Background Variables

Single Wave Study

General Information

Background Variables
The household box needs to be completed when joining the panel, before the household can start completing other questionnaires. Thereafter, the contact person is presented the household box every month to enter any changes that may have occurred.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study


Elshout, Suzan
© 2012 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

This document describes the procedure used to impute missing income information in the household questionnaire of the LISS panel.
This document describes the procedure used to impute missing income information in the household questionnaire of the LISS panel - until september 2011.

Data Files

English 2010 April
English 2010 May
English 2010 June
English 2010 July
English 2010 August
English 2010 September
English 2010 October
English 2010 November
English 2010 December
English 2011 January
English 2011 February
English 2011 March
English 2011 April
English 2011 May
English 2011 June
English 2011 July
English 2011 August
English 2011 September
English 2011 October
English 2011 November
English 2011 December
English 2012 January
English 2012 February
English 2012 March
English 2012 April
English 2012 May
English 2012 June
English 2012 July
English 2012 August
English 2012 September
English 2012 October
English 2012 November
English 2012 December
English 2013 January
English 2013 February
English 2013 March
English 2013 April
English 2013 May
English 2013 September
English 2013 October
English 2013 November
English 2013 December
English 2014 January
English 2014 February
English 2014 March
English 2014 April
English 2014 May
English 2014 June
English 2014 July
English 2014 August
English 2013 June
English 2013 July
English 2013 August
English 2014 September
English 2014 October
English 2014 November
English 2014 December

Merging files:
-Please note that when merging the Background Variables with other survey data one should only use the key variable nomem_encr. Using nohouse_encr can lead to missing data due to household changes. 
-Choose the Background Variables corresponding to the month(s) of the data collection of your survey, not the most recent background variables.

The variables in these data files are presented per person, including variables that contain information on the entire household. These data represent a snapshot of the situation at the end of the field work period concerned.

  • Variables at household level: lftdhhh, aantalhh, aantalki, partner, woonvorm, woning, sted, nettohh_f, brutohh_f, simpc
  • Variables at individual level: geslacht, positie, gebjaar, leeftijd, lftdcat, burgstat, belbezig, brutoink, brutoink_f, nettoink/netinc, nettoink_f, brutocat, nettocat, oplzon, oplmet, oplcat, herkomstgroep (published from December 2010 onwards), herkomstland (published from September 2011 onwards), doetmee


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
nohouse_encrNumber of household encryptedpreloaded
geslachtGenderdirectly measured
positiePosition within the householdderived
gebjaarYear of birthdirectly measured
leeftijdAge of the household memberderived
lftdcatAge in CBS (Statistics Netherlands) categoriesderived
lftdhhhAge of the household headderived
aantalhhNumber of household membersdirectly measured
aantalkiNumber of living-at-home children in the household, children of the household head or his/her partnerconstructed
partnerThe household head lives together with a partner (wedded or unwedded)derived
burgstatCivil statusdirectly measured
woonvormDomestic situation of the household headderived
woningType of dwelling that the household inhabitsdirectly measured
stedUrban character of place of residenceconstructed
belbezigPrimary occupationdirectly measured
brutoinkPersonal gross monthly income in Eurosdirectly measured
brutoink_fPersonal gross monthly income in Euros, imputed derived
nettoinkPersonal net monthly income in Eurosderived
netincPersonal net monthly income in Euros (available as from July 2008)directly measured
nettoink_fPersonal net monthly income in Euros, imputed (available as from  July 2008)derived
brutocatPersonal gross monthly income in categoriesderived
nettocatPersonal net monthly income in categoriesdirectly measured
brutohh_fGross household income in Eurosderived
nettohh_fNet household income in Eurosderived
oplzonHighest level of education irrespective of diplomadirectly measured
oplmetHighest level of education with diplomadirectly measured
oplcatLevel of education in CBS (Statistics Netherlands) categoriesderived
doetmeeHousehold member participates in the panelconstructed
herkomstlandCountry of originderived
simpcDoes the household have a simPC?constructed


Questionnaire: Household Box

Please note that all questions of the questionnaire are completed by the household contact person only.

Here we present the version of the household box as when filled in for the first time. In following measures, earlier given answers are shown on the screen, which the respondent can edit if changes have occured.

The questionnaire was conducted in Dutch.

Browse Household Box

Response Information

Response Overview
The Household Box is fielded every month.
Collection Events
01-04-2010 to 31-12-2014
Contact person of each household
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
The household box needs to be completed when joining the panel, before the household can start completing other questionnaires. Thereafter, the contact person is presented the household box every month to enter any changes that may have occurred. Non-respondents are sent a reminder twice a month.


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