
qj18a055 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
qj18a056 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
qj18a057 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
qj18a058 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
qj18a059 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Financial distress
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse Financial distressResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,505 (100.0%)Non-response: 937 (14.4%)
Response: 5,568 (85.6%)
Complete: 5,546 (85.3%)
Incomplete: 22 (0.3%)
Collection Events
01-01-2018 to 30-01-2018
Panel members who participated in the Personality core module at least once
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
06-02-2018 to 18-02-2018
Non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
The role of financial stress in mental health changes during COVID-19 Npj Mental Health Ressearch, 1(15), 1-10; Simonse, O.,
et al.