Retirement ambition 2018

Single Wave Study

General Information

Retirement ambition 2018
Project Number
The researchers aim to study the ambitions of LISS panel members with regard to their retirement.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Jochem de Bresser (TiSEM); Marike Knoef (Leiden University)
© 2020 CentERdata
Funding Organization
Leiden University

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
ou18a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
ou18a001Age of the household memberpreloaded
ou18a002Position within the householdpreloaded
ou18a003The household head lives together with a partner (wedded or unwedded)preloaded
ou18a004Domestic situationpreloaded
ou18a005Primary occupationpreloaded
ou18a006Net monthly household income in Eurospreloaded
ou18a007Imputed net monthly household income in Eurospreloaded
ou18a008AOW (Old-age pension) age (years)preloaded
ou18a009AOW (Old-age pension) age (months)preloaded
ou18a010Gross income per month at the employer where you work the most number of hours:directly measured
ou18a011Number of hours per week specified in your employment contract:directly measured
ou18a012Calculated hourly wagederived
ou18a013125% of calculated hourly wagederived
ou18a01475% of calculated hourly wagederived
ou18a015Net income [increase / decrease] per month for [1 / 3 / 5] yearsderived
ou18a016Permanent net pension [increase / decrease] per month in case of 1 year’s [contribution holiday / extra contribution]derived
ou18a017Permanent net pension [increase / decrease] per month in case of 3 years’ [contribution holiday / extra contribution]derived
ou18a018Permanent net pension [increase / decrease] per month in case of 5 years’ [contribution holiday / extra contribution]derived
ou18a019Random number for pension contribution constructed
ou18a020Random number for default value of contribution holiday constructed
ou18a021Random number for default value for extra contributionconstructed
ou18a022Random number for comparison of incomes constructed
ou18a023Random number for elasticity constructed
ou18a024Random number for group constructed
ou18a025[...] You can choose to refrain from paying a pension contribution for 1, 3 or 5 years. What would you choose right now?directly measured
ou18a026[...] You can choose to pay extra pension contribution for 1, 3 or 5 years. What would you choose right now?directly measured
ou18a027[...] You can choose to pay extra pension contribution for 1, 3 or 5 years. What would you choose right now?directly measured
ou18a028[...] You can choose to refrain from paying a pension contribution for 1, 3 or 5 years. What would you choose right now?directly measured
ou18a029[...] Once [I am retired, I / my partner and I are retired, we] wouldn’t mind moving to another apartment or home to reduce [my / our] living expenses.directly measured
ou18a030With regard to the first 10 years of your retirement, how high do you think [your / you and your partner’s] living expenses will approximately be? I expect that [my / our] living expenses will be...directly measured
ou18a031[...] What is the minimal amount that [you / you and your partner] would really want to spend per month during your retirement? [...]directly measured
ou18a032In your answer to the previous question, did you take into account any personal contributions you may have to make for non-reimbursed healthcare and healthcare costs?directly measured
ou18a033What is the minimum amount that [you / you and your partner] would absolutely want to spend per month during your retirement, not counting healthcare expenses?directly measured
ou18a034[...] What level of expenses would [you / your partner] be satisfied with during your retirement?directly measured
ou18a035[...] I find it very difficult to predict how much money I will need when I am retired.directly measured
ou18a036[...] At what age do you expect to retire? Age:directly measured
ou18a037[...] At what age do you expect to retire? Number of months:directly measured
ou18a038I am prepared to take the risk of losing money if there is also a chance that I will win money.directly measured
ou18a039I am impulsive and tend to buy things even if I can’t really afford them.directly measured
ou18a040I am prepared to spend money now without worrying too much about what the future will bring.directly measured
ou18a041I find financial planning to be too complicated.directly measured
ou18a042How likely do you think it is that you will be unemployed for a long period of time (more than 3 months) in the next 5 years?directly measured
ou18a043Suppose you do not become unemployed. How likely do you think it is that 5 years from now, your income will be higher than... [ou18a014 euros / 75% of your current hourly wage]directly measured
ou18a044Suppose you do not become unemployed. How likely do you think it is that 5 years from now, your income will be higher than... [ou18a012 euros / your current hourly wage]directly measured
ou18a045Suppose you do not become unemployed. How likely do you think it is that 5 years from now, your income will be higher than... [ou18a013 euros / 125% your current hourly wage]directly measured
ou18a046[...] How much of these 3000 euros would you spend, and how much would you set aside for an inheritance? I would spend:directly measured
ou18a047[...] How much of these 3000 euros would you spend, and how much would you set aside for an inheritance, if you were in poor health? I would spend:directly measured
ou18a048[...] How much of these 9000 euros would you spend, and how much would you set aside for an inheritance? I would spend:directly measured
ou18a049[...] How much of these 9000 euros would you spend, and how much would you set aside for an inheritance, if you were in poor health? I would spend:directly measured
ou18a050[...] Do you currently have difficulties with one or more of these activities? This does not concern problems that you expect will last less than three months.directly measured
ou18a051[...] How likely do you think it is that you will have difficulties with one or more of these activities when you are... 55 years old?directly measured
ou18a052[...] How likely do you think it is that you will have difficulties with one or more of these activities when you are... 65 years old?directly measured
ou18a053[...] How likely do you think it is that you will have difficulties with one or more of these activities when you are... 75 years old?directly measured
ou18a054[...] How likely do you think it is that you will have difficulties with one or more of these activities when you are... 85 years old?directly measured
ou18a055What percentage of the Dutch population (18 years and older) do you think have an annual disposable income that is [lower / higher] than your personal income?directly measured
ou18a056What percentage of Dutch households (not counting students) do you think have an annual disposable income that is [lower / higher] than the income of your household?directly measured
ou18a057What percentage of Dutch households (not counting students) do you think have [more / less] assets than your household? [...]directly measured
ou18a058Do you think that a person’s economic success is primarily determined by his or her own efforts, or by luck? [...]directly measured
ou18a059Preferred tax burden for income group 1directly measured
ou18a060Preferred tax burden for income group 2directly measured
ou18a061Preferred tax burden for income group 3directly measured
ou18a062Preferred tax burden for income group 4directly measured
ou18a063Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
ou18a064Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
ou18a065Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
ou18a066Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
ou18a067Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
ou18a068Starting date questionnaireconstructed
ou18a069Starting time questionnaireconstructed
ou18a070End date questionnaireconstructed
ou18a071End time questionnaireconstructed
ou18a072Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Retirement ambition 2018

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse Retirement ambition 2018

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 5,802 (100.0%)
Non-response: 1,355 (23.4%)
Response: 4,447 (76.6%)
Complete: 4,181 (72.0%)
Incomplete: 266 (4.6%)
Collection Events
07-05-2018 to 29-05-2018
5,802 panel members above the age of 25: 3,428 panel members for the long version of the questionnaire, 2,374 panel members for the short version. Each part of the questionnaire required additional selections, which are shown at the start of each part.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.

04-06-2018 to 12-06-2018
Non-respondents of the first measurement.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
Not applicable


Heterogeneous default effects on retirement saving: Sledgehammers or precision instruments Tilburg University, first published online May 21, 2019; de Bresser, J., et al.
Preferences for income redistribution: A new survey item and experimental evidence CentER, Discussion Paper No. 2021-035; de Bresser, J., et al.
Keuzes tijdens de pensioenopbouw: De effecten van nudging met volgorde en standaardopties Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, Design paper 157; Zijlstra, W., et al.
Eliciting preferences for income redistribution: A new survey item Journal of Public Economics, 214, 1-38; de Bresser, J., et al.
Matchmaking in pensioenland: Welk pensioen past bij welke deelnemer? Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, Design Paper No. 202; Knoef, M., et al.