Implementation of alcohol prevention in healthcare in the Netherlands

Single Wave Study

General Information

Implementation of alcohol prevention in healthcare in the Netherlands
Project Number
This study focuses on the role of the GP in case of alcohol problems.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Latifa Abidi, Per Nilsen
© 2019 CentERdata
Funding Organization
Maastricht University

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
nz17a_mYear and month of the fieldwork periodconstructed
nz17a002How often did you drink alcohol over the past 12 months?directly measured
nz17a003How many standard glasses of alcohol do you usually drink per occasion? See the picture below for the definition of ‘standard glasses of alcohol’. directly measured
nz17a004How often do you drink [if nz17a001=1: 5 / if nz17a001=2: 4] or more glasses of alcohol during the same occasion, for instance during one evening?directly measured
nz17a005Health care professionals (doctors, nurses, etc.) should enquire after patients’ alcohol consumption habits as a standard procedure.directly measured
nz17a006Health care professionals should enquire after patients’ alcohol consumption habits, but only if these patients show symptoms that might be related to alcohol consumption.directly measured
nz17a007Health care professionals should enquire after patients’ alcohol consumption habits, but only if the subject is raised by the patient.directly measured
nz17a008I think that people will provide honest answers when they are asked about their alcohol consumption habits.directly measured
nz17a009Alcohol consumption is a private matter and not something that health care professionals should enquire after.directly measured
nz17a010Have you made use of professional health care in the last 12 months? Consider visits to the family doctor, the hospital, the physiotherapist, the psychologist, or another type of therapist or doctor.directly measured
nz17a011Was your alcohol consumption discussed during one of your visits to a health care professional in the past 12 months?directly measured
nz17a012How long did the most recent conversation of your alcohol consumption last?directly measured
nz17a013Oral information about the impact of alcohol on healthdirectly measured
nz17a014Questions about how much alcohol I consumedirectly measured
nz17a015Questions about my attitude towards reducing my alcohol consumptiondirectly measured
nz17a016Advice on how to reduce my alcohol consumptiondirectly measured
nz17a017Written information about alcoholdirectly measured
nz17a018It provided me with valuable informationdirectly measured
nz17a019It provided me with valuable informationdirectly measured
nz17a020It was routinedirectly measured
nz17a021I felt uncomfortabledirectly measured
nz17a022It was frustratingdirectly measured
nz17a023I felt judgeddirectly measured
nz17a024It didn’t affect me at alldirectly measured
nz17a025It made me think about my alcohol consumptiondirectly measured
nz17a026I have a better understanding of the health risks associated with alcohol consumptiondirectly measured
nz17a027I started drinking moredirectly measured
nz17a028I started drinking lessdirectly measured
nz17a029It made me think about the alcohol consumption habits of a family member or acquaintancedirectly measured
nz17a030Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
nz17a031Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
nz17a032Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
nz17a033Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
nz17a034Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
nz17a035Starting date questionnaireconstructed
nz17a036Starting time questionnaireconstructed
nz17a037End date questionnaireconstructed
nz17a038End time questionnaireconstructed
nz17a039Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Implementation of alcohol prevention in healthcare in the Netherlands

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse Implementation of alcohol prevention in healthcare in the Netherlands

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2,645 (100%)
Non-response: 472 (17.8%)
Response: 2,173 (82.2%)
Complete: 2,171 (82.1%)
Incomplete: 2 (0.1%)
Collection Events
03-04-2017 to 25-04-2017
random selection of panel members aged 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents