State of the environment and environmental policy

Single Wave Study

General Information

State of the environment and environmental policy
Project Number
This study is about the state of the environment and environmental policies. This study was administered as part of the Balans voor de Leefomgeving 2020 (State of the environment) about people’s attitudes and opinions with regard to the state of the environment and of environmental policy.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Jetske Bouma (PBL)
© 2021 CentERdata
Funding Organization
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
qk20a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
qk20a001Do you think the government is doing enough to...halve the Netherlands’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2030?directly measured
qk20a002Do you think the government is doing enough to...increase the amount of energy generated from clean sources such as wind and solar power?directly measured
qk20a003Do you think the government is doing enough to...keep the costs of this climate policy down?directly measured
qk20a004Do you think the government is doing enough to...protect the Netherlands against the impact of climate change?directly measured
qk20a005Climate change will have an impact on my immediate surroundings.directly measured
qk20a006The impact of climate change is overstated.directly measured
qk20a007Climate change mainly has an impact on faraway countries.directly measured
qk20a008Climate change will probably have a great impact on people like me.directly measured
qk20a009I am unsure as to whether climate change really exists.directly measured
qk20a010Seeing as it is still so unclear what the impact of climate change will be, the Dutch government should focus on other things instead.directly measured
qk20a011Do you think the Netherlands will experience the impact of climate change, for instance in the form of extreme weather?directly measured
qk20a012The energy transition in the Netherlands is going too slowly.directly measured
qk20a013The costs involved in the energy transition are too high for society.directly measured
qk20a014The costs involved in the energy transition are not distributed fairly.directly measured
qk20a015I am concerned because a lot of people in my community are not taking the energy transition seriously.directly measured
qk20a016I think it’s senseless that so many buildings in the Netherlands are being or will be insulated.directly measured
qk20a017There is insufficient focus on the impact that on-shore wind turbines and solar panels have on their surroundings.directly measured
qk20a018Are you concerned about the following things? Summers getting hotter and drier.directly measured
qk20a019Are you concerned about the following things? Greater chance of flooding.directly measured
qk20a020Are you concerned about the following things? Increase in diseases and plagues.directly measured
qk20a021Are you concerned about the following things? Rising sea levels.directly measured
qk20a022Are you concerned about the following things? Changes to nature that will lead to the extinction of some animal and plant species.directly measured
qk20a023Are you concerned about the following things? Parts of the world becoming uninhabitable and this potentially leading to climate refugees.directly measured
qk20a024Are you concerned about the following things? Rising cost of energy.directly measured
qk20a025Are you concerned about the following things? Increasing risk of food shortages.directly measured
qk20a026Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to stem global warming and to protect people against the impact of global warming? Major corporations and industrydirectly measured
qk20a027Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to stem global warming and to protect people against the impact of global warming? Farmersdirectly measured
qk20a028Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to stem global warming and to protect people against the impact of global warming? Citizensdirectly measured
qk20a029Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to stem global warming and to protect people against the impact of global warming? My local and provincial authoritydirectly measured
qk20a030Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to stem global warming and to protect people against the impact of global warming? The Dutch governmentdirectly measured
qk20a031Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to stem global warming and to protect people against the impact of global warming? The European Uniondirectly measured
qk20a032Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to stem global warming and to protect people against the impact of global warming? The rest of the worlddirectly measured
qk20a033Do you think the government is doing enough to…ensure sufficient and safe food?directly measured
qk20a034Do you think the government is doing enough to…maintain and protect nature reserves?directly measured
qk20a035Do you think the government is doing enough to…protect rare plant and animal species?directly measured
qk20a036Do you think the government is doing enough to…make sure that farmers do not pollute the environment (air, water, soil)?directly measured
qk20a037Do you think the government is doing enough to…reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture?directly measured
qk20a038Do you think the government is doing enough to…protect the quality of groundwater and water in rivers and lakes?directly measured
qk20a039Do you think the government is doing enough to…make sure farmers have sufficient income?directly measured
qk20a040Protect current nature reserves.directly measured
qk20a041Designate new nature reserves and enlarge existing ones.directly measured
qk20a042Interconnect nature reserves.directly measured
qk20a043Protect nature in the countryside.directly measured
qk20a044Work together with farmers to protect nature.directly measured
qk20a045Work together with citizens to protect nature.directly measured
qk20a046What’s your view on the amount of nature found across the Netherlands?directly measured
qk20a047Do you think that nature reserves in the Netherlands are generally in good or poor condition?directly measured
qk20a048It is extremely important that we make agriculture in the Netherlands more environmentally friendly.directly measured
qk20a049It is important to me that farmers in the Netherlands have a future.directly measured
qk20a050Dutch farmers treat their cattle well.directly measured
qk20a051I believe that Dutch agriculture is a key reason why rare animal and plant species are lost.directly measured
qk20a052In my view, farmers should be given extra funds to make their business more environmentally friendly.directly measured
qk20a053Responsibly produced food with low impact on nature, the environment, and animals is too expensive for people like me.directly measured
qk20a054Supermarkets and companies must make food production more environmentally friendly.directly measured
qk20a055We have too much cattle in the Netherlands.directly measured
qk20a056I would be willing to pay more for food if it is produced in a way that is environmentally friendly.directly measured
qk20a057Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to protect nature? Major corporations and industrydirectly measured
qk20a058Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to protect nature? Farmersdirectly measured
qk20a059Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to protect nature? Citizensdirectly measured
qk20a060Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to protect nature? My local and provincial authoritydirectly measured
qk20a061Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to protect nature? The Dutch governmentdirectly measured
qk20a062Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to protect nature? The European Uniondirectly measured
qk20a063Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to protect nature? The rest of the worlddirectly measured
qk20a064Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to make agriculture in the Netherlands more environmentally friendly? Major corporations and industrydirectly measured
qk20a065Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to make agriculture in the Netherlands more environmentally friendly? Farmersdirectly measured
qk20a066Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to make agriculture in the Netherlands more environmentally friendly? Citizensdirectly measured
qk20a067Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to make agriculture in the Netherlands more environmentally friendly? My local and provincial authoritydirectly measured
qk20a068Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to make agriculture in the Netherlands more environmentally friendly? The Dutch governmentdirectly measured
qk20a069Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to make agriculture in the Netherlands more environmentally friendly? The European Uniondirectly measured
qk20a070Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to make agriculture in the Netherlands more environmentally friendly? The rest of the worlddirectly measured
qk20a071Do you think the government is doing enough to…ensure the availability of sufficient affordable housing?directly measured
qk20a072Do you think the government is doing enough to…ensure unique landscapes are preserved?directly measured
qk20a073Do you think the government is doing enough to…ensure that people can easily get to their jobs, family physician, and stores?directly measured
qk20a074Do you think the government is doing enough to…ensure smart use of the limited space available in the Netherlands?directly measured
qk20a075Do you think the government is doing enough to…ensure sufficient public transport?directly measured
qk20a076I am satisfied with the neighborhood I live in.directly measured
qk20a077I have to travel increasingly far for the things and services I need.directly measured
qk20a078There are barely any homes available in my local area that are affordable for people like me.directly measured
qk20a079Housing should primarily be built in cities, not in the outskirts.directly measured
qk20a080We need more roads to reduce congestion in the Netherlands.directly measured
qk20a081Cars should be banned from inner city areas.directly measured
qk20a082Public transport is too expensive for people like me.directly measured
qk20a083In my neighborhood, people look out for each other.directly measured
qk20a084My neighborhood is well-prepared for extreme weather such as flooding and dry, hot summers.directly measured
qk20a085Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Affordable, healthy fooddirectly measured
qk20a086Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Clean airdirectly measured
qk20a087Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Prevention of noise pollutiondirectly measured
qk20a088Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Prevention of odor nuisancedirectly measured
qk20a089Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Parking facilitiesdirectly measured
qk20a090Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Shopsdirectly measured
qk20a091Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Public transportdirectly measured
qk20a092Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Clean neighborhood (no litter)directly measured
qk20a093Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Safe neighborhood (crime)directly measured
qk20a094Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Road traffic safetydirectly measured
qk20a095Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Preparedness for extreme weather (heat, flooding)directly measured
qk20a096Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Access to clean energy and home insulationdirectly measured
qk20a097Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Green spaces, parks, playgrounds, and space for sports and recreationdirectly measured
qk20a098Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Care for the elderlydirectly measured
qk20a099Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Activities for young peopledirectly measured
qk20a100Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Neighborly assistance and care for each otherdirectly measured
qk20a101Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Good schoolsdirectly measured
qk20a102Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Banks and ATMsdirectly measured
qk20a103Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Medical caredirectly measured
qk20a104Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Nature in the citydirectly measured
qk20a105Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Protection of the landscape and naturedirectly measured
qk20a106Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Other, namely:directly measured
qk20a107Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? There is nothing that needs to be improved in my neighborhood, city, or regiondirectly measured
qk20a108Which of the following things should be improved in your neighborhood, city, or region? Other, namely:directly measured
qk20a109Compared to 5 years ago, do you think the Dutch landscape today is generally more beautiful or uglier?directly measured
qk20a110Do you expect the Dutch landscape to become more beautiful or uglier over the coming 5 years?directly measured
qk20a111Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? The disappearance of flower, plant, animal, and insect speciesdirectly measured
qk20a112Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? The disappearance of trees, hedges, rows of trees around fields and pasturesdirectly measured
qk20a113Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? The construction of oversized stables for cattledirectly measured
qk20a114Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? The construction of new company premises and industrial parksdirectly measured
qk20a115Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? Home constructiondirectly measured
qk20a116Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? The construction of new roads and railroadsdirectly measured
qk20a117Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? The construction of wind turbinesdirectly measured
qk20a118Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? The creation of large fields of ground-mounted solar panelsdirectly measured
qk20a119Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? Increasing noise levels and noise pollutiondirectly measured
qk20a120Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? Other changes, namely:directly measured
qk20a121Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? There are no developments in rural areas that I’m concerned aboutdirectly measured
qk20a122Which of the following developments in rural areas are you concerned about? Other changes, namely:directly measured
qk20a123Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough for your neighborhood, city, or region? Major corporations and industrydirectly measured
qk20a124Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough for your neighborhood, city, or region? Farmersdirectly measured
qk20a125Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough for your neighborhood, city, or region? Citizensdirectly measured
qk20a126Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough for your neighborhood, city, or region? My local and provincial authoritydirectly measured
qk20a127Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough for your neighborhood, city, or region? The Dutch governmentdirectly measured
qk20a128Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough for your neighborhood, city, or region? The European Uniondirectly measured
qk20a129Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough for your neighborhood, city, or region? The rest of the worlddirectly measured
qk20a130Do you think the government is doing enough to…halve resource use by 2030?directly measured
qk20a131Do you think the government is doing enough to…reduce waste?directly measured
qk20a132Do you think the government is doing enough to…encourage recycling?directly measured
qk20a133Do you think the government is doing enough to…reduce environmental pollution caused by product manufacturing and disposal?directly measured
qk20a134Do you think the government is doing enough to…encourage reuse of the same raw materials?directly measured
qk20a135I regularly buy second-hand products.directly measured
qk20a136There is a thrift store in my neighborhood.directly measured
qk20a137If I were to buy second-hand products, I would be hesitant to tell anyone I bought a second-hand product.directly measured
qk20a138Second-hand products are often of poor quality.directly measured
qk20a139By buying second-hand products, you are contributing to protecting the environment.directly measured
qk20a140I only buy second-hand products when they come with a warranty.directly measured
qk20a141I would be open to long-term leasing of products (for at least one year).directly measured
qk20a142Leasing a product may be cheaper than buying it.directly measured
qk20a143I take better care of leased items than things I bought.directly measured
qk20a144I prefer to own things.directly measured
qk20a145By leasing products, you are contributing to protecting the environment.directly measured
qk20a146I would be more open to leasing if it were more affordable.directly measured
qk20a147I am open to buying products made from used parts or materials.directly measured
qk20a148I prefer new products.directly measured
qk20a149Products made from recycled parts are of inferior quality.directly measured
qk20a150I would be more open to recycled products if they were cheaper than new products.directly measured
qk20a151By buying recycled products, you are contributing to protecting the environment.directly measured
qk20a152I only buy products made from recycled materials when they come with a warranty.directly measured
qk20a153Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to create a circular economy? Major corporations and industrydirectly measured
qk20a154Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to create a circular economy? Farmersdirectly measured
qk20a155Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to create a circular economy? Citizensdirectly measured
qk20a156Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to create a circular economy? My local and provincial authoritydirectly measured
qk20a157Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to create a circular economy? The Dutch governmentdirectly measured
qk20a158Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to create a circular economy? The European Uniondirectly measured
qk20a159Do you think the following people and organizations are doing enough to create a circular economy? The rest of the worlddirectly measured
qk20a160What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? National newspapersdirectly measured
qk20a161What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Regional/local newspapersdirectly measured
qk20a162What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Television (current affairs programs, movies, documentaries)directly measured
qk20a163What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Radiodirectly measured
qk20a164What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Family, friends, neighbors, or colleaguesdirectly measured
qk20a165What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Books, magazines, or (scientific) literaturedirectly measured
qk20a166What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Information leaflets and events (conferences, trade fairs, exhibitions, festivals)directly measured
qk20a167What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Internet (websites, blogs, and forums)directly measured
qk20a168What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)directly measured
qk20a169What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Other, namely:directly measured
qk20a170What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? I am not interested in information about the environmentdirectly measured
qk20a171What sources of information do you use, watch, or listen to for information about the environment? Other, namely:directly measured
qk20a172I am only willing to help the environment if others do so as well.directly measured
qk20a173It angers me when other people want me to change my lifestyle for the benefit of the environment.directly measured
qk20a174Future environmental problems will have to be dealt with by the people who live then.directly measured
qk20a175I am willing to change my lifestyle to help the environment.directly measured
qk20a176It saddens me when I think about how our (great)grandchildren will probably have to live their lives.directly measured
qk20a177All that attention for nature and the environment is exaggerated.directly measured
qk20a178I do not want the government’s policy to tackle environmental problems to cost me anything extra.directly measured
qk20a179Environmental problems will have to be solved by technology and new inventions.directly measured
qk20a180Protecting the environment must not stand in the way of economic progress.directly measured
qk20a181We all need to live simpler lives to protect the environment.directly measured
qk20a182Our health and quality of life depend on healthy nature.directly measured
qk20a183It is a moral duty to care for nature and the environment.directly measured
qk20a184Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
qk20a185Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
qk20a186Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
qk20a187Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
qk20a188Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
qk20a189Starting date of the questionnaireconstructed
qk20a191Starting time of the questionnaireconstructed
qk20a190End date of the questionnaireconstructed
qk20a192End time of the questionnaireconstructed
qk20a193Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: State of the environment and environmental policy

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse State of the environment and environmental policy

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2,778 (100.0%)
Non-response: 658 (23.7%)
Response: 2,120 (76.3%)
Complete: 2,092 (75.3%)
Incomplete: 28 (1.0%)
Collection Events
06-04-2020 to 28-04-2020
A random sample of panel members aged 18 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents