Effects of the outbreak of COVID-19

General Information

Effects of the outbreak of COVID-19
Project Number
The objective of this research is to obtain a clear picture of the societal effects of the outbreak of COVID-19 (the corona virus) and the handing of the outbreak in the Netherlands. The study also contains questions asked in similar panels in Germany and in the United States to make a comparison possible.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Begin date
End date
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker (Bonn University); Egbert Jongen (CPB)
© 2021 CentERdata
Funding Organization
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
Bonn University

List of Measures

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Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave


Dutch consumers expect to be hit long-term by economic crisis due to coronavirus outbreak De Nederlandsche Bank, May 18, 2020; De Nederlandsche Bank
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Labour supply in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: Empirical evidence on hours, home office, and expectations IZA Institute of Labor Economics, Discussion paper No. 13158; von Gaudecker, H. -M., et al.
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