Coping self-efficacy after potential traumatic events

General Information

Coping self-efficacy after potential traumatic events
Project Number
This study investigates coping self-efficacy after traumatic experiences.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Begin date
End date
Velden, P.G. van der, Bosmans, M.W.G., Knaap, L. van der
© 2014 CentERdata

List of Measures

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Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave


Personality traits as predictors of trauma-related coping self-efficacy: Personality and Individual Differences, 76, 44-48; Bosmans, M.W.G., et al.
Longitudinal interplay between posttraumatic stress symptoms and coping self-efficacy Social Science & Medicine, 134, 23-29; Bosmans, M.H.G., et al.
The Predictive Value of Trauma-Related Coping Self-Efficacy for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms: Differences Between Treatment-Seeking and Non–Treatment-Seeking Victims Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy (2015), Epub ahead of print; Bosmans, M. W. G., et al.
Assessing perceived ability to cope with trauma: European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2015); Bosmans, M.W.G., et al.
De belasting van longitudinaal trauma-onderzoek: De Psycholoog, mei 2015, 44-54. ; Velden, P.G. van der, et al.
Depressed feelings after trauma Tilburg University; Heijmans, R.
Substance use after trauma in cancer diagnosed patients Tilburg University; Samuelsson, N.D.A.
Substance use after trauma: Tilburg University; Bogaerd, P.M.H.M. van den
Potentially traumatic events have negative and positive effects on loneliness, depending on PTSD-symptom levels: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 53(2), 195-206; Velden, P.G. van der, et al.
Potentially traumatic events and job satisfaction: a prospective population-based comparative study Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(3), e126-e133; Velden, P.G., van der, et al.
The impact of pre-event and trauma related factors on post-event perceived loneliness Tilburg University, Victimology and Criminal Justice; Pijnappel, B.