Calibrating Twitter Data: Issue Salience and Issue Ownership in Social Media and in Surveys

Single Wave Study

General Information

Calibrating Twitter Data: Issue Salience and Issue Ownership in Social Media and in Surveys
Project Number
This questionnaire consists of questions about the knowledge of the views of different political parties and the use of Twitter for voicing political opinions.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Dr. B. Hosch-Dayican, Prof. Dr. K. Aarts, Dr. A. Dassen, and Dr. C. Amrit
© 2014 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
jz13a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
jz13a001experimental condition open questionpreloaded
jz13a002Economy and financial situation - First partydirectly measured
jz13a003Economy and financial situation - Second partydirectly measured
jz13a004Social security and welfare state - First partydirectly measured
jz13a005Social security and welfare state - Second partydirectly measured
jz13a006Immigrants - First partydirectly measured
jz13a007Immigrants - Second partydirectly measured
jz13a008European unification - First partydirectly measured
jz13a009European unification - Second partydirectly measured
jz13a010Religion and ethics - First partydirectly measured
jz13a011Religion and ethics - Second partydirectly measured
jz13a012Fighting crime - First Partydirectly measured
jz13a013Fighting crime - Second Partydirectly measured
jz13a014Environment - First partydirectly measured
jz13a015Environment - Second partydirectly measured
jz13a016VVD (liberal party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a017VVD (liberal party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a018PvdA (labor party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a019PvdA (labor party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a020PVV (Wilders’ freedom party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a021PVV (Wilders’ freedom party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a022SP (socialist party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a023SP (socialist party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a024CDA (Christian democrat party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a025CDA (Christian democrat party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a026D66 (social-liberal party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a027D66 (social-liberal party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a028Christen Unie (Christian union party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a029Christen Unie (Christian union party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a030GroenLinks (green party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a031GroenLinks (green party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a032SGP (Christian Reformed party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a033SGP (Christian Reformed party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a034Partij voor de Dieren (animal welfare party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a035Partij voor de Dieren (animal welfare party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a03650Plus (fifty plus party) - First issuedirectly measured
jz13a03750Plus (fifty plus party) - Second issuedirectly measured
jz13a038Are you a registered Twitter user?directly measured
jz13a039How often do you use Twitter for the following activities? Read messages of users that you are following?directly measured
jz13a040How often do you use Twitter for the following activities? Retweet messages of users that you are following?directly measured
jz13a041How often do you use Twitter for the following activities? post your own message or engage in a conversation?directly measured
jz13a042How often do you use Twitter for the following activities? Express political opinion?directly measured
jz13a043How often do you use Twitter for the following activities? Circulate political information by posting news links?directly measured
jz13a044How often do you use Twitter for the following activities? Circulate political information by retweeting political message?directly measured
jz13a045How often do you use Twitter for the following activities? Engage in conversation about a political topic?directly measured
jz13a046How often do you use Twitter for the following activities? Convince others to participate in politics?directly measured
jz13a047Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
jz13a048Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
jz13a049Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
jz13a050Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
jz13a051Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
jz13a052Starting date questionnaireconstructed
jz13a053Starting time questionnaireconstructed
jz13a054End date questionnaireconstructed
jz13a055End time questionnaireconstructed
jz13a056Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Calibrating Twitter Data

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch.

Browse Calibrating Twitter Data

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6261 (100%)
Non-response: 1050 (16.8%)
Response: 5211 (83.2%)
Complete: 5143 (82.1%)
Incomplete: 68 (1.1%)
Collection Events
07-10-2013 to 29-10-2013
Panel members aged 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.


Voter Turnout and Twitter: The Example of the 2012 Dutch National Election University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social sciences (BMS) ; Bottor, Melanie