Partner relationships

Single Wave Study

General Information

Partner relationships
Project Number
This study focuses on personal consumption expenditure, the division of tasks within a relationship, and relationship history.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Stefan Hubner (Tilburg University); Arthur van Soest (Tilburg University)
© 2020 CentERdata
Funding Organization

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
mm16a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
mm16a001Are you living together with a partner?directly measured
mm16a002How long have you been in your current relationship? - yearsdirectly measured
mm16a003How long have you been in your current relationship? - monthsdirectly measured
mm16a004Do you think the responsibilities in your household are divided fairly between you and your partner?directly measured
mm16a005Can you explain why this might be the case, that is unfair to you?directly measured
mm16a006Other, namelydirectly measured
mm16a007Can you explain why this might be the case, that is unfair to your partner?directly measured
mm16a008Other, namelydirectly measured
mm16a009My partner tries to accommodate my requests about household responsibilities.directly measured
mm16a010I try to accommodate requests from my partner about household responsibilities.directly measured
mm16a011If I did not have my partner, my life would be more difficult.directly measured
mm16a012My partner’s life would be more difficult, if he did not have me.directly measured
mm16a013When making decisions, my mind is usually already made up before I involve my partner.directly measured
mm16a014I often feel left out from my partner’s decision making.directly measured
mm16a015When me and my partner make important decisions as a couple (e.g. holiday plans, investments), his or her opinion usually weighs heavier than mine.directly measured
mm16a016I often make compromises to make my partner happy.directly measured
mm16a017My partner often makes compromises to make me happy.directly measured
mm16a018At which age did you first start dating?directly measured
mm16a019How many relationships have you had before your current partner?directly measured
mm16a020How many of these relationships do you consider serious?directly measured
mm16a021Between the time you started dating and the initiation of your current relationship, approximately which proportion of the time were you in relationships?directly measured
mm16a022My previous relationships were all shorter than my current one.directly measured
mm16a023The length of my relationships (not including the current one) increased over time.directly measured
mm16a024Between my last relationship and the current one, I was single for a relatively long time.directly measured
mm16a025The time in between any of my relationships tended to be rather short.directly measured
mm16a026I left my previous partner for my current one.directly measured
mm16a027I am only willing to start a serious relationship with someone, if I genuinely think he/she is the one.directly measured
mm16a028How did your last relationship (before your current one) end?directly measured
mm16a029Other, namelydirectly measured
mm16a030How did your longest relationship (before your current one) end?directly measured
mm16a031Other, namelydirectly measured
mm16a032How would you describe yourself? - kind and affectionatedirectly measured
mm16a033How would you describe yourself? - open and disclosingdirectly measured
mm16a034How would you describe yourself? - patientdirectly measured
mm16a035How would you describe yourself? - understandingdirectly measured
mm16a036How would you describe yourself? - responsive to others' needsdirectly measured
mm16a037How would you describe yourself? - tolerant and accepting of others' ideasdirectly measured
mm16a038How would you describe yourself? - critical and judgmentaldirectly measured
mm16a039How would you describe yourself? - lazydirectly measured
mm16a040How would you describe yourself? - controlling and dominantdirectly measured
mm16a041How would you describe yourself? - emotionaldirectly measured
mm16a042How would you describe yourself? - moody, moodswingsdirectly measured
mm16a043How would you describe yourself? - thoughtlessdirectly measured
mm16a044How would you describe yourself? - irrationaldirectly measured
mm16a045How would you describe yourself? - distantdirectly measured
mm16a046How would you describe yourself? - complainingdirectly measured
mm16a047How would you describe your partner? - kind and affectionatedirectly measured
mm16a048How would you describe your partner? - open and disclosingdirectly measured
mm16a049How would you describe your partner? - patientdirectly measured
mm16a050How would you describe your partner? - understandingdirectly measured
mm16a051How would you describe your partner? - responsive to others' needsdirectly measured
mm16a052How would you describe your partner? - tolerant and accepting of others' ideasdirectly measured
mm16a053How would you describe your partner? - critical and judgmentaldirectly measured
mm16a054How would you describe your partner? - lazydirectly measured
mm16a055How would you describe your partner? - controlling and dominantdirectly measured
mm16a056How would you describe your partner? - emotionaldirectly measured
mm16a057How would you describe your partner? - moody, moodswingsdirectly measured
mm16a058How would you describe your partner? - thoughtlessdirectly measured
mm16a059How would you describe your partner? - irrationaldirectly measured
mm16a060How would you describe your partner? - distantdirectly measured
mm16a061How would you describe your partner? - complainingdirectly measured
mm16a062Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
mm16a063Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
mm16a064Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
mm16a065Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
mm16a066Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
mm16a067Starting date questionnaireconstructed
mm16a068Starting time questionnaireconstructed
mm16a069End date questionnaireconstructed
mm16a070End time questionnaireconstructed
mm16a071Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Partner relationships

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse Partner relationships

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 4,005 (100.0%)
Non-response: 572 (14.3%)
Did not meet sample conditions: 27 (0.7%)
Response: 3,406 (85.0%)
Complete: 3,375 (84.3%)
Incomplete: 31 (0.8%)
Collection Events
02-05-2016 to 31-05-2016
panel members living together with a partner (married or not married)
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents