Poor benefits: The role of financial stress in the non-take-up of social welfare

Single Wave Study

General Information

Poor benefits: The role of financial stress in the non-take-up of social welfare
Project Number
The present research aims to determine what withholds eligible households from claiming benefits.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Olaf Simonse (Leiden University)
© 2022 Centerdata
Funding Organization

Datasets and documentation

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Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
tw21a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
tw21a001Preload variable: partner / no partnerpreloaded
tw21a002Preload variable: selection source (respondent selected based on the questionnaire in May or other source)preloaded
tw21a003Which of the following benefits did you receive in 2020?directly measured
tw21a004I am not able to focus on the same topic for an extended period.directly measured
tw21a005I am easily distracted.directly measured
tw21a006My thoughts easily wander.directly measured
tw21a007I often react too fast. I often do or say something before it is my turn.directly measured
tw21a008It is difficult for me to sit still.directly measured
tw21a009It takes a lot of effort for me to remember things.directly measured
tw21a010I often forget what I did yesterday.directly measured
tw21a011I often lose things.directly measured
tw21a012I am well-organized. For example, I am good at planning things that I need to do during a day.directly measured
tw21a013It is easy for me to come up with a different solution if I get stuck when solving a problem.directly measured
tw21a014I am full of new ideas.directly measured
tw21a015I am curious. I want to know how things work.directly measured
tw21a016I often don’t have enough money.directly measured
tw21a017I am constantly wondering whether I have enough money.directly measured
tw21a018I worry about money a lot.directly measured
tw21a019Because of my financial situation, I live from day to day.directly measured
tw21a020I experience little control over my financial situation.directly measured
tw21a021I think that I was eligible for health care benefits in 2020.directly measured
tw21a022I think that I was eligible for child care benefits in 2020.directly measured
tw21a023I think that my household was eligible for child care benefits in 2020.directly measured
tw21a024Receiving child care benefits is worthwhile for me.directly measured
tw21a025Receiving health care benefits is worthwhile for me.directly measured
tw21a026Without health care benefits, it is difficult for me to make ends meet.directly measured
tw21a027Without child care benefits, it is difficult for me to make ends meet.directly measured
tw21a028People in my environment have a negative view of those who use welfare.directly measured
tw21a029I am ashamed if I have to apply for health care benefits or child care benefits.directly measured
tw21a030There are negative prejudices about people who use child care benefits or health care benefits.directly measured
tw21a031I am confident that I can figure out if I am eligible for benefits.directly measured
tw21a032If I want to, it is easy for me to apply for benefits.directly measured
tw21a033Even if I try hard, I don’t think I will succeed in applying for benefits.directly measured
tw21a034I have people around me to turn to if I need help with welfare.directly measured
tw21a035It is easy for me to find help applying for welfare if I cannot do it myself.directly measured
tw21a036If I fail to apply for welfare, I know where to turn for help.directly measured
tw21a037It costs me a lot of time to figure out if I am eligible for welfare.directly measured
tw21a038Applying for welfare is a lot of hassle.directly measured
tw21a039It costs me a lot of effort to apply for benefits.directly measured
tw21a040I am concerned – when I receive benefits – that I have to repay them (partly).directly measured
tw21a041The thought that I will get a fine for receiving too much welfare makes me anxious.directly measured
tw21a042I am worried that I have to repay benefits because of a mistake.directly measured
tw21a043Did you or your partner receive a general child allowance in 2020?directly measured
tw21a044What was your gross annual income in 2020?directly measured
tw21a045Did you or your partner receive child care benefits (Dutch: kinderbijslag) in 2020?directly measured
tw21a046Did you or your partner receive supplementary child care benefits (Dutch: kindgebonden budget) in 2020?directly measured
tw21a047What was the gross annual income of you and your partner in 2020, combined?directly measured
tw21a048Is Sem eligible for healthcare allowance?directly measured
tw21a049Who is Niels’ benefits partner?directly measured
tw21a050What does this mean for their child care benefits?directly measured
tw21a051Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
tw21a052Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
tw21a053Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
tw21a054Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
tw21a055Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
tw21a056Starting date questionnaireconstructed
tw21a057Starting time questionnaireconstructed
tw21a058End date questionnaireconstructed
tw21a059End time questionnaireconstructed
tw21a060Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Poor benefits: The role of financial stress in the non-take-up of social welfare

A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents

Browse Poor benefits: The role of financial stress in the non-take-up of social welfare

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1,287 (100.0%)
Non-response: 256 (19.9%)
Response: 1,031 (80.1%)
Complete: 1,023 (79.5%)
Incomplete: 8 (0.6%)
Collection Events
05-07-2021 to 27-07-2021
Selection questions were asked to determine whether panel members meet the criteria for health care allowance and/or child budget. The panel members who participate in the study are in all likelihood entitled to at least one of these two allowances. 1,287 panel members have been selected.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents


Psychological barriers to take-up of healthcare and child support benefits in the Netherlands Journal of European Social Policy, 33(3), 353–372; Simonse, O., et al.