Resilience towards robotization: The willingness, opportunity and ability of individuals to prepare for automation at the workplace

Single Wave Study

General Information

Resilience towards robotization: The willingness, opportunity and ability of individuals to prepare for automation at the workplace
Project Number
This research aims to examine whether there are differences in the extent to which people in the Netherlands are interested in reskilling or upskilling to prepare for automation, have access to relevant types of education, and have the ability to engage successfully in reskilling or upskilling.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Giedo Jansen (University of Twente); Suzanne Janssen (University of Twente); Mark Levels (ROA, Maastricht University)
© 2021 CentERdata
Funding Organization

Datasets and documentation

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Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
sh20a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
sh20a001Which of these situations applies to you? If more than one situation applies, please choose the most important job or activity. I am...directly measured
sh20a002Are you currently seeking paid work?directly measured
sh20a003Do you also perform paid work?directly measured
sh20a004Are you currently seeking paid work?directly measured
sh20a005My occupation could be performed by new technologies (for instance artificial intelligence, robots or algorithms).directly measured
sh20a006I do worry personally that my occupation could also be performed by new technologies.directly measured
sh20a007I do worry personally about my future on the labor market because new technologies could replace people.directly measured
sh20a008I would have to follow an education program to learn to perform another occupation because new technologies could replace my current occupation.directly measured
sh20a009I would have to follow an education program so that I can continue to perform my current occupation, because new technologies are changing my occupation.directly measured
sh20a010The occupation for which I am training could also be performed by new technologies.directly measured
sh20a011I do worry personally about my future on the labor market because new technologies could replace people.directly measured
sh20a012I am considering switching to another education program because new technologies could perform work in my future work field.directly measured
sh20a013The occupation for which I have been trained could also be performed by new technologies. directly measured
sh20a014I do worry personally about my future on the labor market because new technologies could replace people.directly measured
sh20a015I am considering switching to another education program because new technologies could perform work in my future work field.directly measured
sh20a016New technological developments have changed the content of my occupation.directly measured
sh20a017I am well able to keep up with technological developments in my work.directly measured
sh20a018I am well able to work with the new technologies required by my occupation.directly measured
sh20a019I would need to follow a training course in order to keep up with new technological developments in my occupation.directly measured
sh20a020My education program is preparing me sufficiently for technological developments in my future work field. directly measured
sh20a021My education program has sufficient attention for new digital skills, computerization, and/or new technologies.directly measured
sh20a022My skills are a good fit with technological developments in my prospective work field.directly measured
sh20a023I would like to be provided with a training course to help me keep up with technological developments in the labor market.directly measured
sh20a024I find it important to keep up with new technological developments in the workplace.directly measured
sh20a025I regularly spend time learning new technological skills for my work. directly measured
sh20a026I am willing to spend extra time on learning new technological skills for my work.directly measured
sh20a027I regularly spend time learning new technological skills as part of my education program.directly measured
sh20a028I find it very important to keep up with new technological developments in my future work field.directly measured
sh20a029I regularly spend time learning new technological skills in order to increase my chances of finding a job. directly measured
sh20a030I am willing to spend extra time on learning new technological skills in order to increase my chances of finding a job.directly measured
sh20a031In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Job performance and/or assessment interviews directly measured
sh20a032In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Personal training or development plan directly measured
sh20a033In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Regular feedback by your direct manager directly measured
sh20a034In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Regular feedback by colleagues directly measured
sh20a035In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Career planningdirectly measured
sh20a036In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Coachingdirectly measured
sh20a037In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Job rotationdirectly measured
sh20a038In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Task rotationdirectly measured
sh20a039In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Secondment to other department within the same organizationdirectly measured
sh20a040In what way does the company or organization where you work focus on keeping up with the technological developments that affect the content of the work? Performance rewards or bonusesdirectly measured
sh20a041In my organization…co-workers help each other to learn new technological skills.directly measured
sh20a042In my organization…co-workers are given time to learn new technological skills.directly measured
sh20a043"In my organization…co-workers are allocated budget to learn new technological skills." directly measured
sh20a044In my organization…co-workers are rewarded for learning new technological skills.directly measured
sh20a045In my organization…co-workers are given the same opportunity to attend a training course or education program.directly measured
sh20a046In my organization…better performing co-workers are given priority to follow a training course or education program.directly measured
sh20a047Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? Training course paid for or arranged by your employerdirectly measured
sh20a048Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? Training course paid for by yourselfdirectly measured
sh20a049Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? Direct on-the-job instruction provided by colleagues or managerdirectly measured
sh20a050Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? Other type of training coursedirectly measured
sh20a051Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? Training course paid for or arranged by a customer of contractordirectly measured
sh20a052Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? Training course paid for by yourselfdirectly measured
sh20a053Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? Other type of training coursedirectly measured
sh20a054Did you, in the past 12 months, follow [...] courses in order to keep up with technological developments in your prospective work field? Training course paid for or arranged by the UWV, the municipal authority or another organizationdirectly measured
sh20a055Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in your prospective work field? Training course paid for or arranged by your last employerdirectly measured
sh20a056Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in your prospective work field? Training course paid for by yourselfdirectly measured
