Measuring Higher Order Risk Attitudes of the General Population

Single Wave Study

General Information

Measuring Higher Order Risk Attitudes of the General Population
Project Number
This questionnaire concerns the measurement of the degree of prudence and temperance of respondents by observing several choices between lotteries. The questionnaire consisted of 25 tasks, divided into four parts. Each task involved a virtual throw of the dice, and the result of a throw always resulted in a certain behavior. A throw alternately involved one, two or three dice. Respondents were required to choose between two 'games'. The possible results of the two games always differed. Depending on the condition to which respondents were assigned the amounts were low, normal, or high and depending on the condition respondents were promised and awarded prizes or such prizes were neither promised nor awarded.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Van De Kuilen, G., Trautmann, S.T.
© 2010 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
image used in the questionnaire
illustration used in the questionnaire
illustration used in the questionnaire
illustration used in the questionnaire
illustration used in the questionnaire
illustration used in the questionnaire
illustration used in the questionnaire
illustration used in the questionnaire

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
bl09a_mMonth in which the questionnaire was completedconstructed
bl09a001Experimental conditionconstructed
bl09a002Position of tasksconstructed
bl09a003Sequence in part 1constructed
bl09a004Sequence of parts 2 and 3constructed
bl09a005Sequence within part 2constructed
bl09a006Sequence within part 2constructed
bl09a007Sequence within part 2constructed
bl09a008Sequence within part 2constructed
bl09a009Sequence within part 2constructed
bl09a010Sequence within part 3constructed
bl09a011Sequence within part 3constructed
bl09a012Sequence within part 3constructed
bl09a013Sequence within part 3constructed
bl09a014Sequence within part 3constructed
bl09a015Result - a prize or notconstructed
bl09a016Game 1directly measured
bl09a017Game 2directly measured
bl09a018Game 3directly measured
bl09a019Game 4directly measured
bl09a020Game 5directly measured
bl09a021Game 6directly measured
bl09a022Game 7directly measured
bl09a023Game 8directly measured
bl09a024Game 9directly measured
bl09a025Game 10directly measured
bl09a026Game 11directly measured
bl09a027Game 12directly measured
bl09a028Game 13directly measured
bl09a029Game 14directly measured
bl09a030Game 15directly measured
bl09a031Game 16directly measured
bl09a032Game 17directly measured
bl09a033Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
bl09a034Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
bl09a035Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
bl09a036Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
bl09a037Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
bl09a038Starting date questionnaireconstructed
bl09a039Starting time questionnaireconstructed
bl09a040End date questionnaireconstructed
bl09a041End time questionnaireconstructed
bl09a042Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: HigherOrderRisk

This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch.

Browse HigherOrderRisk

Response Information

Response Overview

Overview of the response:
Selected number of household members: 5788 (100.0%)
Non-response: 2332 (40.3%)
Response: 3457 (59.7%)
Complete: 3425 (59.2%)
Incomplete: 32 (0.6%)

Collection Events
07-12-2009 to 30-12-2009
a random selection of members of the LISS panel of 16 years of age and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was sent twice to non-respondents


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Beyond the Gender Stereotype: Masculinity and Femininity as Predictors of Financial Risk Tolerance Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management; Eyck, N.
Prudence and prevention – Empirical evidence Ruhr Economic Papers No. 863; Mayrhofer. T., et al.
Moral hazard and selection for voluntary deductibles Health economics, 29(10), 1251-1269; Alessie, R. J., et al.
Higher order risk attitudes, demographics, and financial decisions Review of Economic Studies, 81(1), pp. 325-355; Noussair, C.N. et al.