Gender inequalities in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

General Information

Gender inequalities in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
Project Number
This study focuses on gender inequalities within households in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Begin date
End date
Mara Yerkes (Utrecht University); Janna Besamusca (University of Amsterdam); Roos van der Zwan (University of Amsterdam);Paul de Beer (University of Amsterdam); Stéfanie André (Radboud University); Chantal Remery (Utrecht University); Peter Kruyen (Radboud University); Debby Beckers (Radboud University); Sabine Geurts (Radboud University)
Mara Yerkes (Utrecht University); Janna Besamusca (University of Amsterdam); Roos van der Zwan (UvA); Paul de Beer (UvA); Stéfanie André (Radboud University); Chantal Remery (UU); Peter Kruyen (RU); Debby Beckers (RU); Sabine Geurts (RU)
© 2023 Centerdata

List of Measures

Please select a wave to access the metadata and download datasets for that wave.
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave


Werkende ouders in tijden van Corona A joint publication of Utrecht University, the University of Amsterdam, & Radboud University; Yerkes, M., et al.
De coronapandemie en de verdeling van huishoudelijke en zorgtaken in Nederland Economisch Statistische Berichten, November 24, 2021; Remery, C., et al.
COGIS-NL: COVID Gender (In)equality Survey Netherlands A joint publication of Utrecht University, the University of Amsterdam, & Radboud University; Yerkes, M., et al.
COVID Gender (In)equality Survey Netherlands: Eighteen months of COVID: The impact of the pandemic on inequality between men and women in work, care and wellbeing Joint publication of Utrecht University, Radboud University and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demography Institute (NIDI)/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen; Yerkes, M. A., et al.
De pandemie als mogelijke katalysator van emancipatie In S. André, T. Reeskens & B. Völker (Eds.), De sociologie en de pandemie (pp. 100-111); Remery, C., et al.
Extending theoretical explanations for gendered divisions of care during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal of Marriage and Family, first published online November 21, 2023; André, S., et al.
What role do occupational differences play in subjective working conditions throughout the COVID-19 pandemic? Sociological Inquiry, first published online October 22, 2023 ; van der Zwan, R., et al.
Heeft corona de verdeling van zorgtaken op z’n kop gezet? Demos: Bulletin over bevolking en samenleving, 39(1), 8; van der Zwan, R., et al.