sh20a057Did you, in the past 12 months, follow one of the following types of training courses in order to keep up with technological developments in your prospective work field? Other training coursedirectly measured
sh20a058How many days did you follow this training course or courses, in order to keep up with technological developments?directly measured
sh20a059Did you, in the past 12 months, engage in one of the following forms of self-study in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? self-study using handbooks or (professional) literature directly measured
sh20a060Did you, in the past 12 months, engage in one of the following forms of self-study in order to keep up with technological developments in the content of your work? online self-studydirectly measured
sh20a061Did you, in the past 12 months, engage in one of the following forms of self-study in order to keep up with technological developments in your prospective work field? self-study using handbooks or (professional) literaturedirectly measured
sh20a062Did you, in the past 12 months, engage in one of the following forms of self-study in order to keep up with technological developments in your prospective work field? online self-studydirectly measured
sh20a063Did you, in the past 12 months, engage in one of the following forms of self-study in order to keep up with technological developments in your prospective work field? self-study using handbooks or (professional) literaturedirectly measured
sh20a064Did you, in the past 12 months, engage in one of the following forms of self-study in order to keep up with technological developments in your prospective work field? online self-studydirectly measured
sh20a065How many hours did you spend on self-study in the past 12 months?directly measured
sh20a066To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your activities? Working with large datafiles directly measured
sh20a067To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your activities? Programming algorithmsdirectly measured
sh20a068To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your activities? Working with robots directly measured
sh20a069To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your activities? Inventing new things directly measured
sh20a070To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your activities? Empathizing with other peopledirectly measured
sh20a071If your work requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Working with large datafilesdirectly measured
sh20a072If your work requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Programming algorithms directly measured
sh20a073If your work requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Working with robots directly measured
sh20a074If your work requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Inventing new things directly measured
sh20a075If your work requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Empathizing with other peopledirectly measured
sh20a076To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your education program? Working with large datafiles directly measured
sh20a077To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your education program? Programming algorithms directly measured
sh20a078To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your education program? Working with robots directly measured
sh20a079To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your education program? Inventing new things directly measured
sh20a080To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of your education program? Empathizing with other peopledirectly measured
sh20a081If your education program requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Working with large datafilesdirectly measured
sh20a082If your education program requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Programming algorithmsdirectly measured
sh20a083If your education program requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Working with robotsdirectly measured
sh20a084If your education program requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Inventing new thingsdirectly measured
sh20a085If your education program requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Empathizing with other peopledirectly measured
sh20a086To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of the possible jobs that you are seeking? Working with large datafiles directly measured
sh20a087To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of the possible jobs that you are seeking? Programming algorithmsdirectly measured
sh20a088To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of the possible jobs that you are seeking? Working with robotsdirectly measured
sh20a089To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of the possible jobs that you are seeking? Inventing new thingsdirectly measured
sh20a090To what extent do the following activities or skills make up part of the possible jobs that you are seeking? Empathizing with other peopledirectly measured
sh20a091If a future job requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Working with large datafiles directly measured
sh20a092If a future job requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Programming algorithmsdirectly measured
sh20a093If a future job requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Working with robotsdirectly measured
sh20a094If a future job requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Inventing new thingsdirectly measured
sh20a095If a future job requires you to exercise the skill or skills listed below, are you able to do so effectively? Empathizing with other peopledirectly measured
sh20a096What is your current occupation or job? Please describe this as specifically as you can, for example by indicating a specialism, department or level.directly measured
sh20a097For what occupation or job are you being trained? Please describe this as specifically as you can, for example by indicating a specialism, department or level.directly measured
sh20a098What was your last occupation or job? Please describe this as specifically as you can, for example by indicating a specialism, department or level.directly measured
sh20a099What kind of employment contract do you have?directly measured
sh20a100Does your employment contract have one of the following features?directly measured
sh20a101In my job, it is possible to maintain social distancing toward other people.directly measured
sh20a102I think that new technologies (such as artificial intelligence or robots) could help to maintain social distancing in my job. directly measured
sh20a103Why do you think that new technologies (such as artificial intelligence or robots) could help to maintain social distancing in your job?directly measured
sh20a104Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
sh20a105Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
sh20a106Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
sh20a107Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
sh20a108Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
sh20a109Starting date questionnaireconstructed
sh20a110Starting time questionnairconstructed
sh20a111End date questionnaireconstructed
sh20a112End time questionnaireconstructed
sh20a113Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Resilience towards robotization: The willingness, opportunity and ability of individuals to prepare for automation at the workplace

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse Resilience towards robotization: The willingness, opportunity and ability of individuals to prepare for automation at the workplace

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 3,350 (100.0%)
Non-response: 780 (23.3%)
Response: 2,570 (76.7%)
Complete: 2,542 (75.9%)
Incomplete: 28 (0.8%)
Collection Events
01-06-2020 to 30-06-2020
For this questionnaire panel members who are working, seeking work, or studying are selected
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents